diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.gitignore b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.gitignore
index dc5af0406b4..289a3f0b6e1 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.gitignore
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.gitignore
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ yarn-error.log*
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.vscode/settings.json b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d386c478d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "i18n-ally.localesPaths": [
+ "public/locales"
+ ],
+ "i18n-ally.enabledParsers": [
+ "json",
+ "yaml",
+ "js",
+ "ts"
+ ],
+ "i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested",
+ "i18n-ally.sortKeys": true,
+ "i18n-ally.keepFulfilled": false,
+ "i18n-ally.sourceLanguage": "zh",
+ "i18n-ally.displayLanguage": "zh",
+ // "i18n-ally.namespace": true,
+ "i18n-ally.pathMatcher": "{locale}/{namespaces}.json",
+ "i18n-ally.extract.targetPickingStrategy": "most-similar-by-key"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/next-i18next.config.js b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/next-i18next.config.js
index 8dca5135fe0..0e139df71ab 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/next-i18next.config.js
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/next-i18next.config.js
@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ module.exports = {
defaultLocale: 'zh',
locales: ['en', 'zh'],
localeDetection: false
- }
+ },
+ reloadOnPrerender: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/en/common.json b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/en/common.json
index 44a805c3d80..ed4ea163fce 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/en/common.json
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/en/common.json
@@ -1,282 +1,268 @@
- "Aborted Connections": "Dropped Connections",
- "Active": "Active",
- "Active Connections": "Active Connections",
- "Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Settings",
- "Age": "Runtime",
- "Anticipated Price": "Projected Cost",
- "app": {
- "Resource Quota": "Resource Limits",
- "The applied CPU exceeds the quota": "CPU requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
- "The applied GPU exceeds the quota": "GPU requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
- "The applied memory exceeds the quota": "Memory requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
- "The applied storage exceeds the quota": "Storage requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
- "The container exposed port cannot be empty": "Must specify container port to expose",
- "The maximum number of exposed ports is 65535": "Exposed port cannot exceed 65535",
- "The minimum exposed port is 1": "Exposed port must be at least 1"
- },
- "App Store": "App Store",
- "Application Source": "Application Source",
- "Are you sure to perform database migration": "Confirm database migration?",
- "Are you sure you want to turn off automatic backup": "Confirm disabling auto backup?",
+ "age": "Runtime",
"Auto": "Automatic",
- "Auto Backup": "Automated Backup",
- "Automatic backup is turned off": "Auto backup disabled",
"Backup": "Backup",
- "Backup Completed": "Backup completed",
- "Backup Database": "Backup Database",
- "Backup Deleting": "Purging Backup",
- "Backup Failed": "Backup Failed",
- "Backup List": "Backup History",
- "Backup Name": "Backup Name",
- "Backup Name cannot empty": "Must provide backup name",
- "Backup Processing": "Saving Backup",
- "Backup Running": "Saving Backup",
- "Backup Time": "Backup Timestamp",
- "Basic": "Basic",
- "Billing Standards": "Pricing Guidelines",
- "Block Read Time": "Block Read Duration",
- "Block Write Time": "Block Write Duration",
"Cancel": "Discard",
- "Cannot Change Name": "Database name cannot be changed",
- "Collection Name": "Collection Name",
- "Command Latency": "Command Latency",
- "Commits Per Second": "Transactions per Second",
- "common": {
- "input": {
- "No Elements to Delete": "No elements selected for deletion",
- "Repeat Value": "Duplicate value entered"
- },
- "Surplus": "Surplus",
- "Total": "Total",
- "Used": "Used"
- },
- "Config Form": "Configuration Form",
- "Config Info": "Configuration Details",
- "Confirm": "Confirm",
- "Confirm Create Backup": "Confirm Create Backup?",
- "Confirm Delete": "Confirm",
- "Confirm delete the backup": "Confirm deleting this backup?",
- "Confirm delete the migrate": "Confirm deleting the migration record?",
- "Confirm Deploy DataBase?": "Confirm deploying the database?",
- "Confirm Restart": "Confirm restarting this application?",
- "Confirm Restart Pod": "Confirm restarting the pod?",
- "Confirm to go": "Confirm Navigation",
- "Confirm Update DataBase?": "Confirm updating the database?",
- "Connection Info": "Connection Details",
+ "confirm": "Confirm",
"Containers": "Containers",
"Continue": "Continue",
- "Continuous Migration": "Continuous Migration",
- "Copy Failed": "Copy Failed",
- "Copy Success": "Copy succeeded",
- "Covering Risks": "Coverage Risks",
- "cpu": "CPU",
- "CPU": "CPU",
- "Create DB": "Create New Database",
"Creating": "Creating",
- "Creation Time": "Creation Time",
"CronExpression": "Cycle Interval",
- "Current Connections": "Current Connections",
- "Data Migration Config": "Data Migration Settings",
+ "DBList": "DataBases",
"DataBase": "DataBase",
- "DataBase Empty": "You don't have any databases yet",
- "Database Host": "Database Hostname",
- "Database Host Empty": "Please enter the database hostname",
- "DataBase Info": "DataBase Info",
- "Database Name": "Database Name",
- "Database Name Empty": "Database name is required",
- "DataBase Name Empty": "Application name is required",
- "DataBase Name Regex": "Start with a letter, only allow lowercase letters, numbers and -",
- "DataBase Name Regex Error": "Database name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, -, and must start with a letter.",
- "Database Password Empty": "Please enter the database password",
- "Database Port Empty": "Please specify the database port",
- "DataBase Size": "Storage Size",
- "DataBase Type": "DataBase Type",
- "Database Usage": "Database Usage",
- "Database UserName Empty": "Please enter the database username",
"Day": "Day",
- "db instances tip": "For optimal performance, use an odd number of {{db}} instances",
- "DB Name": "DataBase Name",
- "DB Table": "DataBase Table",
- "DBList": "DataBases",
"Delete": "Delete",
- "Delete anyway": "Force Delete",
- "Delete Backup": "Delete Backup",
- "Delete Failed": "Failed to delete",
- "Delete Hint": "Warning: This will permanently delete all data in the database. Confirm to proceed.",
- "Delete successful": "Deleted successfully",
- "Delete Template App Tip": "To fully remove this app and all its components, please uninstall it directly from the App Store.",
- "Delete Warning": "Delete Warning",
"Deleting": "Deleting...",
- "Deploy": "Deploy",
- "Deploy DataBase": "Deploy DataBase",
- "Deployment Failed": "Deployment Failed",
- "Deployment Successful": "Deployed Successfully",
+ "deploy": "Deploy",
"Details": "Details",
- "Direct Connection": "connect",
"Disk": "Storage Size",
- "Document Operations": "Document Operations",
- "Duration of Transaction": "Transaction Duration",
- "Enable external network access": "Allow public network access",
- "Enter Save": "Press Enter to save. 'All' exports the entire database.",
- "Event Analyze": "Intelligent Analytics",
- "Event Analyze Error": "Intelligent analytics error",
"Export": "Export",
- "External Address": "Public Domain",
- "External Network": "Internet Access",
"Failed": "Error",
- "Failed to turn off automatic backup": "Auto Backup Disable Failed",
- "file": {
- "Upload Success": "File Uploaded",
- "Uploading": "Uploading File ({{percent}}%)"
- },
- "File upload failed": "File upload failed",
"Friday": "Friday",
- "Have Error": "Failed",
- "Hits Ratio": "Hits Ratio",
"Hour": "Hour",
- "I have read and completed migration preparations": "Migration Preparations Completed",
- "Import Through File": "Import via File",
- "Important tips for migrating": "Tip: Create a new database in sink DB if source_database and sink_database have overlapping data, to avoid conflicts",
- "InnoDB Buffer Pool": "InnoDB Buffer Pool",
- "Intranet Address": "Private Address",
- "Items per DB": "Keys per DB",
- "jump_prompt": "Jump Notification",
- "Key evictions": "Keys Evicted",
- "Limit CPU": "CPU Limit",
- "Limit Memory": "Memory Limit",
"Logs": "Logs",
- "Lost File": "File Missing",
- "Manage all resources": "Manage all resources",
"Manual": "Manual",
- "Manual Backup": "Manual Backup",
- "Manual Backup Tip": "Tip: Backup during off-peak hours. Avoid DDL operations to prevent locking. Be patient if data size is large. Backup starts 1 min after confirmation.",
- "Max Replicas": "Max Replicas: ",
- "Max Storage": "Max Storage: ",
- "memory": "Memory",
- "Memory": "Memory",
- "migrate": {
- "Incremental migration prompt information": "Enable \\\"Continuous Migration\\\" for incremental DB sync (disabled by default).",
- "mongo": {
- "check": "Source Account: Read access to DB, admin, local\\nSink Account: Read\/write access to DB, read access to admin, local"
- },
- "mongodb": {
- "stepOne": "# Replication cluster instance: no scaling needed. Provide primary address for migration.",
- "stepTwo": "# Standalone instance: Extend to single-node replica set for CDC"
- },
- "mysql": {
- "stepOne": "# Set 'binlog_format' parameter to 'row'",
- "stepTwo": "# Set 'binlog_row_image' parameter to 'full'"
- },
- "postgresql": {
- "check": "Source Account: Login access, read access to source, replication privileges\\nSink Account: Login access, read\/write access to sink",
- "stepOne": "# Set 'wal_level' parameter to 'logical'",
- "stepTwo": "# Ensure sufficient capacity for \\\"max_replication_slots\\\" and \\\"max_wal_senders\\\" parameters"
- }
- },
"Migrate": "Migrate",
- "Migrate Config": "Migration Configuration",
- "Migrate Now": "Migrate Now",
"Migrating": "Migrating",
- "Migration Failed": "Migration Failed",
- "Migration Permission Check": "Verifying Migration Permissions",
- "Migration Preparation": "Preparing for Migration",
- "Migration prompt information": "To prevent migration failure caused by XXX, please refrain from any operations during the migration process. The migration may take a while for large datasets. Your patience is appreciated.",
