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Fusen-rs is a lightweight, high-performance microservice framework based on Tokio's asynchronous threads, compatible with Dubbo and SpringCloud, supporting service registration and discovery through protocol support, and can implement WebService by exposing HTTP interfaces.


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fusen-rs A most like an RPC framework

fusen-rs is a high-performance, lightweight microservice framework that uses Rust macros to solve the current problems of complex use and low performance of mainstream rpc frameworks. It does not need to generate RPC calling code through scripts and scaffolding, and compiles it through macros. It uses "reflection" to achieve high-performance calls and meet the simplicity of RPC calls. It also supports Dubbo3. The SpringCloud microservice ecosystem can perform service registration discovery and mutual calls with Java projects, and supports user-defined components and other functions.

[ 中文 ]

Function List

  • ✅ RPC call abstraction layer (Rust macro)
  • ✅ Multi-protocol support (HTTP1, HTTP2)
  • ✅ Service registration and discovery (Nacos)
  • ✅ Microservice ecological compatibility (Dubbo3, SpringCloud)
  • ✅ Custom components (custom load balancer, Aspect surround notification component)
  • ✅ Configuration center (local file configuration, Nacos)
  • ✅ Graceful shutdown
  • ✅ Microservice link tracking (opentelemetry)
  • 🚧 HTTP3 protocol support

Quick Start

Common Interface

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct ReqDto {
    pub str: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct ResDto {
    pub str: String,

#[fusen_trait(id = "org.apache.dubbo.springboot.demo.DemoService")]
pub trait DemoService {
    async fn sayHello(&self, name: String) -> String;

    #[asset(path = "/sayHelloV2-http", method = POST)]
    async fn sayHelloV2(&self, name: ReqDto) -> ResDto;

    #[asset(path = "/divide", method = GET)]
    async fn divideV2(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> String;


struct DemoServiceImpl {
    _db: String,

#[fusen_server(id = "org.apache.dubbo.springboot.demo.DemoService")]
impl DemoService for DemoServiceImpl {
    async fn sayHello(&self, req: String) -> FusenResult<String> {
        info!("res : {:?}", req);
        Ok("Hello ".to_owned() + &req)
    #[asset(path="/sayHelloV2-http",method = POST)]
    async fn sayHelloV2(&self, req: ReqDto) -> FusenResult<ResDto> {
        info!("res : {:?}", req);
        Ok(ResDto::default().str("Hello ".to_owned() + req.get_str() + " V2"))
    #[asset(path="/divide",method = GET)]
    async fn divideV2(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> FusenResult<String> {
        info!("res : a={:?},b={:?}", a, b);
        Ok((a + b).to_string())

#[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 16)]
async fn main() {
    let server = DemoServiceImpl {
        _db: "我是一个DB数据库".to_string(),


#[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 16)]
async fn main() {
    let context = FusenApplicationContext::builder()
    //直接当HttpClient调用HTTP1 + JSON
    let client = DemoServiceClient::new(Arc::new(
    let res = client
    info!("rev host msg : {:?}", res);
    let client = DemoServiceClient::new(Arc::new(context.client(Type::Fusen)));
    let res = client
    info!("rev fusen msg : {:?}", res);
    // //通过Dubbo进行服务注册与发现,并且进行HTTP2+Grpc进行调用
    let client = DemoServiceClient::new(Arc::new(context.client(Type::Dubbo)));
    let res = client
    info!("rev dubbo msg : {:?}", res);
    let client = DemoServiceClient::new(Arc::new(context.client(Type::SpringCloud)));
    let res = client
    info!("rev springcloud msg : {:?}", res);

Custom component

Microservice custom components include load balancers, service breaker/current limiting components, pre- and post-request processors, service link tracking and other components. Since the components are highly customized, this project is provided with reference to the concept of AOP Two custom components are provided to provide flexible request processing.


Load balancing component, LoadBalance provides a select interface to implement user-defined service balancing configuration.

