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Mapping RNA Seq Reads

Benilton Carvalho edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 20 revisions

All your configuration files are stored in the directory mentioned below:


The genome reference FASTA file:


The reference is indexed:


If needed, we can create the index for the genome reference as shown below:

bowtie-build ${reference} ${reference_index}

The transcript annotation:


Two sample files are shown below:



We can operate on these files:

du -h ${reads1}

We will save the outputs at:


Mapping RNA-Seq Reads to the Genome

Now, we call TopHat. The call below saves the transcriptome index to ${config_dir}.

tophat -p 2 -G ${transcript_annotation} --transcriptome-index ${config_dir} -o ${output} --no-novel-juncs ${reference_index} ${reads1},${reads2}

Now, we sort the output BAM file.

samtools sort ${output}/accepted_hits.bam ${output}/accepted_hits.sorted

And create an index to speed up access.

samtools index ${output}/accepted_hits.sorted.bam

Mapping RNA-Seq Reads to the Transcriptome

The reference transcriptome:


Again, if needed, create and index to the FASTA file associated to the transcriptome.

bwa index ${reference}

Because we already set the output directory and input files, we can simply call BWA:

bwa mem ${reference} ${reads1} ${reads2} > ${output}.sam

The BWA output is in the SAM format. We will now convert it to its binary version (BAM).

samtools import ${reference}.fai ${output}.sam ${output}.unsorted.bam

The BAM file is now sorted and indexed.

samtools sort ${output}.unsorted.bam ${output}

samtools index ${output}.bam

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