- "Migration Successful": "Migration Completed Successfully",
- "Migration task created successfully": "Migration task created",
- "Min Replicas": "Min Replicas: ",
- "Min Storage": "Min Storage: ",
"Monday": "Monday",
- "Monitor List": "Real-Time Monitoring",
"Name": "Name",
- "No Data Available": "No Data Available",
- "Online Import": "Import Online",
- "Operation": "Operation",
+ "operation": "Operation",
"Option": "Optional",
- "Page Faults": "Page Faults",
- "Parameter Error": "Invalid Parameter",
"Password": "Password",
"Pause": "Pause",
- "Pause Error": "Failed to pause the database",
- "Pause Hint": "Pausing the service will stop the calculation of charges for CPU and memory, but charges for storage and external network ports will still apply. Would you like to pause now?",
- "Pause Success": "Database paused",
"Paused": "Paused",
"Pausing": "Pausing",
"Perday": "Perday",
"Performance": "Performance",
- "Please Enter": "Please Enter",
"Pod": "Pod",
- "Pod Name": "Pod Name",
"Port": "Port",
- "Prompt": "Prompt",
- "Query Operations": "Query Operations",
- "Redis does not support backup at this time": "Backup is currently not supported for Redis",
+ "prompt": "Prompt",
"Remark": "Note",
"Replicas": "Replicas",
- "Replicas Cannot Empty": "Replicas field is required",
- "Replicas List": "Pod List",
"Resources": "Resources",
"Restart": "Restart",
- "Restart Error": "Failed to restart due to an error",
- "Restart Success": "Restarted successfully. Please wait...",
"Restarting": "Restarting",
- "Restarts": "Restart Count",
- "Restore Backup": "Restore from Backup",
- "Restore Backup Tip": "Restoring a backup will create a new database. Please provide a unique name for the new DB.",
- "Restore Database": "Restore Database from Backup",
- "Restore Success": "Backup restored successfully",
- "Rollbacks Per Second": "Rollbacks\/s",
+ "restarts": "Restart Count",
"Running": "Running",
- "Running Time": "Uptime",
"Saturday": "Sat",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveTime": "Retention Period",
- "Select a maximum of 10 files": "Select up to 10 files",
- "Service Deletion Failed": "Failed to delete the service",
- "Set auto backup successful": "Automatic backup task set successfully",
- "Slow Queries": "Slow Queries",
- "Source Database": "Source Database",
"Start": "Start",
- "Start Backup": "Start Backup",
- "Start Error": "Failed to start the database due to an error",
- "Start Hour": "Hour",
- "Start Minute": "Minute",
- "Start Success": "Database started. Please wait...",
- "Start Up": "Launch",
"Starting": "Starting",
"Status": "Status",
- "storage": "Storage",
- "Storage": "Storage",
- "Storage Cannot Empty": "Please specify storage size",
- "Storage Range": "Storage capacity:",
- "Submit Error": "Error submitting form",
"Success": "succeeded",
- "Successfully closed external network access": "Internet access disabled",
"Sunday": "Sun",
- "Table Locks": "Table-level locks",
- "Target Database": "Target Database",
- "The backup task has been created successfully !": "Backup task created successfully!",
- "The multi-replica Redis includes High Availability (HA) nodes, Please note, the anticipated price already encompasses the cost for the HA nodes": "Note: The price for multi-replica Redis includes HA nodes",
- "The restore task has been created failed !": "Failed to create restore task",
- "The Single-node database is only suitable for development testing": "Single-node DB for development and testing only",
"Thursday": "Thu",
- "Total Price": "Grand total",
+ "total_price": "total_price",
"Tuesday": "Tue",
- "Turn On": "Enable",
"Type": "Type",
- "Update": "Update",
- "Update DataBase": "Update DataBase",
- "Update Failed": "Update Failed",
- "Update Successful": "Update succeeded",
- "Update Time": "Update Time",
+ "Unknown": "Unknown",
+ "update": "Update",
"Updating": "Updating",
- "Upload dump file": "Upload Dump File",
- "Upload successful": "Upload Successfully",
- "Use Docs": "Documentation",
"Username": "Username",
- "Version": "Version",
"Wednesday": "Wed",
"Week": "Week",
- "YAML File": "YAML",
- "remark_tip": "Contains up to 10 Chinese characters and 30 English characters"
+ "aborted_connections": "Dropped Connections",
+ "active_connections": "Active Connections",
+ "advanced_configuration": "Advanced Settings",
+ "anticipated_price": "Projected Cost",
+ "app": {
+ "resource_quota": "Resource Limits",
+ "cpu_exceeds_quota": "CPU requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
+ "memory_exceeds_quota": "Memory requested exceeds quota. Contact admin.",
+ "storage_exceeds_quota": "Storage requested exceeds quota. Contact admin."
+ },
+ "app_store": "App Store",
+ "application_source": "Application Source",
+ "are_you_sure_to_perform_database_migration": "Confirm database migration?",
+ "are_you_sure_you_want_to_turn_off_automatic_backup": "Confirm disabling auto backup?",
+ "auto_backup": "Automated Backup",
+ "automatic_backup_is_turned_off": "Auto backup disabled",
+ "backup_completed": "Backup completed",
+ "backup_database": "Backup Database",
+ "backup_deleting": "Purging Backup",
+ "backup_failed": "Backup Failed",
+ "backup_list": "Backup History",
+ "backup_name": "Backup Name",
+ "backup_name_cannot_empty": "Must provide backup name",
+ "backup_processing": "Saving Backup",
+ "backup_running": "Saving Backup",
+ "backup_success_tip": "The backup task has been successfully created",
+ "backup_time": "Backup Timestamp",
+ "basic": "Basic",
+ "billing_standards": "Pricing Guidelines",
+ "block_read_time": "Block Read Duration",
+ "block_write_time": "Block Write Duration",
+ "cannot_change_name": "Database name cannot be changed",
+ "collection_name": "Collection Name",
+ "command_latency": "Command Latency",
+ "commits_per_second": "Transactions per Second",
+ "common": {
+ "Surplus": "Surplus",
+ "Total": "Total",
+ "Used": "Used",
+ "input": {
+ "No Elements to Delete": "No elements selected for deletion",
+ "Repeat Value": "Duplicate value entered"
+ }
+ },
+ "config_form": "Form",
+ "config_info": "Configuration Details",
+ "confirm_delete": "Confirm",
+ "confirm_delete_the_backup": "Confirm deleting this backup?",
+ "confirm_delete_the_migrate": "Confirm deleting the migration record?",
+ "confirm_deploy_database": "Confirm deploying the database?",
+ "confirm_restart": "Confirm restarting this application?",
+ "confirm_restart_pod": "Confirm restarting the pod?",
+ "confirm_to_go": "Confirm Navigation",
+ "confirm_update_database": "Confirm updating the database?",
+ "connection_info": "Connection Details",
+ "continuous_migration": "Continuous Migration",
+ "copy_failed": "Copy Failed",
+ "copy_success": "Copy succeeded",
+ "covering_risks": "Coverage Risks",
+ "cpu": "CPU",
+ "create_db": "Create New Database",
+ "creation_time": "Creation Time",
+ "current_connections": "Current Connections",
+ "data_migration_config": "Data Migration Settings",
+ "database_empty": "You don't have any databases yet",
+ "database_host": "Database Hostname",
+ "database_host_empty": "Please enter the database hostname",
+ "database_name": "Database Name",
+ "database_name_cannot_empty": "Database name cannot be empty",
+ "database_name_empty": "Application name is required",
+ "database_name_regex": "Start with a letter, only allow lowercase letters, numbers and -",
+ "database_name_regex_error": "Database name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, -, and must start with a letter.",
+ "database_password_empty": "Please enter the database password",
+ "database_port_empty": "Please specify the database port",
+ "database_type": "DataBase Type",
+ "database_usage": "Database Usage",
+ "database_username_empty": "Please enter the database username",
+ "db_instances_tip": "For optimal performance, use an odd number of {{db}} instances",
+ "db_name": "DataBase Name",
+ "db_table": "DataBase Table",
+ "delete_anyway": "Force Delete",
+ "delete_backup": "Delete Backup",
+ "delete_failed": "Failed to delete",
+ "delete_hint": "Warning: This will permanently delete all data in the database. Confirm to proceed.",
+ "delete_successful": "Deleted successfully",
+ "delete_template_app_tip": "To fully remove this app and all its components, please uninstall it directly from the App Store.",
+ "delete_warning": "Delete Warning",
+ "deploy_database": "Deploy DataBase",
+ "deployment_failed": "Deployment Failed",
+ "deployment_successful": "Deployed Successfully",
+ "direct_connection": "connect",
+ "document_operations": "Document Operations",
+ "duration_of_transaction": "Transaction Duration",
+ "enable_external_network_access": "Allow public network access",
+ "enter_save": "Press Enter to save. 'All' exports the entire database.",
+ "event_analyze": "Intelligent Analytics",
+ "event_analyze_error": "Intelligent analytics error",
+ "external_address": "Public Domain",
+ "external_network": "Internet Access",
+ "failed_to_turn_off_automatic_backup": "Auto Backup Disable Failed",
+ "file": {
+ "Upload Success": "File Uploaded",
+ "Uploading": "Uploading File ({{percent}}%)"
+ },
+ "file_upload_failed": "File upload failed",
+ "have_error": "Failed",
+ "hits_ratio": "Hits Ratio",
+ "migration_preparations": "Migration Preparations Completed",
+ "import_through_file": "Import via File",
+ "important_tips_for_migrating": "Tip: Create a new database in sink DB if source_database and sink_database have overlapping data, to avoid conflicts",
+ "innodb_buffer_pool": "InnoDB Buffer Pool",
+ "intranet_address": "Private Address",
+ "items_per_db": "Keys per DB",
+ "jump_prompt": "Jump Notification",
+ "key_evictions": "Keys Evicted",
+ "limit_cpu": "CPU Limit",
+ "limit_memory": "Memory Limit",
+ "lost_file": "File Missing",
+ "manage_all_resources": "Manage all resources",
+ "manual_backup": "Manual Backup",
+ "manual_backup_tip": "Tip: Backup during off-peak hours. Avoid DDL operations to prevent locking. Be patient if data size is large. Backup starts 1 min after confirmation.",
+ "max_replicas": "Max Replicas: ",
+ "memory": "Memory",
+ "migrate": {
+ "Incremental migration prompt information": "Enable \\\"Continuous Migration\\\" for incremental DB sync (disabled by default).",
+ "mongo": {
+ "check": "Source Account: Read access to DB, admin, local\\nSink Account: Read/write access to DB, read access to admin, local"
+ },
+ "mongodb": {
+ "stepOne": "# Replication cluster instance: no scaling needed. Provide primary address for migration.",
