Amplication Server is the main component of the platform that provides all the core functionality to design and create low-code applications. The server exposes a GraphQL API for all actions. The server is built with the following awesome open source technologies: Node.js, NestJS, Prisma over PostgreSQL, GraphQL API, and many more...
If you need help or have a question, go to our Discord channel, we are here to help.
💡 Before you begin, make sure you have all the below installed:
Install dependencies of the monorepo (execute in root directory):
npm install npm run bootstrap
Update code generated by Prisma
npm run prisma:generate
Build dependencies of the server:
npm run build -- --scope @amplication/server --include-dependencies
Update other generated code
npm run generate
Make sure Docker is running
Move to server directory
cd packages/amplication-server
Get external services up (execute in server directory "packages/amplication-server")
npm run docker
Update application database (execute in server directory "packages/amplication-server")
npm run start:db
Start the development server and watch for changes (execute in server directory "packages/amplication-server")
npm run start:watch
If you use the Google Cloud Platform integration make sure to execute:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
- Get external services up, if they're not already running
npm run docker
- Start the development server and watch for changes, if it's not already running
npm run start:watch
- Format files (editors like VSCode can do it for you automatically)
npm run format
- Lint files (editors like VSCode come with integration to display those continuously)
npm run lint
- Run tests and watch for changes
npm run test:watch
- When needed, update Prisma Schema
npm run migrate:save npm run migrate:up npm run prisma:generate