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ServerMod2 is a server side plugin system with a bunch of additional configuration options, bug fixes, security patches and some optimisations built in.

The latest release can be found here: Release link


You can join our Discord here:

ServerMod Installation:

To install:

  1. Navigate to your SCP Secret Lab folder.
  2. Go into SCPSL_Data/Managed/
  3. Make a backup of Assembly-CSharp.dll
  4. Replace Assembly-CSharp.dll with the one in the releases tab and copy Smod2.dll from the releases tab into the same folder.

Server Name Variables

Currently supported variables (place in your servers name):

  • $player_count (current number of connected players) EG: "$player_count playing!"
  • $port (the port of the current server) EG: "Welcome to$port"
  • $ip (the ip of the server) EG: "Welcome to [$ip:$port]"
  • $full_player_count (will display player count as $player_count/$max_player_count or FULL if there are $max_player_count players) EG: " $full_player_count"
  • $number (will display the number of the instance, assuming youre using default ports, this works by subtracting 7776 from the port (so $number will = 1 for the first server, #2 for the second)
  • $lobby_id (debugging to print the lobby_id)
  • $version (version of the game)
  • $sm_version (version of ServerMod)
  • $max_players (max amount of players in the config)
  • $scp_alive - number of alive SCPS.
  • $scp_start - number of SCPs at start of the round.
  • $scp_counter - prints $scp_alive/$scp_start
  • $scp_dead - number of dead scps.
  • $scp_zombies - current number of zombies.
  • $classd_escape - how many class ds have escaped.
  • $classd_start - the amount of starting class ds.
  • $classd_counter - $classd_escape/$classd_counter.
  • $scientists_escape - The number of scientists to escape so far.
  • $scientists_start - the amount of starting scientists
  • $scientists_counter - $scientists_escape/$scientist_start.
  • $scp_kills - number of people killed by scps.
  • $warhead_detonated - prints ☢ WARHEAD DETONATED ☢ if its gone off.

Example: player count

Config Additions

Type Info:

  • Boolean: True or False value
  • Integer: A number without decimals
  • Float: A number with decimals (Formatting like "1.0" and "1,0" both work and are the same value)
  • List: A list with items separated by ",", for example: list: 1,2,3,4,5
  • Dictionary: A dictionary with items separated by ":", and each entry separated by ",", for example: dictionary: 1:2,2:3,3:4
  • Seconds: Time in seconds, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
  • Minutes: Time in minutes, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
  • R: If the config option has an R before it, it means that you can use a random value in it. A random value is defined by having "{}", items listed like "weight%value" where if you don't put a weight it defaults to a weight of 1, separated by "|", for example: rlist: {1%1|2%7|6},3,6,{15%3|2|45%2}

Crossed out config options are removed, unless otherwise specified in the description

Bolded config options are ones that are in the vanilla game


Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
allow_incompatible Boolean False Allow the server to run an incompatible version of ServerMod
auto_round_restart_time Seconds 10 The time before the next round starts when a round ends
server_frame_rate Integer 60 The framerate that a server runs at
show_on_serverlist Boolean True If your server is verified, this shows it on the server list
sm_debug Boolean False Print more verbose debug messages for debugging
sm_server_name String Dynamic server name in a separate option, defaults to the value of server_name (You'd use this if you don't want variables showing up in your server name when ServerMod isn't working)
sm_tracking Boolean True Appends the ServerMod version to your server name, this is for tracking how many servers are running ServerMod
master_server_to_contact String The master server to push data to, this is used for private server lists (DEPRICATED, USE "secondary_servers_to_contact")
secondary_servers_to_contact List Empty The master servers to push data to, this is used for private server lists
start_round_timer Seconds 20 The amount of time before the round auto-starts (when queueing for a round)