+ "stepTwo": "# Standalone instance: Extend to single-node replica set for CDC"
+ },
+ "mysql": {
+ "stepOne": "# Set 'binlog_format' parameter to 'row'",
+ "stepTwo": "# Set 'binlog_row_image' parameter to 'full'"
+ },
+ "postgresql": {
+ "check": "Source Account: Login access, read access to source, replication privileges\\nSink Account: Login access, read/write access to sink",
+ "stepOne": "# Set 'wal_level' parameter to 'logical'",
+ "stepTwo": "# Ensure sufficient capacity for \\\"max_replication_slots\\\" and \\\"max_wal_senders\\\" parameters"
+ }
+ },
+ "migrate_config": "Migration Configuration",
+ "migrate_now": "Migrate Now",
+ "migration_failed": "Migration Failed",
+ "migration_permission_check": "Verifying Migration Permissions",
+ "migration_preparation": "Preparing for Migration",
+ "migration_prompt_information": "To prevent migration failure caused by XXX, please refrain from any operations during the migration process. The migration may take a while for large datasets. Your patience is appreciated.",
+ "migration_successful": "Migration Completed Successfully",
+ "migration_task_created_successfully": "Migration task created",
+ "min_replicas": "Min Replicas: ",
+ "monitor_list": "Monitoring",
+ "multi_replica_redis_tip": "Note: The price for multi-replica Redis includes HA nodes",
+ "no_data_available": "No Data Available",
+ "not_allow_standalone_use": "This application is not allowed to be used alone. Click OK to go to Sealos Desktop for use.",
+ "online_import": "Import Online",
+ "page_faults": "Page Faults",
+ "pause_error": "Failed to pause the database",
+ "pause_hint": "Pausing the service will stop the calculation of charges for CPU and memory, but charges for storage and external network ports will still apply. Would you like to pause now?",
+ "pause_success": "Database paused",
+ "please_enter": "Please Enter",
+ "Pod Name": "Pod Name",
+ "query_operations": "Query Operations",
+ "remark_tip": "Contains up to 10 Chinese characters and 30 English characters",
+ "remind": "remind",
+ "replicas_cannot_empty": "Replicas field is required",
+ "replicas_list": "Pod List",
+ "restart_error": "Failed to restart due to an error",
+ "restart_success": "Restarted successfully. Please wait...",
+ "restore_backup": "Restore from Backup",
+ "restore_backup_tip": "Restoring a backup will create a new database. Please provide a unique name for the new DB.",
+ "restore_database": "Restore Database from Backup",
+ "restore_success": "Backup restored successfully",
+ "rollbacks_per_second": "Rollbacks/s",
+ "running_time": "Uptime",
+ "select_a_maximum_of_10_files": "Select up to 10 files",
+ "service_deletion_failed": "Failed to delete the service",
+ "set_auto_backup_successful": "Automatic backup task set successfully",
+ "slow_queries": "Slow Queries",
+ "source_database": "Source Database",
+ "start_backup": "Start Backup",
+ "start_error": "Failed to start the database due to an error",
+ "start_hour": "Hour",
+ "start_minute": "Minute",
+ "start_success": "Database started. Please wait...",
+ "storage": "Storage",
+ "storage_cannot_empty": "Please specify storage size",
+ "storage_max": "maximum storage",
+ "storage_min": "Minimum storage",
+ "storage_range": "Storage capacity:",
+ "submit_error": "Error submitting form",
+ "successfully_closed_external_network_access": "Internet access disabled",
+ "table_locks": "Table-level locks",
+ "single_node_tip": "Single-node DB for development and testing only",
+ "turn_on": "Enable",
+ "update_database": "Update DataBase",
+ "update_failed": "Update Failed",
+ "update_successful": "Update succeeded",
+ "update_time": "Update Time",
+ "upload_dump_file": "Upload Dump File",
+ "use_docs": "Documentation",
+ "version": "Version",
+ "yaml_file": "YAML"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/zh/common.json b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/zh/common.json
index 723efdbdf3a..95ed772beb6 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/zh/common.json
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/public/locales/zh/common.json
@@ -1,283 +1,268 @@
- "Aborted Connections": "异常连接数",
- "Active": "活跃",
- "Active Connections": "活跃连接数",
- "Advanced Configuration": "高级配置",
- "Age": "运行时长",
- "Anticipated Price": "预估价格",
- "app": {
- "Resource Quota": "资源配额",
- "The applied CPU exceeds the quota": "申请的 CPU 超出限制,请联系管理员",
- "The applied GPU exceeds the quota": "申请的 GPU 超出限制,请联系管理员",
- "The applied memory exceeds the quota": "申请的 '内存' 超出限制,请联系管理员",
- "The applied storage exceeds the quota": "申请的 '存储' 超出限制,请联系管理员",
- "The container exposed port cannot be empty": "容器暴露端口不能为空",
- "The maximum number of exposed ports is 65535": "暴露端口最大为65535",
- "The minimum exposed port is 1": "暴露端口最小为 1"
- },
- "App Store": "应用商店",
- "Application Source": "应用来源",
- "Are you sure to perform database migration": "确定执行数据库迁移吗?",
- "Are you sure you want to turn off automatic backup": "确定关闭自动备份吗",
+ "age": "运行时长",
"Auto": "自动",
- "Auto Backup": "自动备份",
- "Automatic backup is turned off": "已关闭自动备份",
"Backup": "备份",
- "Backup Completed": "备份成功",
- "Backup Database": "备份数据库",
- "Backup Deleting": "删除中",
- "Backup Failed": "备份失败",
- "Backup List": "备份历史",
- "Backup Name": "备份名",
- "Backup Name cannot empty": "备份名称不能为空",
- "Backup Processing": "备份中",
- "Backup Running": "备份中",
- "Backup Time": "备份时间",
- "Basic": "基础配置",
- "Billing Standards": "计费标准",
- "Block Read Time": "读数据块时间",
- "Block Write Time": "写数据块时间",
+ "basic": "基础配置",
"Cancel": "取消",
- "Cannot Change Name": "不允许修改数据库名称",
- "Collection Name": "集合名称",
- "Command Latency": "命令延迟",
- "Commits Per Second": "事务数",
- "common": {
- "input": {
- "No Elements to Delete": "没有要删除的元素",
- "Repeat Value": "输入重复值"
- },
- "Surplus": "剩余",
- "Total": "总共",
- "Used": "已用"
- },
- "Config Form": "配置表单",
- "Config Info": "配置信息",
- "Confirm": "确认",
- "Confirm Create Backup": "确认创建备份任务?",
- "Confirm Delete": "确认删除",
- "Confirm delete the backup": "确认删除该备份?",
- "Confirm delete the migrate": "确定删除迁移记录吗?",
- "Confirm Deploy DataBase?": "确认部署数据库?",
- "Confirm Restart": "确认重启该应用?",
- "Confirm Restart Pod": "请确认重启 Pod?",
- "Confirm to go": "确认前往",
- "Confirm Update DataBase?": "确认更新数据库?",
- "Connection Info": "连接信息",
+ "confirm": "确认",
"Containers": "容器",
"Continue": "继续",
- "Continuous Migration": "持续迁移",
- "Copy Failed": "复制失败",
- "Copy Success": "复制成功",
- "Covering Risks": "覆盖风险",
- "cpu": "CPU",
- "CPU": "CPU",
- "Create DB": "新建数据库",
"Creating": "创建中",
- "Creation Time": "创建时间",
"CronExpression": "循环周期",
- "Current Connections": "当前连接数",
- "Data Migration Config": "数据迁移配置",
+ "DBList": "数据库列表",
"DataBase": "数据库",
- "DataBase Empty": "您还没有数据库",
- "Database Host": "数据库主机名",
- "Database Host Empty": "缺少数据库主机名",
- "DataBase Info": "数据库信息",
- "Database Name": "新数据库名",
- "Database Name Empty": "数据库名称不能为空",
- "DataBase Name Empty": "应用名称不能为空",
- "DataBase Name Regex": "字母开头,仅能包含小写字母、数字和 -",
- "DataBase Name Regex Error": "数据库名只能包含小写字母、数字和 -,并且字母开头。",
- "Database Password Empty": "缺少数据库密码",
- "Database Port Empty": "缺少数据库端口",
- "DataBase Size": "磁盘空间",
- "DataBase Type": "数据库类型",
- "Database Usage": "数据库用量",
- "Database UserName Empty": "缺少数据库用户名",
"Day": "天",
- "db instances tip": "{{db}} 实例数量建议为奇数",
- "DB Name": "数据库名字",
- "DB Table": "数据库表",
- "DBList": "数据库列表",
"Delete": "删除",
- "Delete anyway": "仍要删除",
- "Delete Backup": "删除备份",
- "Delete Failed": "删除出现意外",
- "Delete Hint": "如果确认要删除这个数据库吗?如果执行此操作,将删除该数据库的所有数据。",
- "Delete successful": "删除成功",
- "Delete Template App Tip": "该应用是通过应用商店部署的,如果您想完全卸载该应用并清理所有相关的组件,请到应用商店中将整个应用删除。",
- "Delete Warning": "删除警告",
"Deleting": "删除中",
- "Deploy": "部署",
- "Deploy DataBase": "部署数据库",
- "Deployment Failed": "部署失败",
- "Deployment Successful": "部署成功",
+ "deploy": "部署",
"Details": "详情",
- "Direct Connection": "连接",
"Disk": "磁盘空间",
- "Document Operations": "文档操作数",
- "Duration of Transaction": "事务持续时间",
- "Enable external network access": "开启外网访问",
- "Enter Save": "回车保存 && All 代表导出整个库",
- "Event Analyze": "智能分析",
- "Event Analyze Error": "智能分析出错了~",
"Export": "导出",
- "External Address": "外网地址",
- "External Network": "外网访问",
"Failed": "有异常",
- "Failed to turn off automatic backup": "关闭自动备份失败",
- "file": {
- "Upload Success": "文件上传成功",
- "Uploading": "正在上传文件,进度: {{percent}}%"
- },
- "File upload failed": "文件上传失败",
"Friday": "周五",
- "Have Error": "出现异常",
- "Hits Ratio": "命中率",
"Hour": "小时",
- "I have read and completed migration preparations": "我已阅读并完成迁移准备工作",
- "Import Through File": "文件导入",
- "Important tips for migrating": "如果 source 数据库中 source_database 和 sink 数据库中 sink_database 的数据库有重叠,应该在sink 数据库中新建 database,以免出现数据重叠",
- "InnoDB Buffer Pool": "InnoDB 缓冲池",
- "Intranet Address": "内网地址",
- "Items per DB": "键值数",
- "jump_prompt": "跳转提示",
- "Key evictions": "键驱逐数",
- "Limit CPU": "最大 CPU",
- "Limit Memory": "最大内存",
"Logs": "日志",
- "Lost File": "缺少文件",
- "Manage all resources": "管理所有资源",
"Manual": "手动",
- "Manual Backup": "手动备份",
- "Manual Backup Tip": "建议在业务低峰期备份实例。备份期间,请勿执行DDL操作,避免锁表导致备份失败。若数据量较大,花费的时问可能较长,请耐心等待。点击 [开始备份] 后,将在1分钟后开始备份。",
- "Max Replicas": "实例数最大为: ",
- "Max Storage": "磁盘容量最大为: ",
- "memory": "内存",
- "Memory": "内存",
- "migrate": {
- "Incremental migration prompt information": "如果需要数据库增量同步,可以开启\"持续迁移\",默认是关闭。",
- "mongo": {
- "check": "source account: 待迁移仓库的读权限、admin、local\nsink account: 待迁移仓库的读写权限以及admin和local的读权限"
- },
- "mongodb": {
- "stepOne": "# 复制集群实例: 无需伸缩。需要提供用于迁移的主地址的地址",
- "stepTwo": "# Standalone实例:需要将Standalone扩展到一个节点的副本集才能使用CDC"
- },
- "mysql": {
- "stepOne": "# 设置 'binlog_format' 配置为 'row'",
- "stepTwo": "# 设置 'binlog_row_image' 配置为'full'"
- },
- "postgresql": {
- "check": "source account:登录权限、源迁移对象的读权限、复制权限 \nsink account:登录权限、Sink的读\/写权限",
- "stepOne": "# 设置 'wal_level' 配置为 'logical'",
- "stepTwo": "# 确保配置的\"max_replication_slots\"、\"max_wal_senders\"数量足够"
- }
- },
"Migrate": "迁移",
- "Migrate Config": "迁移配置",
- "Migrate Now": "立即迁移",
"Migrating": "正在迁移",
- "Migration Failed": "迁移失败",
- "Migration Permission Check": "迁移权限检查",
- "Migration Preparation": "迁移准备",
- "Migration prompt information": "迁移时请勿执行操作,以免因XXX导致迁移失败。如数据量较大,迁移时间可能较长,请耐心等待",
- "Migration Successful": "迁移成功",
- "Migration task created successfully": "迁移任务创建成功",
- "Min Replicas": "实例数最小为: ",
- "Min Storage": "磁盘容量最小为: ",
"Monday": "周一",
- "Monitor List": "实时监控",
"Name": "名字",
- "No Data Available": "暂无数据",
- "Online Import": "在线导入",
- "Operation": "操作",
+ "operation": "操作",
"Option": "选填",
- "Page Faults": "页错误",
- "Parameter Error": "参数错误",
"Password": "密码",
"Pause": "暂停",
