- 基础议题(Basics)
- 条款1:仔细区别pointers和reference (Distinguish between pointers and reference.)
- 条款2:最好使用C++转型操作符 (Prefer C++-style casets.)
- 条款3:绝对不要以多态(polymorphically)方式处理数组 (Never treat arrays polmorphically.)
- 条款4:非必要不提供default constructors. (Avoid gratuitous default constructors.)
- 操作符(Operators)
- 条款5:对定制的“类型转换函数”保持警觉(Be wary of user-defined conversion functions.)
- 条款6:区别increment/decrement操作符的前置(prefix)和后置(postfix)形式(Distinguish between prefix and postfix forms of increment and decrement operators.)
- 条款7:千万不要重载
操作符(Never overload &&, ||, or ,.) - 条款8:了解各种不同意义的
(Understand the different meanings of new and delete.)
- 异常(Exceptions)
- 条款9:利用destructors避免泄露资源(Use destrustors to prevent resource leaks.)
- 条款10:在constructors内组织资源泄露(Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors.)
- 条款11:禁止异常(exceptions)流出destructors之外
- 条款12:了解“抛出一个exception”与“传递一个参数”或“调用一个虚函数”之间的差异(Unerstand how throwing an exception differs from passing a parameter or calling a virtual function.)
- 条款13:以by reference方式捕捉exceptions (Catch exceptions by reference.)
- 条款14:明智运用exception specifications (Use exception specifications judiciously.)
- 条款15:了解异常处理(exception handling)的成本 (Understand the costs of exception handling.)
- 效率(Efficiency)
- 条款16:谨记80-20法则(Remember the 80-20 rule.)