Looking at the Translate API there are a few services available:
- language detection
- lists of languages supported for translation
- translation
Under language detection:
we are provided with fields to make requests
- anything in red is required
requests can be done via OAuth 2.0 or as unauthorised requests
requests are sent via URL parameters:
GET https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/detect?q=bonjour&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
response data is JSON
Under language translations
- there are additional fields including a 'fields' field:
- allows one to customise output instead of receiving the entire response
Creating a bucket via the API:
- Make sure that the API is enabled under the current project under APIs and Services
- Visiting Cloud Storage should show no buckets for a new project
- In API explorer select the service for inserting / creating a new bucket
- Add fields
- under 'Request body' there's a field with name but no value - these are required fields
- add another field under 'Request body' for
, and select from option suggested by the question mark
- Creating a bucket has to be done with authorisation, as it will affect our project directly
- a modal appears requesting which scopes are authorised for the bucket
- We can see which scope are enabled for this API in the top-right question mark next to the OAuth toggler
- Once the bucket is created
- we can see the request and response
- we can see the bucket in the project
To add to the bucket we can use gsutil:
$ gsutil cp *.png gs://[your-bucket-id]
Copying file://[my-files]...
| [1 files][ 28.4 MiB/ 28.4 MiB] 3.1 MiB/s
Operation completed over 1 objects/28.4 MiB.
Find Cloud Storage JSON API v1 and click to view the scopes available on that API.
To read from the bucket created:
- select teh readonly scope
- authorise
- exchange authorisation code for tokens
- once exchanged, we receive an access token and refresh token in the response
- our app uses the access token to make requests to the API
- access tokens have a lifespan - this is where the refresh token comes into play
- the refresh token is used to refresh the lifespan of the access token
- refreshing the token changes the access token and resets the lifespan
- make a request:
we can create the request by hand,
or we can list all possible operations using the button provided
select 'list objects' and replace the bucket name placeholder in the input
make the request and view the response