- "Pause Error": "数据库暂停失败",
- "Pause Hint": "暂停服务将停止计算 CPU 和内存等费用,但存储和外网端口仍将产生费用。是否现在暂停?",
- "Pause Success": "数据库已暂停",
"Paused": "已暂停",
"Pausing": "暂停中",
"Perday": "每日",
"Performance": "性能",
- "Please Enter": "请输入",
"Pod": "实例",
- "Pod Name": "实例名",
"Port": "端口",
- "Prompt": "提示",
- "Query Operations": "查询操作数",
- "Redis does not support backup at this time": "Redis 暂时不支持备份",
+ "prompt": "提示",
"Remark": "备注",
- "Remind": "提醒",
+ "remind": "提醒",
"Replicas": "实例数",
- "Replicas Cannot Empty": "实例数不能为空",
- "Replicas List": "实例列表",
"Resources": "资源",
"Restart": "重启",
- "Restart Error": "重启出现了意外",
- "Restart Success": "重启成功,请等待",
"Restarting": "重启中",
- "Restarts": "重启次数",
- "Restore Backup": "恢复备份",
- "Restore Backup Tip": "恢复备份会创建一个新的数据库,你需要提供新的数据库名,并且不能与当前数据库重名。",
- "Restore Database": "恢复数据库备份",
- "Restore Success": "恢复备份成功",
- "Rollbacks Per Second": "回滚数",
+ "restarts": "重启次数",
"Running": "运行中",
- "Running Time": "运行时长",
"Saturday": "周六",
"Save": "保存",
"SaveTime": "保留时间",
- "Select a maximum of 10 files": "最多选择 10 个文件",
- "Service Deletion Failed": "Service 删除失败",
- "Set auto backup successful": "设置自动备份任务成功",
- "Slow Queries": "慢查询",
- "Source Database": "源数据库",
"Start": "开始",
- "Start Backup": "开始备份",
- "Start Error": "数据库启动出现意外",
- "Start Hour": "小时",
- "Start Minute": "分钟",
- "Start Success": "数据库启动成功,请等待",
- "Start Up": "启动",
"Starting": "启动中",
"Status": "状态",
- "storage": "磁盘",
- "Storage": "磁盘",
- "Storage Cannot Empty": "容量不能为空",
- "Storage Range": "容量范围: ",
- "Submit Error": "提交表单错误",
+ "storage_max": "最大存储",
+ "storage_min": "最小存储",
"Success": "成功",
- "Successfully closed external network access": "已关闭外网访问",
"Sunday": "周日",
- "Table Locks": "表锁",
- "Target Database": "目标数据库",
- "The backup task has been created successfully !": "备份任务创建成功!",
- "The multi-replica Redis includes High Availability (HA) nodes, Please note, the anticipated price already encompasses the cost for the HA nodes": "Redis 多副本包含 HA 节点,请悉知,预估价格已包含 HA 节点费用",
- "The restore task has been created failed !": "恢复备份任务创建失败",
- "The Single-node database is only suitable for development testing": "单节点数据库仅适用开发测试",
"Thursday": "周四",
- "Total Price": "总价",
"Tuesday": "周二",
- "Turn On": "开启",
"Type": "类型",
- "Update": "变更",
- "Update DataBase": "变更数据库",
- "Update Failed": "更新失败",
- "Update Successful": "更新成功",
- "Update Time": "更新时间",
+ "Unknown": "未知",
+ "update": "变更",
"Updating": "变更中",
- "Upload dump file": "点击上传 Dump 文件",
- "Upload successful": "文件上传成功",
- "Use Docs": "使用文档",
"Username": "用户名",
- "Version": "版本",
+ "version": "版本",
"Wednesday": "周三",
"Week": "周",
- "YAML File": "YAML 文件",
- "remark_tip": "最多包含10个中文字符,30个英文字符。"
+ "aborted_connections": "异常连接数",
+ "active_connections": "活跃连接数",
+ "advanced_configuration": "高级配置",
+ "anticipated_price": "预估价格",
+ "app": {
+ "resource_quota": "资源配额",
+ "cpu_exceeds_quota": "申请的 CPU 超出限制,请联系管理员",
+ "memory_exceeds_quota": "申请的 '内存' 超出限制,请联系管理员",
+ "storage_exceeds_quota": "申请的 '存储' 超出限制,请联系管理员"
+ },
+ "app_store": "应用商店",
+ "application_source": "应用来源",
+ "are_you_sure_to_perform_database_migration": "确定执行数据库迁移吗?",
+ "are_you_sure_you_want_to_turn_off_automatic_backup": "确定关闭自动备份吗",
+ "auto_backup": "自动备份",
+ "automatic_backup_is_turned_off": "已关闭自动备份",
+ "backup_completed": "备份成功",
+ "backup_database": "备份数据库",
+ "backup_deleting": "删除中",
+ "backup_failed": "备份失败",
+ "backup_list": "备份历史",
+ "backup_name": "备份名",
+ "backup_name_cannot_empty": "备份名称不能为空",
+ "backup_processing": "备份中",
+ "backup_running": "备份中",
+ "backup_success_tip": "备份任务已经成功创建",
+ "backup_time": "备份时间",
+ "billing_standards": "计费标准",
+ "block_read_time": "读数据块时间",
+ "block_write_time": "写数据块时间",
+ "cannot_change_name": "不允许修改数据库名称",
+ "collection_name": "集合名称",
+ "command_latency": "命令延迟",
+ "commits_per_second": "事务数",
+ "common": {
+ "Surplus": "剩余",
+ "Total": "总共",
+ "Used": "已用",
+ "input": {
+ "No Elements to Delete": "没有要删除的元素",
+ "Repeat Value": "输入重复值"
+ }
+ },
+ "config_form": "配置表单",
+ "config_info": "配置信息",
+ "confirm_delete": "确认删除",
+ "confirm_delete_the_backup": "确认删除该备份?",
+ "confirm_delete_the_migrate": "确定删除迁移记录吗?",
+ "confirm_deploy_database": "确认部署数据库?",
+ "confirm_restart": "确认重启该应用?",
+ "confirm_restart_pod": "请确认重启 Pod?",
+ "confirm_to_go": "确认前往",
+ "confirm_update_database": "确认更新数据库?",
+ "connection_info": "连接信息",
+ "continuous_migration": "持续迁移",
+ "copy_failed": "复制失败",
+ "copy_success": "复制成功",
+ "covering_risks": "覆盖风险",
+ "cpu": "CPU",
+ "create_db": "新建数据库",
+ "creation_time": "创建时间",
+ "current_connections": "当前连接数",
+ "data_migration_config": "数据迁移配置",
+ "database_empty": "您还没有数据库",
+ "database_host": "数据库主机名",
+ "database_host_empty": "缺少数据库主机名",
+ "database_name": "新数据库名",
+ "database_name_cannot_empty": "数据库名称不能为空",
+ "database_name_empty": "应用名称不能为空",
+ "database_name_regex": "字母开头,仅能包含小写字母、数字和 -",
+ "database_name_regex_error": "数据库名只能包含小写字母、数字和 -,并且字母开头。",
+ "database_password_empty": "缺少数据库密码",
+ "database_port_empty": "缺少数据库端口",
+ "database_type": "数据库类型",
+ "database_usage": "数据库用量",
+ "database_username_empty": "缺少数据库用户名",
+ "db_instances_tip": "{{db}} 实例数量建议为奇数",
+ "db_name": "数据库名字",
+ "db_table": "数据库表",
+ "delete_anyway": "仍要删除",
+ "delete_backup": "删除备份",
+ "delete_failed": "删除出现意外",
+ "delete_hint": "如果确认要删除这个数据库吗?如果执行此操作,将删除该数据库的所有数据。",
+ "delete_successful": "删除成功",
+ "delete_template_app_tip": "该应用是通过应用商店部署的,如果您想完全卸载该应用并清理所有相关的组件,请到应用商店中将整个应用删除。",
+ "delete_warning": "删除警告",
+ "deploy_database": "部署数据库",
+ "deployment_failed": "部署失败",
+ "deployment_successful": "部署成功",
+ "direct_connection": "连接",
+ "document_operations": "文档操作数",
+ "duration_of_transaction": "事务持续时间",
+ "enable_external_network_access": "开启外网访问",
+ "enter_save": "回车保存 && All 代表导出整个库",
+ "event_analyze": "智能分析",
+ "event_analyze_error": "智能分析出错了~",
+ "external_address": "外网地址",
+ "external_network": "外网访问",
+ "failed_to_turn_off_automatic_backup": "关闭自动备份失败",
+ "file": {
+ "Upload Success": "文件上传成功",
+ "Uploading": "正在上传文件,进度: {{percent}}%"
+ },
+ "file_upload_failed": "文件上传失败",
+ "have_error": "出现异常",
+ "hits_ratio": "命中率",
+ "migration_preparations": "我已阅读并完成迁移准备工作",
+ "import_through_file": "文件导入",
+ "important_tips_for_migrating": "如果 source 数据库中 source_database 和 sink 数据库中 sink_database 的数据库有重叠,应该在sink 数据库中新建 database,以免出现数据重叠",
+ "innodb_buffer_pool": "InnoDB 缓冲池",
+ "intranet_address": "内网地址",
+ "items_per_db": "键值数",
+ "jump_prompt": "跳转提示",
+ "key_evictions": "键驱逐数",
+ "limit_cpu": "最大 CPU",
+ "limit_memory": "最大内存",
+ "lost_file": "缺少文件",
+ "manage_all_resources": "管理所有资源",
+ "manual_backup": "手动备份",
+ "manual_backup_tip": "建议在业务低峰期备份实例。备份期间,请勿执行DDL操作,避免锁表导致备份失败。若数据量较大,花费的时问可能较长,请耐心等待。点击 [开始备份] 后,将在1分钟后开始备份。",
+ "max_replicas": "实例数最大为: ",
+ "memory": "内存",
+ "migrate": {
+ "Incremental migration prompt information": "如果需要数据库增量同步,可以开启\"持续迁移\",默认是关闭。",
+ "mongo": {
+ "check": "source account: 待迁移仓库的读权限、admin、local\nsink account: 待迁移仓库的读写权限以及admin和local的读权限"
+ },
+ "mongodb": {
+ "stepOne": "# 复制集群实例: 无需伸缩。需要提供用于迁移的主地址的地址",
+ "stepTwo": "# Standalone实例:需要将Standalone扩展到一个节点的副本集才能使用CDC"
+ },
+ "mysql": {
+ "stepOne": "# 设置 'binlog_format' 配置为 'row'",
+ "stepTwo": "# 设置 'binlog_row_image' 配置为'full'"
+ },
+ "postgresql": {
+ "check": "source account:登录权限、源迁移对象的读权限、复制权限 \nsink account:登录权限、Sink的读/写权限",
+ "stepOne": "# 设置 'wal_level' 配置为 'logical'",
+ "stepTwo": "# 确保配置的\"max_replication_slots\"、\"max_wal_senders\"数量足够"
+ }
+ },
+ "migrate_config": "迁移配置",
+ "migrate_now": "立即迁移",
+ "migration_failed": "迁移失败",
+ "migration_permission_check": "迁移权限检查",
+ "migration_preparation": "迁移准备",
+ "migration_prompt_information": "迁移时请勿执行操作,以免因XXX导致迁移失败。如数据量较大,迁移时间可能较长,请耐心等待",
+ "migration_successful": "迁移成功",
+ "migration_task_created_successfully": "迁移任务创建成功",
+ "min_replicas": "实例数最小为: ",
+ "monitor_list": "实时监控",
+ "no_data_available": "暂无数据",
+ "not_allow_standalone_use": "该应用不允许单独使用,点击确认前往 Sealos Desktop 使用。",
+ "online_import": "在线导入",
+ "page_faults": "页错误",
+ "pause_error": "数据库暂停失败",
+ "pause_hint": "暂停服务将停止计算 CPU 和内存等费用,但存储和外网端口仍将产生费用。是否现在暂停?",
+ "pause_success": "数据库已暂停",
+ "please_enter": "请输入",
+ "Pod Name": "实例名",
+ "query_operations": "查询操作数",
+ "remark_tip": "最多包含10个中文字符,30个英文字符。",
+ "replicas_cannot_empty": "实例数不能为空",
+ "replicas_list": "实例列表",
+ "restart_error": "重启出现了意外",
+ "restart_success": "重启成功,请等待",
+ "restore_backup": "恢复备份",
+ "restore_backup_tip": "恢复备份会创建一个新的数据库,你需要提供新的数据库名,并且不能与当前数据库重名。",
+ "restore_database": "恢复数据库备份",
+ "restore_success": "恢复备份成功",
+ "rollbacks_per_second": "回滚数",
+ "running_time": "运行时长",
+ "select_a_maximum_of_10_files": "最多选择 10 个文件",
+ "service_deletion_failed": "Service 删除失败",
+ "set_auto_backup_successful": "设置自动备份任务成功",
+ "slow_queries": "慢查询",
+ "source_database": "源数据库",
+ "start_backup": "开始备份",
+ "start_error": "数据库启动出现意外",
+ "start_hour": "小时",
+ "start_minute": "分钟",
+ "start_success": "数据库启动成功,请等待",
+ "storage": "磁盘",
+ "storage_cannot_empty": "容量不能为空",
+ "storage_range": "容量范围: ",
+ "submit_error": "提交表单错误",
+ "successfully_closed_external_network_access": "已关闭外网访问",
+ "table_locks": "表锁",
+ "multi_replica_redis_tip": "Redis 多副本包含 HA 节点,请悉知,预估价格已包含 HA 节点费用",
+ "single_node_tip": "单节点数据库仅适用开发测试",
+ "total_price": "总价",
+ "turn_on": "开启",
+ "update_database": "变更数据库",
+ "update_failed": "更新失败",
+ "update_successful": "更新成功",
+ "update_time": "更新时间",
+ "upload_dump_file": "点击上传 Dump 文件",
+ "use_docs": "使用文档",
+ "yaml_file": "YAML 文件"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/DBStatusTag/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/DBStatusTag/index.tsx
index d2fea057446..c1e5ee9a957 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/DBStatusTag/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/DBStatusTag/index.tsx
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import type { DBConditionItemType, DBStatusMapType } from '@/types/db';
import MyIcon from '../Icon';
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
import { formatPodTime } from '@/utils/tools';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
const DBStatusTag = ({
conditions = [],
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ const DBStatusTag = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure();
+ const label = t(status.label as I18nCommonKey);
return (
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ const DBStatusTag = ({
- {t(status.label)}
+ {label}
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ const DBStatusTag = ({
- {t(status.label)}