Administration / Gameplay

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
dedicated_slots Integer Number of IPs in Reserved Slots.txt The number of slots above the maximum to reserve for certain players (REQUIRES RESTART)
dedicated_slot_location String [appdata]/SCP Secret Laboratory The directory that the Reserved Slots file should be
dedicated_slot_file_name String Reserved Slots.txt The file name to use for the Reserved Slots file
dedicated_slot_ips List Empty A list of the IPs of players to allow into the reserved slots (Depricated, use "Reserved Slots.txt" instead, scroll down for the usage)
reserved_slots_simulate_full Boolean False For debugging, this simulates the server being full, so only players with reserved slots can (Do not enable this if you don't know what you're doing)
disable_badges Boolean False If true, admins will not have the admin badge on your server. (DEPRICATED, use "hidden" as badge color in remote admin config instead)
disable_decontamination Boolean False Enables / Disables Light Containment Zone decontamination
enable_ra_server_commands Boolean True Enables / Disables running console commands through text based Remote Admin
server_command_whitelist List Empty A list of SteamID64s for the users allowed to run console commands through text based Remote Admin (Whitelist is used by default even if you don't specify it)
bypass_server_command_whitelist Boolean False Allows anybody with access to text based Remote Admin to run console commands
filler_team_id Integer 4 If the team spawn queue is shorter than the max player count, this team number will be used for the rest of the players when they spawn
item_cleanup Seconds -1 Cleans up items after the specified amount of time
nickname_filter List Empty Automatically kicks anyone who's nickname contains anything in this list
pd_exit_count Integer 1 The amount of exits to the pocket dimension
remove_item_loot RList Empty Removes all instances of the specified item ID from all lockers
replace_item_loot RDictionary Empty Replaces all instances of the specified item ID from all lockers with the second specified item ID
add_item_loot RList Empty Adds the specified item ID to all lockers' loot
scp_grenade_multiplier Float 1.0 The multiplier for the amount of damage grenades do to SCPs
human_grenade_multiplier Float 0.7 The multiplier for the amount of damage grenades do to humans

Reserved Slots

How to use the new Reserved Slots: In the new "Reserved Slots.txt" file in the SCP AppData location, you put one SteamID or IP per line, and you can end each line with a comment using "//". If you want to use both an IP and SteamID, you put the IP, a semicolon (";"), then the SteamID

Everything following and including the "//" is optional

Example Usage: // IP
11111111111111111 // SteamID64 (Automatically fetches IP);22222222222222222 // IP and SteamID64 (Automatically updates IP);22222222222222222;11111111111111111

Known bugs:

Server might crash when first creating "Reserved Slots.txt", just restart the server if this happens and it shouldn't happen again.

Player Management

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
afk_kick Seconds -1 Kicks players who haven't moved in a specified amount of time
escapee_restrained_check Boolean False If true, escapees are set to the opposite team if they are cuffed (disarmed), for example, if a Class-D escaped while cuffed, they would become NTF
last_movement_timeout Seconds 30 After this amount of time without a player sending any movement, they will be kicked (still sends movement if they're standing still, so this isn't anti-afk)
rejected_movement_limit Integer -1 The amount of movements detected by the anti-cheat as invalid before a player is kicked, the detection count increases per invalid movement and decreases per valid movement
sm_onplayerjoin_tries_timeout Integer 50 The amount of tries before the OnPlayerJoin event gives up on executing for a player (to prevent it constantly running if a player disconnects before it's run)

Warhead Options

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
auto_warhead_start Seconds -1 Automatically activated the nuke after the specified amount of time has elapsed (-1 disables this feature)
auto_warhead_start_lock Boolean False Automatically prevents the warhead detonation from being cancelled when it's automatically started

SCP-914 Options

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
SCP914_teleport_players Boolean True Moves players in SCP-914's input area to the output area
SCP914_keep_health Boolean True Keep the same health when a player moves from SCP-914's input area to the output area and the class is changed
SCP914_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_change_class RDictionary Empty Changes a player's class from the first specified class to the second specified class when they're teleported to SCP-914's output area
SCP914_in_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_damage RDictionary Empty Damages a player by the second specified value when the class matches the first specified value before their class is changed
SCP914_out_<rough/coarse/1_to_1/fine/very_fine>_damage RDictionary Empty Damages a player by the second specified value when the class matches the first specified value after their class is changed