#[handler(id = "CustomLoadBalance")]
impl LoadBalance for CustomLoadBalance {
    async fn select(
        invokers: Arc<ResourceInfo>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<InvokerAssets>, fusen_rs::Error> {
            .ok_or("not find server : CustomLoadBalance".into())


I believe everyone is familiar with the concept of dynamic proxy. This is a technology used by Java to enhance classes, and the Spring framework uses this feature to encapsulate a more advanced model, which is the AOP aspect-first programming model. This component is a reference This model implements the wraparound notification model. Users can implement various component requirements based on this component, such as service circuit breaker/current limiting, request pre- and post-processing, link tracking, request response time monitoring and other requirements, and Aspect Components support multi-level nested calls and provide flexible definition methods to meet users' complex needs.

#[handler(id = "ServerLogAspect")]
impl Aspect for ServerLogAspect {
    async fn aroud(
        join_point: ProceedingJoinPoint,
    ) -> Result<fusen_common::FusenContext, fusen_rs::Error> {
        let start_time = get_now_date_time_as_millis();
        info!("server receive request : {:?}", join_point.get_context());
        let context = join_point.proceed().await;
            "server dispose done RT : {:?}ms : {:?}",
            get_now_date_time_as_millis() - start_time,


This project is also compatible with the dubbo3 protocol, and can easily perform service registration discovery and intermodulation with the Java version of the Dubbo3 project through interface exposure.

Rust's Server and Client don't need to be modified at all, just like the above example.

The Java version of the Dubbo3 project does not need to be modified at the code level. It only needs to add some dependencies and configurations (because the way Dubbo3 uses interface exposure does not support the json serialization protocol by default, it uses the binary serialization format of fastjson2, so here we need to manually Add support for fastjson1)

Here we use duboo3’s official sample dubbo-samples-spring-boot project for demonstration.

First, we need to add the maven dependencies of fastjson and nacos to the pom.xml of the Server and Client services.

<!-- registry dependency -->


public class DemoServiceImpl implements DemoService {

    public String sayHello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;


    name: dubbo-springboot-demo-provider
    name: tri
    port: 50052
    prefer-serialization: fastjson
    address: nacos://${nacos.address:}:8848


public class Task implements CommandLineRunner {
    private DemoService demoService;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        String result = demoService.sayHello("world");
        System.out.println("Receive result ======> " + result);

        new Thread(()-> {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    System.out.println(new Date() + " Receive result ======> " + demoService.sayHello("world"));
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    name: dubbo-springboot-demo-consumer
    address: nacos://${nacos.address:}:8848


At the same time, this project has also expanded the HTTP interface to be used as a WebServer framework, and also supports Spring Cloud service registration and discovery. Users can flexibly select and switch the protocols that need to be exposed, and support simultaneous exposure.

Here we use the spring-cloud-alibaba project for demonstration

When calling SpringCloud on RustClient, you need to change fusen_trait_id to the target service id (application_name)

#[fusen_trait(id = "service-provider")]

There is no need to modify the Java server and client code. Just start it.


Provider startup class package

public class EchoController {
    public String divide(@RequestParam Integer a, @RequestParam Integer b) {
        if (b == 0) {
          return String.valueOf(0);
        } else {
          return String.valueOf(a / b);


Consumer startup class package

public class TestController {
    public String divide(@RequestParam Integer a, @RequestParam Integer b) {
        return echoClient.divide(a, b);

Test curl (curl => SpringCloud => fusen-rust)

2024-04-10T06:52:32.737307Z  INFO ThreadId(07) server: 33: res : a=1,b=2

Test curl ( curl => fusen-rust )

2024-04-10T06:54:26.436416Z  INFO ThreadId(512) server: 33: res : a=2,b=3

Test curl ( curl => fusen-rust )

curl --location --request POST ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Connection: keep-alive'
--data-raw '{ "str" ​​: "World" }'

2024-04-10T07:02:50.138057Z  INFO ThreadId(03) server: 26: res : ReqDto { str: "World" }


Fusen-rs is a lightweight, high-performance microservice framework based on Tokio's asynchronous threads, compatible with Dubbo and SpringCloud, supporting service registration and discovery through protocol support, and can implement WebService by exposing HTTP interfaces.







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