+ {label}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/FileSelect/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/FileSelect/index.tsx
index 128ceb9cd58..a73d23d24ee 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/FileSelect/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/FileSelect/index.tsx
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const FileSelect = ({ fileExtension, setFiles, multiple = false, files, ...props
- {t('Upload dump file')}
+ {t('upload_dump_file')}
10) {
return toast({
status: 'warning',
- title: t('Select a maximum of 10 files')
+ title: t('select_a_maximum_of_10_files')
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/PriceBox/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/PriceBox/index.tsx
index 5c402d7f81c..57216b1bdd4 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/PriceBox/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/PriceBox/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { SOURCE_PRICE } from '@/store/static';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import { Box, Flex, useTheme, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { SealosCoin } from '@sealos/ui';
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
@@ -22,7 +23,11 @@ const PriceBox = ({
}) => {
const theme = useTheme();
const { t } = useTranslation();
- const priceList = useMemo(() => {
+ const priceList: {
+ label: I18nCommonKey;
+ color: string;
+ value: string;
+ }[] = useMemo(() => {
let cp = [0, 0];
let mp = [0, 0];
let sp = [0, 0];
@@ -49,13 +54,13 @@ const PriceBox = ({
return [
- label: 'CPU',
+ label: 'cpu',
color: '#33BABB',
value: podScale(cp)
- { label: 'Memory', color: '#36ADEF', value: podScale(mp) },
- { label: 'Storage', color: '#8172D8', value: podScale(sp) },
- { label: 'Total Price', color: '#485058', value: podScale(tp) }
+ { label: 'memory', color: '#36ADEF', value: podScale(mp) },
+ { label: 'storage', color: '#8172D8', value: podScale(sp) },
+ { label: 'total_price', color: '#485058', value: podScale(tp) }
}, [components]);
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ const PriceBox = ({
- {t('Anticipated Price')}
+ {t('anticipated_price')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/QuotaBox/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/QuotaBox/index.tsx
index 9be7a20b941..b8429c0e72d 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/QuotaBox/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/QuotaBox/index.tsx
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ${t('common.Surplus')}: ${(limit - used).toFixed(2)} ${unit}`;
- {t('app.Resource Quota')}
+ {t('app.resource_quota')}
{quotaList.map((item) => (
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/Textarea/TagTextarea.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/Textarea/TagTextarea.tsx
index 93331ee3d34..1dfa13b4ece 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/Textarea/TagTextarea.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/components/Textarea/TagTextarea.tsx
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ const TagTextarea = ({ defaultValues, onUpdate, ...props }: Props) => {
= {
[BackupStatusEnum.Completed]: {
- label: 'Backup Completed',
+ label: 'backup_completed',
value: BackupStatusEnum.Completed,
color: '#039855'
[BackupStatusEnum.InProgress]: {
- label: 'Backup Processing',
+ label: 'backup_processing',
value: BackupStatusEnum.InProgress,
color: '#667085'
[BackupStatusEnum.Failed]: {
- label: 'Backup Failed',
+ label: 'backup_failed',
value: BackupStatusEnum.Failed,
color: '#F04438'
[BackupStatusEnum.Running]: {
- label: 'Backup Running',
+ label: 'backup_running',
value: BackupStatusEnum.Running,
color: '#667085'
[BackupStatusEnum.Deleting]: {
- label: 'Backup Deleting',
+ label: 'backup_deleting',
value: BackupStatusEnum.Deleting,
color: '#DC6803'
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ export enum BackupTypeEnum {
'UnKnow' = 'UnKnow'
-export const backupTypeMap: Record<`${BackupTypeEnum}`, { label: string }> = {
+export const backupTypeMap: Record<`${BackupTypeEnum}`, { label: I18nCommonKey }> = {
[BackupTypeEnum.manual]: {
label: 'Manual'
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/constants/editApp.ts b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/constants/editApp.ts
index 9a74394db0c..5fbacb5701f 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/constants/editApp.ts
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/constants/editApp.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
-export const editModeMap = (isEdit: boolean) => {
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
+export const editModeMap: (isEdit: boolean) => {
+ [key: string]: I18nCommonKey;
+} = (isEdit: boolean) => {
if (isEdit) {
return {
- title: 'Update DataBase',
- applyBtnText: 'Update',
- applyMessage: 'Confirm Update DataBase?',
- applySuccess: 'Update Successful',
- applyError: 'Update Failed'
+ title: 'update_database',
+ applyBtnText: 'update',
+ applyMessage: 'confirm_update_database',
+ applySuccess: 'update_successful',
+ applyError: 'update_failed'
return {
- title: 'Deploy DataBase',
- applyBtnText: 'Deploy',
- applyMessage: 'Confirm Deploy DataBase?',
- applySuccess: 'Deployment Successful',
- applyError: 'Deployment Failed'
+ title: 'deploy_database',
+ applyBtnText: 'deploy',
+ applyMessage: 'confirm_deploy_database',
+ applySuccess: 'deployment_successful',
+ applyError: 'deployment_failed'
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/hooks/useConfirm.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/hooks/useConfirm.tsx
index 4f6ad795295..22e834860b3 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/hooks/useConfirm.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/hooks/useConfirm.tsx
@@ -10,15 +10,16 @@ import {
} from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
export const useConfirm = ({
- title = 'Prompt',
+ title = 'prompt',
- confirmText = 'Confirm'
+ confirmText = 'confirm'
}: {
- title?: string;
- content: string;
- confirmText?: string;
+ title?: I18nCommonKey;
+ content: I18nCommonKey;
+ confirmText?: I18nCommonKey;
}) => {
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure();
const { t } = useTranslation();
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ export const useConfirm = ({
- {content}
+ {t(content)}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/BackupModal.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/BackupModal.tsx
index 9834f0aae16..e8bac66e5c0 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/BackupModal.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/BackupModal.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Tip from '@/components/Tip';
import { DBBackupMethodNameMap, DBTypeEnum } from '@/constants/db';
import { useConfirm } from '@/hooks/useConfirm';
import type { AutoBackupFormType, AutoBackupType } from '@/types/backup';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import { convertCronTime, getErrText } from '@/utils/tools';
import { InfoOutlineIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
import {
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ import { MySelect, Tabs, useMessage } from '@sealos/ui';
import { useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { customAlphabet } from 'nanoid';
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
-import { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';
+import { MutableRefObject, useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
const nanoid = customAlphabet('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890', 6);
@@ -50,15 +51,15 @@ const BackupModal = ({
const { message: toast } = useMessage();
const { openConfirm, ConfirmChild } = useConfirm({
- title: t('Confirm') || 'Confirm',
- content: t('Manual Backup Tip'),
- confirmText: 'Start Backup'
+ title: 'confirm',
+ content: 'manual_backup_tip',
+ confirmText: 'start_backup'
const { openConfirm: CloseAutoBackup, ConfirmChild: AutoBackupConfirmChild } = useConfirm({
- title: 'Prompt',
- content: t('Are you sure you want to turn off automatic backup'),
- confirmText: 'Confirm'
+ title: 'prompt',
+ content: 'are_you_sure_you_want_to_turn_off_automatic_backup',
+ confirmText: 'confirm'
const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(false);
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
- const weekSelectList = useRef([
+ const weekSelectList: MutableRefObject<{ label: I18nCommonKey; id: string }[]> = useRef([
{ label: 'Monday', id: '1' },
{ label: 'Tuesday', id: '2' },
{ label: 'Wednesday', id: '3' },
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
onSuccess() {
status: 'success',
- title: t('The backup task has been created successfully !')
+ title: t('backup_success_tip')
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
onSuccess() {
status: 'success',
- title: t('Set auto backup successful')
+ title: t('set_auto_backup_successful')
@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
onSuccess() {
status: 'success',
- title: t('Automatic backup is turned off')
+ title: t('automatic_backup_is_turned_off')
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
onError(err) {
status: 'error',
- title: t('Failed to turn off automatic backup')
+ title: t('failed_to_turn_off_automatic_backup')
@@ -236,11 +237,11 @@ const BackupModal = ({
- {t('Backup Database')}
+ {t('backup_database')}
- {t('Manual Backup')}
+ {t('manual_backup')}
- {t('Auto Backup')}
+ {t('auto_backup')}
- {t(currentNav === 'auto' ? 'Auto Backup' : 'Manual Backup')}
+ {t(currentNav === 'auto' ? 'auto_backup' : 'manual_backup')}
- text={t('Manual Backup Tip')}
+ text={t('manual_backup_tip')}
{currentNav === NavEnum.manual && (
- {t('Backup Name')}
+ {t('backup_name')}
@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
onClick={() => handleSubmitManual(openConfirm(onclickBackup))()}
- {t('Start Backup')}
+ {t('start_backup')}
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ const BackupModal = ({
{getAutoValues('type') !== 'hour' && (
- {t('Start Hour')}
+ {t('start_hour')}
- {t('Start Minute')}
+ {t('start_minute')}
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ const BackupTable = ({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }, ref: ForwardedRef React.ReactNode | string;
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ const BackupTable = ({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }, ref: ForwardedRef (
- {t(item.status.label)}
+ {t(item.status.label as I18nCommonKey)}
{item.failureReason && (
