PowerModelsDistribution.jl is an extention package of PowerModels.jl for Steady-State Power Distribution Network Optimization. It is designed to enable computational evaluation of emerging power network formulations and algorithms in a common platform. The code is engineered to decouple problem specifications (e.g. Power Flow, Optimal Power Flow, ...) from the power network formulations (e.g. AC, linear-approximation, SOC-relaxation, ...). This enables the definition of a wide variety of power network formulations and their comparison on common problem specifications.
- Power Flow (pf)
- Optimal Power Flow (opf), for the Bus Injection Model (BIM) as well as the Branch Flow Model (BFM)
- Continuous load shed, minimum load delta (mld), for the Branch Flow Model (LPLinUBFPowerModel), AC Polar (ACPPowerModel), and Network Flow Approximation (NFAPowerModel)
- AC (polar and rectangular coordinates)
- SDP BFM relaxation
- SOC BFM and BIM relaxation (W-space)
- Linear approximation (LinDist3Flow and simplified unbalanced DistFlow)
- Matlab ".m" files (extended for three-phase)
- OpenDSS ".dss" files
Warning: This package is under active development and may change drastically without warning.
Community-driven development and enhancement of PowerModelsDistribution are welcome and encouraged. Please fork this repository and share your contributions to the master with pull requests.
This code has been developed as part of the Advanced Network Science Initiative at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The primary developers are David Fobes(@pseudocubic) and Carleton Coffrin(@ccoffrin) with support from the following contributors:
- Sander Claeys (@sanderclaeys) KU Leuven, transformer models and ACR formulation
- Frederik Geth (@frederikgeth) CSIRO, Distribution modeling advise
This code is provided under a BSD license as part of the Multi-Infrastructure Control and Optimization Toolkit (MICOT) project, LA-CC-13-108.