ServerMod2 is a server side plugin system with a bunch of additional configuration options, bug fixes, security patches and some optimisations built in.
The latest release can be found here: Release link
You can join our Discord here:
To install:
- Navigate to your SCP Secret Lab folder.
- Go into SCPSL_Data/Managed/
- Make a backup of Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Replace Assembly-CSharp.dll with the one in the releases tab and copy Smod2.dll from the releases tab into the same folder.
Currently supported variables (place in your servers name):
- $player_count (current number of connected players) EG: "$player_count playing!"
- $port (the port of the current server) EG: "Welcome to$port"
- $ip (the ip of the server) EG: "Welcome to [$ip:$port]"
- $full_player_count (will display player count as $player_count/$max_player_count or FULL if there are $max_player_count players) EG: " $full_player_count"
- $number (will display the number of the instance, assuming youre using default ports, this works by subtracting 7776 from the port (so $number will = 1 for the first server, #2 for the second)
- $lobby_id (debugging to print the lobby_id)
- $version (version of the game)
- $sm_version (version of ServerMod)
- $max_players (max amount of players in the config)
- $scp_alive - number of alive SCPS.
- $scp_start - number of SCPs at start of the round.
- $scp_counter - prints $scp_alive/$scp_start
- $scp_dead - number of dead scps.
- $scp_zombies - current number of zombies.
- $classd_escape - how many class ds have escaped.
- $classd_start - the amount of starting class ds.
- $classd_counter - $classd_escape/$classd_counter.
- $scientists_escape - The number of scientists to escape so far.
- $scientists_start - the amount of starting scientists
- $scientists_counter - $scientists_escape/$scientist_start.
- $scp_kills - number of people killed by scps.
- $warhead_detonated - prints ☢ WARHEAD DETONATED ☢ if its gone off.
Type Info:
- Boolean: True or False value
- Integer: A number without decimals
- Float: A number with decimals (Formatting like "1.0" and "1,0" both work and are the same value)
- List: A list with items separated by ",", for example:
list: 1,2,3,4,5
- Dictionary: A dictionary with items separated by ":", and each entry separated by ",", for example:
dictionary: 1:2,2:3,3:4
- Seconds: Time in seconds, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
- Minutes: Time in minutes, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
- R: If the config option has an R before it, it means that you can use a random value in it. A random value is defined by having "{}", items listed like "weight%value" where if you don't put a weight it defaults to a weight of 1, separated by "|", for example:
rlist: {1%1|2%7|6},3,6,{15%3|2|45%2}
Crossed out config options are removed, unless otherwise specified in the description
Bolded config options are ones that are in the vanilla game
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
allow_incompatible | Boolean | False | Allow the server to run an incompatible version of ServerMod |
auto_round_restart_time | Seconds | 10 | The time before the next round starts when a round ends |
server_frame_rate | Integer | 60 | The framerate that a server runs at |
show_on_serverlist | Boolean | True | If your server is verified, this shows it on the server list |
sm_debug | Boolean | False | Print more verbose debug messages for debugging |
sm_server_name | String | Dynamic | server name in a separate option, defaults to the value of server_name (You'd use this if you don't want variables showing up in your server name when ServerMod isn't working) |
sm_tracking | Boolean | True | Appends the ServerMod version to your server name, this is for tracking how many servers are running ServerMod |
String | | The master server to push data to, this is used for private server lists (DEPRICATED, USE "secondary_servers_to_contact") | |
secondary_servers_to_contact | List | Empty | The master servers to push data to, this is used for private server lists |
start_round_timer | Seconds | 20 | The amount of time before the round auto-starts (when queueing for a round) |
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
dedicated_slots | Integer | Number of IPs in Reserved Slots.txt |
The number of slots above the maximum to reserve for certain players (REQUIRES RESTART) |
dedicated_slot_location | String | [appdata]/SCP Secret Laboratory | The directory that the Reserved Slots file should be |
dedicated_slot_file_name | String | Reserved Slots.txt | The file name to use for the Reserved Slots file |