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ const BackupTable = ({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }, ref: ForwardedRef <>{dayjs(item.startTime).format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm')}>
@@ -154,17 +155,17 @@ const BackupTable = ({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }, ref: ForwardedRef <>{t(backupTypeMap[item.type]?.label) || '-'}>
- title: 'Operation',
+ title: 'operation',
key: 'control',
render: (item: BackupItemType) =>
item.status.value !== BackupStatusEnum.InProgress ? (
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DelModal.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DelModal.tsx
index 941ce11df7f..c2fa20ef72c 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DelModal.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DelModal.tsx
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ const DelModal = ({
await delDBByName(dbName);
- title: t('Delete successful'),
+ title: t('delete_successful'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Delete Failed'),
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('delete_failed'),
status: 'error'
@@ -89,28 +89,34 @@ const DelModal = ({
- {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('Remind') : t('Delete Warning')}
+ {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('remind') : t('delete_warning')}
- {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('Delete Template App Tip') : t('Delete Hint')}
+ {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('delete_template_app_tip') : t('delete_hint')}
{activePage === Page.DELETION_WARNING && (
- {t('Please Enter')}
+ {t('please_enter')}
- {t('Confirm')}
+ {t('confirm')}
{activePage === Page.DELETION_WARNING && (
@@ -130,7 +136,7 @@ const DelModal = ({
pageManuallyChangedRef.current = true;
- {t('Delete anyway')}
+ {t('delete_anyway')}
@@ -141,7 +147,7 @@ const DelModal = ({
onClick={activePage === Page.REMINDER ? openTemplateApp : handleDelApp}
- {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('Confirm to go') : t('Confirm Delete')}
+ {activePage === Page.REMINDER ? t('confirm_to_go') : t('confirm_delete')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DumpImport/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DumpImport/index.tsx
index bf43042ce74..32bf6793b58 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DumpImport/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/DumpImport/index.tsx
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
if (files.length <= 0) {
return toast({
- title: t('Lost File'),
+ title: t('lost_file'),
status: 'error'
@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
if (!e.progress) return;
const percent = Math.round(e.progress * 100);
if (percent < 100) {
- setFileProgressText(t('file.Uploading', { percent }) || '');
+ setFileProgressText(t('file.Uploading', { percent }));
} else {
- setFileProgressText(t('file.Upload Success') || '');
+ setFileProgressText(t('file.Upload Success'));
if (!result[0]) {
return toast({
- title: t('File upload failed'),
+ title: t('file_upload_failed'),
status: 'error'
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
(error) => {
const deepSearch = (obj: any): string => {
- if (!obj) return t('Submit Error');
+ if (!obj) return t('submit_error');
if (!!obj.message) {
return obj.message;
@@ -204,34 +204,34 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
- {t('Upload dump file')}
+ {t('upload_dump_file')}
- {t('DB Name')}
+ {t('db_name')}
{db?.dbType === 'mongodb' && (
- {t('Collection Name')}
+ {t('collection_name')}
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
{migrateStatus === MigrateStatusEnum.Prepare && (
- {t('Prompt')}
+ {t('prompt')}
- {t('Are you sure to perform database migration')}
+ {t('are_you_sure_to_perform_database_migration')}
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
- {t('Migration prompt information')}
+ {t('migration_prompt_information')}
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
- {t('Migration Successful')}
+ {t('migration_successful')}
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ export default function DumpImport({ db }: { db?: DBDetailType }) {
- {t('Migration Failed')}
+ {t('migration_failed')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Header.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Header.tsx
index f00b2563f7c..1e6c0852968 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Header.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Header.tsx
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ const Header = ({
onClose: onCloseDelModal
} = useDisclosure();
const { openConfirm: openRestartConfirm, ConfirmChild: RestartConfirmChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Confirm Restart')
+ content: t('confirm_restart')
const { openConfirm: onOpenPause, ConfirmChild: PauseChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Pause Hint')
+ content: t('pause_hint')
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
@@ -44,15 +44,12 @@ const Header = ({
await restartDB(db);
- title: 'Restart Success',
+ title: 'restart_success',
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title:
- typeof error === 'string'
- ? error
- : error.message || t('Restart Error') || 'Restart Error',
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('restart_error'),
status: 'error'
@@ -65,13 +62,12 @@ const Header = ({
await pauseDBByName(db);
- title: t('Pause Success') || 'Pause Success',
+ title: t('pause_success'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title:
- typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Pause Error') || 'Pause Error',
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('pause_error'),
status: 'error'
@@ -84,13 +80,12 @@ const Header = ({
await startDBByName(db);
- title: t('Start Success') || 'Start Success',
+ title: t('start_success'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title:
- typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Start Error') || 'Start Error',
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('start_error'),
status: 'error'
@@ -151,7 +146,7 @@ const Header = ({
- {t('Update')}
+ {t('update')}
{db.status.value === 'Stopped' ? (
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Migrate/Table.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Migrate/Table.tsx
index 3bf245a179f..99c6ead5175 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Migrate/Table.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Migrate/Table.tsx
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import LogsModal from './LogsModal';
import MigrateStatus from './MigrateStatus';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
export const MigrateTable = ({ dbName }: { dbName: string }) => {
if (!dbName) return <>>;
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ export const MigrateTable = ({ dbName }: { dbName: string }) => {
const { openConfirm: openConfirmDel, ConfirmChild: ConfirmDelChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Confirm delete the migrate')
+ content: t('confirm_delete_the_migrate')
const confirmDel = useCallback(
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ export const MigrateTable = ({ dbName }: { dbName: string }) => {
const columns: {
- title: string;
+ title: I18nCommonKey;
dataIndex?: keyof MigrateItemType;
key: string;
render?: (item: MigrateItemType, i: number) => React.ReactNode | string;
@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@ export const MigrateTable = ({ dbName }: { dbName: string }) => {
- title: 'Creation Time',
+ title: 'creation_time',
key: 'creationtime',
render: (item: MigrateItemType) => <>{dayjs(item.startTime).format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm')}>
- title: 'Operation',
+ title: 'operation',
key: 'control',
render: (item: MigrateItemType) => {
return (
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ export const MigrateTable = ({ dbName }: { dbName: string }) => {
{isSuccess && migrateList.length === 0 && (
- {t('No Data Available')}
+ {t('no_data_available')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/ChartTemplate.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/ChartTemplate.tsx
index 10e8a41984d..7ad087494a8 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/ChartTemplate.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/ChartTemplate.tsx
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ const ChartTemplate = ({
- {t('No Data Available')}
+ {t('no_data_available')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/RunningTime.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/RunningTime.tsx
index 55c8c427f07..ef4f9cfb5bb 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/RunningTime.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/RunningTime.tsx
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ const RunningTime = ({
border={'1px solid #CCEEED'}
backgroundColor={'rgba(0, 169, 166, 0.07)'}
- {t('Running Time')}
+ {t('running_time')}
- {t(MaxTime?.unit || '')}
+ {t(MaxTime?.unit || 'start_minute')}
- {t('InnoDB Buffer Pool')}
+ {t('innodb_buffer_pool')}
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ const RunningTime = ({
border={'1px solid #CCEEED'}
backgroundColor={'rgba(0, 169, 166, 0.07)'}
- {t('Running Time')}
+ {t('running_time')}
- {t(MaxTime?.unit || '')}
+ {t(MaxTime?.unit || 'start_minute')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/index.tsx
index 57afb2e6f0b..1cd82ccbb0d 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Monitor/index.tsx
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ const Monitor = ({ db, dbName, dbType }: { dbName: string; dbType: string; db?:
onChange={(id) => setActiveId(id as MonitorType)}
- {t('Update Time')} {currentTime}
+ {t('update_time')} {currentTime}
{activeId === MonitorType.resources && (
- {t('Event Analyze')}
+ {t('event_analyze')}
)} */}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Pods.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Pods.tsx
index a1b49410f95..6602e75f1d9 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Pods.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/Pods.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { useConfirm } from '@/hooks/useConfirm';
import { useLoading } from '@/hooks/useLoading';
import { useDBStore } from '@/store/db';
import type { PodDetailType } from '@/types/db';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import {
