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File metadata and controls

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Julia Useful Commands and Code

Here is a collection of useful code that I've either found or made myself

Julia code quirks

Most of these quirks are very useful so it is good to know about them.

Path management

Path management can be a pain to figure out so I'm adding everything I've learned about path management in Julia here.

  • @__DIR__ and dirname(@__FILE__) both return an AbstractString

  • The following for loop is kind of like globbing for files that end in a certain extension:

    for f in filter(x -> endswith(x, "jl"), readdir())
  • I find it very common to put a script in a folder and want to have the program "search" for a folder in parent folders until that folder is found. This is how I do that in a function.

    using FilePathsBase
    using Glob
    function find_edgelist_files(target_folder)
        """finds the directory with all of the edgelist files"""
        path = Path(dirname(@__FILE__))
        n = 0
        while true
            listDirs = [path_1 for path_1 in readdir(path) if isdir(path)]
            listDirsStem = [string(basename(path_1)) for path_1 in readdir(path) if isdir(path)]
            if target_folder in listDirsStem
                path = path / target_folder
                files = glob("*.csv", string(path))
                # break
                return files, path
                path = parent(path)
    target_folder = "author_subreddit_edgelists"

Dataframe related code

  • Similar to the isin function in pandas where you filter a dataframe based on what is in another array or list of items

    df[ [x in [3,4] for x in df[:A]] ,:]

Random bits of useful code

  • An easy way to time some function is to use the @elapsed macro, this will print the output in seconds that it took to run whatever you're evaluating