提高 CDN 命中率
http_hooks 下增加:
# when srs reap a ts file of hls, call this hook,
# used to push file to cdn network, by get the ts file from cdn network.
# so we use HTTP GET and use the variable following:
# [app], replace with the app.
# [stream], replace with the stream.
# [param], replace with the param.
# [ts_url], replace with the ts url.
# ignore any return data of server.
# @remark random select a url to report, not report all.
on_hls_notify http://your-cdn/[app]/[ts_url][param];
hls 下增加:
# the max size to notify hls,
# to read max bytes from ts of specified cdn network,
# @remark only used when on_hls_notify is config.
# default: 64
hls_nb_notify 1024;
使用域名推流到 srs,再 forward 到阿里云直播中心
- 在ECS服务器自建了SRS流媒体服务 域名为 srs.xxx.com
- 在阿里云CDN直播中心创建了推流域名 域名为 cloud-push.xxx.com
- 业务需求 将本地流推送到SRS流媒体服务(srs.xxx.com),再由SRS流媒体服务器forward到阿里云CDN(cloud-push.xxx.com),从而实现大规模播放直播的需求
- 版本 使用 3.0.156 版本测试