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ const Pods = ({ dbName, dbType }: { dbName: string; dbType: string }) => {
const [detailPodIndex, setDetailPodIndex] = useState();
const { Loading } = useLoading();
const { openConfirm: openConfirmRestart, ConfirmChild: RestartConfirmChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Confirm Restart Pod') || 'Confirm Restart Pod'
+ content: t('confirm_restart_pod')
const { intervalLoadPods, dbPods } = useDBStore();
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ const Pods = ({ dbName, dbType }: { dbName: string; dbType: string }) => {
} catch (err) {
- title: `${t('Restart')} ${podName} ${t('Have Error')}`,
+ title: `${t('Restart')} ${podName} ${t('have_error')}`,
status: 'warning'
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ const Pods = ({ dbName, dbType }: { dbName: string; dbType: string }) => {
// console.log(dbPods);
const columns: {
- title: string;
+ title: I18nCommonKey;
dataIndex?: keyof PodDetailType;
key: string;
render?: (item: PodDetailType, i: number) => JSX.Element | string;
@@ -73,17 +74,17 @@ const Pods = ({ dbName, dbType }: { dbName: string; dbType: string }) => {
render: (item: PodDetailType) =>
- title: 'Restarts',
+ title: 'restarts',
key: 'restarts',
dataIndex: 'restarts'
- title: 'Age',
+ title: 'age',
key: 'age',
dataIndex: 'age'
- title: 'Operation',
+ title: 'operation',
key: 'control',
render: (item: PodDetailType, i: number) => (
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/RestoreModal.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/RestoreModal.tsx
index c75c789e16e..b42b603f5d9 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/RestoreModal.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/components/RestoreModal.tsx
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ const RestoreModal = ({
status: 'success',
- title: t('Restore Success')
+ title: t('restore_success')
@@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ const RestoreModal = ({
- {t('Restore Database')}
+ {t('restore_database')}
- text={t('Restore Backup Tip')}
+ text={t('restore_backup_tip')}
- {t('Database Name')}
+ {t('database_name')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/index.tsx
index 7edffb81ea2..e6be30acee4 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/detail/index.tsx
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Header from './components/Header';
import MigrateTable from './components/Migrate/Table';
import Monitor from './components/Monitor';
import Pods from './components/Pods';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
enum TabEnum {
pod = 'pod',
@@ -48,12 +49,12 @@ const AppDetail = ({
const listNavValue = [
- { label: 'Monitor List', value: TabEnum.monitor },
- { label: 'Replicas List', value: TabEnum.pod },
- ...(BackupSupported ? [{ label: 'Backup List', value: TabEnum.backup }] : []),
- ...(PublicNetMigration ? [{ label: 'Online Import', value: TabEnum.InternetMigration }] : []),
+ { label: 'monitor_list', value: TabEnum.monitor },
+ { label: 'replicas_list', value: TabEnum.pod },
+ ...(BackupSupported ? [{ label: 'backup_list', value: TabEnum.backup }] : []),
+ ...(PublicNetMigration ? [{ label: 'online_import', value: TabEnum.InternetMigration }] : []),
...(PublicNetMigration && !!SystemEnv.minio_url
- ? [{ label: 'Import Through File', value: TabEnum.DumpImport }]
+ ? [{ label: 'import_through_file', value: TabEnum.DumpImport }]
: [])
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ const AppDetail = ({
- {t(item.label)}
+ {t(item.label as I18nCommonKey)}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Form.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Form.tsx
index 4340a08d974..005d0a31626 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Form.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Form.tsx
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { UseFormReturn } from 'react-hook-form';
import PriceBox from '@/components/PriceBox';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
const Form = ({
@@ -55,10 +56,10 @@ const Form = ({
formState: { errors }
} = formHook;
- const navList = [
+ const navList: { id: string; label: I18nCommonKey; icon: string }[] = [
id: 'baseInfo',
- label: t('Basic'),
+ label: 'basic',
icon: 'formInfo'
@@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ const Form = ({
- {t('Basic')}
+ {t('basic')}
@@ -297,11 +298,11 @@ const Form = ({
label: i.label,
@@ -315,14 +316,14 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ const Form = ({
register('replicas', {
- required: t('Replicas Cannot Empty') || '',
+ required: t('replicas_cannot_empty'),
min: {
value: 1,
- message: `${t('Min Replicas')}1`
+ message: `${t('min_replicas')}1`
max: {
value: 20,
- message: `${t('Max Replicas')}20`
+ message: `${t('max_replicas')}20`
const dbType = getValues('dbType');
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ const Form = ({
- text="The Single-node database is only suitable for development testing"
+ text={t('single_node_tip')}
@@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ const Form = ({
- text="The multi-replica Redis includes High Availability (HA) nodes, Please note, the anticipated price already encompasses the cost for the HA nodes"
+ text={t('multi_replica_redis_tip')}
@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@ const Form = ({
- text={t('db instances tip', {
+ text={t('db_instances_tip', {
db: getValues('dbType')
@@ -425,8 +426,8 @@ const Form = ({
- applyBtnText: string;
+ applyBtnText: I18nCommonKey;
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const router = useRouter();
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Yaml.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Yaml.tsx
index 6b49472da58..15afc3d07f1 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Yaml.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/components/Yaml.tsx
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ const Yaml = ({ yamlList = [], pxVal }: { yamlList: YamlItemType[]; pxVal: numbe
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/index.tsx
index fa6ac3601eb..62cb663e296 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/edit/index.tsx
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ const EditApp = ({ dbName, tabType }: { dbName?: string; tabType?: 'form' | 'yam
const submitError = useCallback(() => {
// deep search message
const deepSearch = (obj: any): string => {
- if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return t('Submit Error');
+ if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return t('submit_error');
if (!!obj.message) {
return obj.message;
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Form.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Form.tsx
index 97341c597aa..6aab5dc7a4a 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Form.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Form.tsx
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { UseFormReturn } from 'react-hook-form';
import PrepareBox from './Prepare';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
const Form = ({
@@ -51,20 +52,20 @@ const Form = ({
formState: { errors }
} = formHook;
- const navList = [
+ const navList: { id: string; label: I18nCommonKey; icon: string }[] = [
id: 'preparation',
- label: t('Migration Preparation'),
+ label: t('migration_preparation'),
icon: 'book'
id: 'baseInfo',
- label: t('Basic'),
+ label: t('basic'),
icon: 'formInfo'
id: 'settings',
- label: t('Advanced Configuration'),
+ label: t('advanced_configuration'),
icon: 'settings'
@@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -214,11 +215,11 @@ const Form = ({
- {/* Migration Preparation */}
+ {/* migration_preparation */}
- {t('Migration Preparation')}
+ {t('migration_preparation')}
@@ -228,19 +229,19 @@ const Form = ({
- {t('Basic')}
+ {t('basic')}
- {t('Source Database')}
+ {t('source_database')}
@@ -249,9 +250,9 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -260,9 +261,9 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -271,27 +272,27 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ const Form = ({
@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ const Form = ({
- {t('Advanced Configuration')}
+ {t('advanced_configuration')}
- {t('Continuous Migration')}
+ {t('continuous_migration')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Header.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Header.tsx
index 57e61795783..0c64b509677 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Header.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Header.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import MyIcon from '@/components/Icon';
import { DBType } from '@/types/db';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import { Box, Button, Flex } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
@@ -12,10 +13,10 @@ const Header = ({
}: {
dbName: string;
- title: string;
+ title: I18nCommonKey;
dbType: DBType;
applyCb: () => void;
- applyBtnText: string;
+ applyBtnText: I18nCommonKey;
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const router = useRouter();
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Prepare.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Prepare.tsx
index d6ac390ac7b..c63b537fcfc 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Prepare.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/components/Prepare.tsx
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ export default function PrepareBox({
"show variables like '%row_im%'; ",
"set binlog_row_image ='FULL'; "
- checkboxLabel: t('I have read and completed migration preparations'),
+ checkboxLabel: t('migration_preparations'),
title: 'MySQL'
mongodb: {
codeList: [t('migrate.mongodb.stepOne'), t('migrate.mongodb.stepTwo')],
- checkboxLabel: t('I have read and completed migration preparations'),
+ checkboxLabel: t('migration_preparations'),
permissionCheck: t('migrate.mongo.check'),
title: 'Monogo'
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export default function PrepareBox({
`ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = 'logical';`,
- checkboxLabel: t('I have read and completed migration preparations'),
+ checkboxLabel: t('migration_preparations'),
permissionCheck: t('migrate.postgresql.check'),
title: 'PostgreSQL'
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export default function PrepareBox({
return (
