Maildev integration for CodeceptJS.
npm install --save-dev codeceptjs-maildev-helper
in codecept.json:
"helpers": {
"MaildevHelper": {
"require": "./node_modules/codeceptjs-maildev-helper"
"port": 12325
is optional. Default value is 1025.
You may run
codeceptjs def
to generate typescript definitions for all installed helpers - this adds code autocompletion to IDEs, which support TypeScript.
Configure your application to use local Maildev server (see Maildev docs).
In your CodeceptJS scenario use I.haveMailbox(address)
to initialize mailbox and I.grabNextUnreadMail()
to get email object.
For example:
Scenario('test email sending' async (I) => {
I.haveMailbox('[email protected]');
I.fillField('email', '[email protected]');'Send Me Email!');
const email = await I.grabNextUnreadMail();
I.say('I have email: ' + email.subject);
returns Promise
like all CodeceptJS grabber methods. It resolves to email object, which is used by Maildev and seems to conform Mailparser specification.
You may register more recepient addresses by adding more I.haveMailbox()