diff --git a/integrationExamples/gpt/userId_example.html b/integrationExamples/gpt/userId_example.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d64e22e44c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrationExamples/gpt/userId_example.html
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+Rubicon Project Prebid
diff --git a/modules/userId.js b/modules/userId.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bddada7ffbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/userId.js
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * This module adds User ID support to prebid.js
+ */
+import {ajax} from '../src/ajax.js';
+import {config} from '../src/config.js';
+import events from '../src/events.js';
+import * as utils from '../src/utils.js';
+import find from 'core-js/library/fn/array/find';
+import {gdprDataHandler} from '../src/adapterManager.js';
+const CONSTANTS = require('../src/constants.json');
+ * @typedef {Object} SubmoduleConfig
+ * @property {string} name - the User ID submodule name
+ * @property {SubmoduleStorage} storage - browser storage config
+ * @property {SubmoduleParams} params - params config for use by the submodule.getId function
+ * @property {Object} value - all object properties will be appended to the User ID bid data
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SubmoduleStorage
+ * @property {string} type - browser storage type (html5 or cookie)
+ * @property {string} name - key name to use when saving/reading to local storage or cookies
+ * @property {number} expires - time to live for browser cookie
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SubmoduleParams
+ * @property {string} partner - partner url param value
+ * @property {string} url - webservice request url used to load Id data
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} Submodule
+ * @property {string} name - submodule and config have matching name prop
+ * @property {decode} decode - decode a stored value for passing to bid requests
+ * @property {getId} getId - performs action to obtain id and return a value in the callback's response argument
+ */
+ * @callback getId
+ * @param {SubmoduleParams} [submoduleConfigParams]
+ * @param {Object} [consentData]
+ * @returns {(Function|Object|string)}
+ */
+ * @callback decode
+ * @param {Object|string} idData
+ * @returns {Object}
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SubmoduleContainer
+ * @property {Submodule} submodule
+ * @property {SubmoduleConfig} submoduleConfig
+ * @property {Object} idObj - decoded User ID data that will be appended to bids
+ * @property {function} callback
+ */
+const MODULE_NAME = 'User ID';
+const COOKIE = 'cookie';
+const LOCAL_STORAGE = 'html5';
+const DEFAULT_SYNC_DELAY = 500;
+// @type {number} delay after auction to make webrequests for id data
+export let syncDelay;
+// @type {SubmoduleContainer[]}
+export let submodules;
+// @type {SubmoduleContainer[]}
+let initializedSubmodules;
+// @type {Submodule}
+export const unifiedIdSubmodule = {
+ name: 'unifiedId',
+ decode(value) {
+ return (value && typeof value['TDID'] === 'string') ? { 'tdid': value['TDID'] } : undefined;
+ },
+ getId(submoduleConfigParams, consentData) {
+ if (!submoduleConfigParams || (typeof submoduleConfigParams.partner !== 'string' && typeof submoduleConfigParams.url !== 'string')) {
+ utils.logError(`${MODULE_NAME} - unifiedId submodule requires either partner or url to be defined`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const url = submoduleConfigParams.url || `http://match.adsrvr.org/track/rid?ttd_pid=${submoduleConfigParams.partner}&fmt=json`;
+ return function (callback) {
+ ajax(url, response => {
+ let responseObj;
+ if (response) {
+ try {
+ responseObj = JSON.parse(response);
+ } catch (error) {
+ utils.logError(error);
+ }
+ }
+ callback(responseObj);
+ }, undefined, { method: 'GET' });
+ }
+ }
+// @type {Submodule}
+export const pubCommonIdSubmodule = {
+ name: 'pubCommonId',
+ decode(value) {
+ return {
+ 'pubcid': value
+ }
+ },
+ getId() {
+ // If the page includes its own pubcid object, then use that instead.