- {content.title} {t('Migrate Config')}
+ {content.title} {t('migrate_config')}
- {content.title} {t('Migration Permission Check')}
+ {content.title} {t('migration_permission_check')}
- {t('Covering Risks')}
+ {t('covering_risks')}
- {t('Important tips for migrating')}
+ {t('important_tips_for_migrating')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/index.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/index.tsx
index 909211edd6f..58b25171912 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/db/migrate/index.tsx
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const EditApp = ({
const { Loading, setIsLoading } = useLoading();
const { checkQuotaAllow, balance } = useUserStore();
const { openConfirm, ConfirmChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Are you sure to perform database migration')
+ content: t('are_you_sure_to_perform_database_migration')
const { loadDBDetail } = useDBStore();
const { screenWidth, lastRoute } = useGlobalStore();
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const EditApp = ({
await applyYamlList(yamlList, 'create');
- title: t('Migration task created successfully'),
+ title: t('migration_task_created_successfully'),
status: 'success'
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ const EditApp = ({
const submitError = useCallback(() => {
const deepSearch = (obj: any, depth: number = 2): string => {
- if (!obj || depth === 0) return t('Submit Error');
+ if (!obj || depth === 0) return t('submit_error');
if (!!obj.message) {
return obj.message;
const values = Object.values(obj);
if (values.length === 0 || typeof values[0] !== 'object') {
- return t('Submit Error');
+ return t('submit_error');
return deepSearch(values[0], depth - 1);
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ const EditApp = ({
formHook.handleSubmit((data) => openConfirm(() => submitSuccess(data))(), submitError)()
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/dbList.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/dbList.tsx
index 5af57cb9562..c29cc37453f 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/dbList.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/dbList.tsx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const DBList = ({
const [delAppName, setDelAppName] = useState('');
const { openConfirm: onOpenPause, ConfirmChild: PauseChild } = useConfirm({
- content: t('Pause Hint')
+ content: t('pause_hint')
const handleRestartApp = useCallback(
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ const DBList = ({
await restartDB({ dbName: db.name, dbType: db.dbType });
- title: t('Restart Success'),
+ title: t('restart_success'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Restart Success'),
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('restart_success'),
status: 'error'
console.error(error, '==');
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ const DBList = ({
await pauseDBByName({ dbName: db.name, dbType: db.dbType });
- title: t('Pause Success'),
+ title: t('pause_success'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Pause Error'),
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('pause_error'),
status: 'error'
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ const DBList = ({
await startDBByName({ dbName: db.name, dbType: db.dbType });
- title: t('Start Success'),
+ title: t('start_success'),
status: 'success'
} catch (error: any) {
- title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('Start Error'),
+ title: typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message || t('start_error'),
status: 'error'
@@ -135,27 +135,27 @@ const DBList = ({
- title: t('Creation Time'),
+ title: t('creation_time'),
dataIndex: 'createTime',
key: 'createTime'
- title: t('CPU'),
+ title: t('cpu'),
key: 'cpu',
render: (item: DBListItemType) => <>{item.cpu / 1000}C>
- title: t('Memory'),
+ title: t('memory'),
key: 'memory',
render: (item: DBListItemType) => <>{printMemory(item.memory)}>
- title: t('Storage'),
+ title: t('storage'),
key: 'storage',
dataIndex: 'storage'
- title: t('Operation'),
+ title: t('operation'),
key: 'control',
render: (item: DBListItemType) => (
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ const DBList = ({
child: (
- {t('Update')}
+ {t('update')}
onClick: () => router.push(`/db/edit?name=${item.name}`),
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ const DBList = ({
onClick={() => window.open('https://sealos.run/docs/guides/dbprovider/')}
- {t('Use Docs')}
+ {t('use_docs')}
onClick={() => router.push('/db/edit')}
- {t('Create DB')}
+ {t('create_db')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/empty.tsx b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/empty.tsx
index 6976f239613..794a6713312 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/empty.tsx
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/pages/dbs/components/empty.tsx
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ const Empty = () => {
- {t('DataBase Empty')}
+ {t('database_empty')}
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/store/user.ts b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/store/user.ts
index 09056807fd8..ac77b3bbd39 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/store/user.ts
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/store/user.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { getUserQuota } from '@/api/platform';
import { DBEditType } from '@/types/db';
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import { UserQuotaItemType } from '@/types/user';
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { devtools } from 'zustand/middleware';
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ type State = {
balance: number;
userQuota: UserQuotaItemType[];
loadUserQuota: () => Promise;
- checkQuotaAllow: (request: DBEditType, usedData?: DBEditType) => string;
+ checkQuotaAllow: (request: DBEditType, usedData?: DBEditType) => I18nCommonKey;
export const useUserStore = create()(
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ export const useUserStore = create()(
return null;
- checkQuotaAllow: ({ cpu, memory, storage, replicas }, usedData) => {
+ checkQuotaAllow: ({ cpu, memory, storage, replicas }, usedData): I18nCommonKey => {
const quote = get().userQuota;
const request = {
@@ -41,10 +42,10 @@ export const useUserStore = create()(
request.storage -= storage * replicas;
- const overLimitTip = {
- cpu: 'app.The applied CPU exceeds the quota',
- memory: 'app.The applied memory exceeds the quota',
- storage: 'app.The applied storage exceeds the quota'
+ const overLimitTip: { [key: string]: I18nCommonKey } = {
+ cpu: 'app.cpu_exceeds_quota',
+ memory: 'app.memory_exceeds_quota',
+ storage: 'app.storage_exceeds_quota'
const exceedQuota = quote.find((item) => {
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ export const useUserStore = create()(
- return exceedQuota?.type ? overLimitTip[exceedQuota.type] : '';
+ return exceedQuota?.type ? overLimitTip[exceedQuota.type] : 'app.cpu_exceeds_quota';
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/i18next.d.ts b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/i18next.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f42b7f18d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/i18next.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import 'i18next';
+import common from '../../public/locales/zh/common.json';
+export interface I18nNamespaces {
+ common: typeof common;
+export type I18nNsType = (keyof I18nNamespaces)[];
+export type NestedKeyOf = {
+ [Key in keyof ObjectType & (string | number)]: ObjectType[Key] extends object
+ ? `${Key}.${NestedKeyOf}`
+ : `${Key}`;
+}[keyof ObjectType & (string | number)];
+export type ParseKeys = {
+ [K in Ns]: `${K}:${NestedKeyOf}`;
+export type I18nKeyFunction = {
+ (key: Key): Key;
+export type I18nCommonKey = NestedKeyOf;
+declare module 'i18next' {
+ interface CustomTypeOptions {
+ returnNull: false;
+ defaultNS: ['common'];
+ resources: I18nNamespaces;
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/monitor.d.ts b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/monitor.d.ts
index 484dfd570a5..a67143dd9d0 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/monitor.d.ts
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/types/monitor.d.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import { I18nCommonKey } from './i18next';
export interface MonitorDBResult {
status: string;
data: {
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ export type ChartTemplateProps = {
dbName: string;
dbType: string;
apiUrl: string;
- chartTitle: string;
+ chartTitle: I18nCommonKey;
isShowLegend?: boolean;
db?: DBDetailType;
queryKey?: keyof MonitorQueryKey;
diff --git a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/utils/tools.ts b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/utils/tools.ts
index e19acf02a55..11fbdb44549 100644
--- a/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/utils/tools.ts
+++ b/frontend/providers/dbprovider/src/utils/tools.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { I18nCommonKey } from '@/types/i18next';
import { useMessage } from '@sealos/ui';
import { addHours, format, set, startOfDay } from 'date-fns';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ export const useCopyData = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
return {
- copyData: (data: string, title: string = 'Copy Success') => {
+ copyData: (data: string, title: I18nCommonKey = 'copy_success') => {
try {
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
textarea.value = data;
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ export const useCopyData = () => {
} catch (error) {
- title: t('Copy Failed'),
+ title: t('copy_failed'),
status: 'error'
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ export const convertBytes = (bytes: number, unit: 'kb' | 'mb' | 'gb' | 'tb') =>
// formatTime second to day, hour or minute
-export const formatTimeToDay = (seconds: number): { time: string; unit: string } => {
+export const formatTimeToDay = (seconds: number): { time: string; unit: I18nCommonKey } => {
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
const days = Math.floor(seconds / (3600 * 24));
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ export const formatTimeToDay = (seconds: number): { time: string; unit: string }
} else {
return {
- unit: 'Start Minute',
+ unit: 'start_minute',
time: (seconds / 60).toFixed(1)