This page is for anybody who wishes to contribute code to Data Prepper. Welcome!
First, please read our contribution guide for more information on how to contribute to Data Prepper.
Running Data Prepper requires JDK 8 and above.
Running the integration tests requires JDK 14 or 15.
The assemble task will build the Jar files without running the integration tests. You can use these jar files for running DataPrepper. If you are just looking to use DataPrepper and modify it, this build is faster than running the integration test suite and only requires JDK 8+.
To build the project from source, run
./gradlew assemble
from the project root.
Running the build command will assemble the Jar files needed for running DataPrepper. It will also run the integration test suite.
To build, run
./gradlew build
from the project root.
After building, the project can be run from the executable JAR data-prepper-core-$VERSION found in the build/libs directory of the data-prepper-core subproject. The executable JAR takes two arguments:
- A Pipeline configuration file
- A Data Prepper configuration file
See configuration docs for more information.
Example java command:
java -jar data-prepper-core-$VERSION.jar pipelines.yaml data-prepper-config.yaml
Optionally add "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=config/"
to the command if you would like to pass a custom log4j2 properties file. If no properties file is provided, Data Prepper will default to the file in the shared-config directory.
Please read our Error Handling and Logs guides for specific development guidance on those topics.