List | Empty | A list of the IPs of players to allow into the reserved slots (Depricated, use "Reserved Slots.txt" instead, scroll down for the usage) | |
reserved_slots_simulate_full | Boolean | False | For debugging, this simulates the server being full, so only players with reserved slots can (Do not enable this if you don't know what you're doing) |
Boolean | False | If true, admins will not have the admin badge on your server. (DEPRICATED, use "hidden" as badge color in remote admin config instead) | |
disable_decontamination | Boolean | False | Enables / Disables Light Containment Zone decontamination |
enable_ra_server_commands | Boolean | True | Enables / Disables running console commands through text based Remote Admin |
server_command_whitelist | List | Empty | A list of SteamID64s for the users allowed to run console commands through text based Remote Admin (Whitelist is used by default even if you don't specify it) |
bypass_server_command_whitelist | Boolean | False | Allows anybody with access to text based Remote Admin to run console commands |
filler_team_id | Integer | 4 | If the team spawn queue is shorter than the max player count, this team number will be used for the rest of the players when they spawn |
item_cleanup | Seconds | -1 | Cleans up items after the specified amount of time |
nickname_filter | List | Empty | Automatically kicks anyone who's nickname contains anything in this list |
Integer | 1 | The amount of exits to the pocket dimension | |
remove_item_loot | RList | Empty | Removes all instances of the specified item ID from all lockers |
replace_item_loot | RDictionary | Empty | Replaces all instances of the specified item ID from all lockers with the second specified item ID |
add_item_loot | RList | Empty | Adds the specified item ID to all lockers' loot |
scp_grenade_multiplier | Float | 1.0 | The multiplier for the amount of damage grenades do to SCPs |
human_grenade_multiplier | Float | 0.7 | The multiplier for the amount of damage grenades do to humans |
How to use the new Reserved Slots: In the new "Reserved Slots.txt" file in the SCP AppData location, you put one SteamID or IP per line, and you can end each line with a comment using "//". If you want to use both an IP and SteamID, you put the IP, a semicolon (";"), then the SteamID
Everything following and including the "//" is optional
Example Usage: // IP
11111111111111111 // SteamID64 (Automatically fetches IP);22222222222222222 // IP and SteamID64 (Automatically updates IP);22222222222222222;11111111111111111
Known bugs:
Server might crash when first creating "Reserved Slots.txt", just restart the server if this happens and it shouldn't happen again.
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
afk_kick | Seconds | -1 | Kicks players who haven't moved in a specified amount of time |
escapee_restrained_check | Boolean | False | If true, escapees are set to the opposite team if they are cuffed (disarmed), for example, if a Class-D escaped while cuffed, they would become NTF |
Seconds | 30 | After this amount of time without a player sending any movement, they will be kicked (still sends movement if they're standing still, so this isn't anti-afk) | |
Integer | -1 | The amount of movements detected by the anti-cheat as invalid before a player is kicked, the detection count increases per invalid movement and decreases per valid movement | |
Integer | 50 | The amount of tries before the OnPlayerJoin event gives up on executing for a player (to prevent it constantly running if a player disconnects before it's run) |
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
auto_warhead_start | Seconds | -1 | Automatically activated the nuke after the specified amount of time has elapsed (-1 disables this feature) |
auto_warhead_start_lock | Boolean | False | Automatically prevents the warhead detonation from being cancelled when it's automatically started |
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
SCP914_teleport_players | Boolean | True | Moves players in SCP-914's input area to the output area |
SCP914_keep_health | Boolean | True | Keep the same health when a player moves from SCP-914's input area to the output area and the class is changed |
SCP914_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_change_class | RDictionary | Empty | Changes a player's class from the first specified class to the second specified class when they're teleported to SCP-914's output area |
SCP914_in_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_damage | RDictionary | Empty | Damages a player by the second specified value when the class matches the first specified value before their class is changed |