Class Based

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
no_scp079_first Boolean True Computer (SCP-079) will never be the first scp in a game
173_door_starting_cooldown Seconds 25 The time before SCP-173's door can be opened
SCP106_cleanup Boolean False Stops items and ragdolls from spawning in the pocket dimension
maximum_MTF_respawn_amount Integer 15 The maximum amount of MTF that can be respawned in a single respawn wave
SCP049_HP Integer 1200 Sets the starting HP for SCP-049
SCP049-2_HP Integer 400 Sets the starting HP for SCP-049-2
SCP079_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for SCP-079
SCP096_HP Integer 2000 Sets the starting HP for SCP-096
SCP106_HP Integer 700 Sets the starting HP for SCP-106
SCP173_HP Integer 2000 Sets the starting HP for SCP-173
SCP457_HP Integer 700 Sets the starting HP for SCP-457
CLASSD_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for Class Ds
SCIENTIST_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for Scientists
CI_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for Chaos Insurgency
NTFG_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for NTF Guards
NTFSCIENTIST_HP Integer 120 Sets the starting HP for NTF Scientists
NTFL_HP Integer 120 Sets the starting HP for NTF Lieutenants
NTFC_HP Integer 150 Sets the starting HP for NTF Commanders
FACILITYGUARD_HP Integer 100 Sets the starting HP for Facility Guards
force_disable_enable Boolean False Overrides game's default class ban value with chosen values (USE OF THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED)
SCP049_DISABLE Boolean False Disables SCP-049
SCP079_DISABLE Boolean True Disables SCP-079
SCP096_DISABLE Boolean False Disables SCP-096
SCP106_DISABLE Boolean False Disables SCP-106
SCP173_DISABLE Boolean False Disables SCP-173
SCP457_DISABLE Boolean True Disables SCP-457
SCP049_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-049 that can be spawned in randomly
SCP079_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-079 that can be spawned in randomly
SCP096_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-096 that can be spawned in randomly
SCP106_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-106 that can be spawned in randomly
SCP173_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-173 that can be spawned in randomly
SCP457_AMOUNT Integer 1 Max amount of SCP-457 that can be spawned in randomly

Smart Class Picker (All in Vanilla Game)

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
smart_class_picker Boolean False Enables/Disables Smart Class Picker
smart_cp_starting_weight Integer 6 The weight a class starts out with
smart_cp_weight_min Integer 1 The minimum weight a class can have
smart_cp_weight_max Integer 11 The maximum weight a class can have
smart_cp_class_<Class #>_weight_decrease Integer Dynamic The amount a weight goes down when a player plays the specified class, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is
smart_cp_class_<Class #>_weight_increase Integer Dynamic The amount a weight goes up when the player isn't the specified class, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is
smart_cp_team_<Team #>_weight_decrease Integer Dynamic The amount the weight for each class on a team goes down when a player plays on the specified team, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is
smart_cp_team_<Team #>_weight_increase Integer Dynamic The amount the weight for each class on a team goes up when the player isn't on the specified team, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is

Default Functionality

  • Every class gets +1 weight except for the class the player is chosen to be or the chosen class is NTF or SCP
  • If the player is chosen to be NTF, the chosen class gets -4 weight and every other NTF class gets -2 weight
  • If the player is chosen to be SCP, the chosen class gets -3 weight and every other SCP class gets -2 weight
  • If the player is chosen to be Class D, Class D gets -3 weight
  • If the player is chosen to be any other class, the chosen class gets -2 weight

Place any suggestions/problems in issues!

Thanks & Enjoy.


SCP:Sl ServerMod2 (Plugin Framework)






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