SCP914_out_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_damage | RDictionary | Empty | Damages a player by the second specified value when the class matches the first specified value after their class is changed |
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
no_scp079_first | Boolean | True | Computer (SCP-079) will never be the first scp in a game |
173_door_starting_cooldown | Seconds | 25 | The time before SCP-173's door can be opened |
SCP106_cleanup | Boolean | False | Stops items and ragdolls from spawning in the pocket dimension |
maximum_MTF_respawn_amount | Integer | 15 | The maximum amount of MTF that can be respawned in a single respawn wave |
SCP049_HP | Integer | 1200 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-049 |
SCP049-2_HP | Integer | 400 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-049-2 |
SCP079_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-079 |
SCP096_HP | Integer | 2000 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-096 |
SCP106_HP | Integer | 700 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-106 |
SCP173_HP | Integer | 2000 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-173 |
Integer | 700 | Sets the starting HP for SCP-457 | |
CLASSD_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for Class Ds |
SCIENTIST_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for Scientists |
CI_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for Chaos Insurgency |
NTFG_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for NTF Guards |
NTFSCIENTIST_HP | Integer | 120 | Sets the starting HP for NTF Scientists |
NTFL_HP | Integer | 120 | Sets the starting HP for NTF Lieutenants |
NTFC_HP | Integer | 150 | Sets the starting HP for NTF Commanders |
FACILITYGUARD_HP | Integer | 100 | Sets the starting HP for Facility Guards |
force_disable_enable | Boolean | False | Overrides game's default class ban value with chosen values (USE OF THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED) |
SCP049_DISABLE | Boolean | False | Disables SCP-049 |
SCP079_DISABLE | Boolean | True | Disables SCP-079 |
SCP096_DISABLE | Boolean | False | Disables SCP-096 |
SCP106_DISABLE | Boolean | False | Disables SCP-106 |
SCP173_DISABLE | Boolean | False | Disables SCP-173 |
Boolean | True | Disables SCP-457 | |
SCP049_AMOUNT | Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-049 that can be spawned in randomly |
SCP079_AMOUNT | Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-079 that can be spawned in randomly |
SCP096_AMOUNT | Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-096 that can be spawned in randomly |
SCP106_AMOUNT | Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-106 that can be spawned in randomly |
SCP173_AMOUNT | Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-173 that can be spawned in randomly |
Integer | 1 | Max amount of SCP-457 that can be spawned in randomly |
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
smart_class_picker | Boolean | False | Enables/Disables Smart Class Picker |
smart_cp_starting_weight | Integer | 6 | The weight a class starts out with |
smart_cp_weight_min | Integer | 1 | The minimum weight a class can have |
smart_cp_weight_max | Integer | 11 | The maximum weight a class can have |
smart_cp_class_<Class #>_weight_decrease | Integer | Dynamic | The amount a weight goes down when a player plays the specified class, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is |
smart_cp_class_<Class #>_weight_increase | Integer | Dynamic | The amount a weight goes up when the player isn't the specified class, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is |
smart_cp_team_<Team #>_weight_decrease | Integer | Dynamic | The amount the weight for each class on a team goes down when a player plays on the specified team, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is |
smart_cp_team_<Team #>_weight_increase | Integer | Dynamic | The amount the weight for each class on a team goes up when the player isn't on the specified team, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is |
- Every class gets +1 weight except for the class the player is chosen to be or the chosen class is NTF or SCP
- If the player is chosen to be NTF, the chosen class gets -4 weight and every other NTF class gets -2 weight
- If the player is chosen to be SCP, the chosen class gets -3 weight and every other SCP class gets -2 weight
- If the player is chosen to be Class D, Class D gets -3 weight
- If the player is chosen to be any other class, the chosen class gets -2 weight
Place any suggestions/problems in issues!
Thanks & Enjoy.