+ let pubcid;
+ try {
+ if (typeof window['PublisherCommonId'] === 'object') {
+ pubcid = window['PublisherCommonId'].getId();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ // check pubcid and return if valid was otherwise create a new id
+ return (pubcid) || utils.generateUUID();
+ }
+ * @param {SubmoduleStorage} storage
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {number|string} expires
+ */
+export function setStoredValue(storage, value, expires) {
+ try {
+ const valueStr = (typeof value === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(value) : value;
+ const expiresStr = (new Date(Date.now() + (expires * (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)))).toUTCString();
+ if (storage.type === COOKIE) {
+ utils.setCookie(storage.name, valueStr, expiresStr);
+ } else if (storage.type === LOCAL_STORAGE) {
+ localStorage.setItem(`${storage.name}_exp`, expiresStr);
+ localStorage.setItem(storage.name, encodeURIComponent(valueStr));
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ utils.logError(error);
+ }
+ * @param {SubmoduleStorage} storage
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+export function getStoredValue(storage) {
+ let storedValue;
+ try {
+ if (storage.type === COOKIE) {
+ storedValue = utils.getCookie(storage.name);
+ } else if (storage.type === LOCAL_STORAGE) {
+ const storedValueExp = localStorage.getItem(`${storage.name}_exp`);
+ // empty string means no expiration set
+ if (storedValueExp === '') {
+ storedValue = localStorage.getItem(storage.name);
+ } else if (storedValueExp) {
+ if ((new Date(storedValueExp)).getTime() - Date.now() > 0) {
+ storedValue = decodeURIComponent(localStorage.getItem(storage.name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // we support storing either a string or a stringified object,
+ // so we test if the string contains an stringified object, and if so convert to an object
+ if (typeof storedValue === 'string' && storedValue.charAt(0) === '{') {
+ storedValue = JSON.parse(storedValue);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ utils.logError(e);
+ }
+ return storedValue;
+ * test if consent module is present, applies, and is valid for local storage or cookies (purpose 1)
+ * @param {Object} consentData
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+export function hasGDPRConsent(consentData) {
+ if (consentData && typeof consentData.gdprApplies === 'boolean' && consentData.gdprApplies) {
+ if (!consentData.consentString) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (consentData.vendorData && consentData.vendorData.purposeConsents && consentData.vendorData.purposeConsents['1'] === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * @param {Object[]} submodules
+ */
+export function processSubmoduleCallbacks(submodules) {
+ submodules.forEach(function(submodule) {
+ submodule.callback(function callbackCompleted (idObj) {
+ // clear callback, this prop is used to test if all submodule callbacks are complete below
+ submodule.callback = undefined;
+ // if valid, id data should be saved to cookie/html storage
+ if (idObj) {
+ setStoredValue(submodule.config.storage, idObj, submodule.config.storage.expires);
+ // cache decoded value (this is copied to every adUnit bid)
+ submodule.idObj = submodule.submodule.decode(idObj);
+ } else {
+ utils.logError(`${MODULE_NAME}: ${submodule.submodule.name} - request id responded with an empty value`);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * @param {Object[]} adUnits
+ * @param {Object[]} submodules
+ */
+export function addIdDataToAdUnitBids(adUnits, submodules) {
+ const submodulesWithIds = submodules.filter(item => typeof item.idObj === 'object' && item.idObj !== null);
+ if (submodulesWithIds.length) {
+ if (adUnits) {
+ adUnits.forEach(adUnit => {
+ adUnit.bids.forEach(bid => {
+ // append the User ID property to bid
+ bid.userId = submodulesWithIds.reduce((carry, item) => {
+ Object.keys(item.idObj).forEach(key => {
+ carry[key] = item.idObj[key];
+ });
+ return carry;
+ }, {});
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ * Hook is executed before adapters, but after consentManagement. Consent data is requied because
+ * this module requires GDPR consent with Purpose #1 to save data locally.
+ * The two main actions handled by the hook are:
+ * 1. check gdpr consentData and handle submodule initialization.
+ * 2. append user id data (loaded from cookied/html or from the getId method) to bids to be accessed in adapters.
+ * @param {object} reqBidsConfigObj required; This is the same param that's used in pbjs.requestBids.
+ * @param {function} fn required; The next function in the chain, used by hook.js
+ */
+export function requestBidsHook(fn, reqBidsConfigObj) {
+ // initialize submodules only when undefined
+ if (typeof initializedSubmodules === 'undefined') {
+ initializedSubmodules = initSubmodules(submodules, gdprDataHandler.getConsentData());
+ if (initializedSubmodules.length) {
+ // list of sumodules that have callbacks that need to be executed
+ const submodulesWithCallbacks = initializedSubmodules.filter(item => typeof item.callback === 'function');
+ if (submodulesWithCallbacks.length) {
+ // wait for auction complete before processing submodule callbacks
+ events.on(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.AUCTION_END, function auctionEndHandler() {
+ events.off(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.AUCTION_END, auctionEndHandler);
+ // when syncDelay is zero, process callbacks now, otherwise dealy process with a setTimeout
+ if (syncDelay > 0) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ processSubmoduleCallbacks(submodulesWithCallbacks);
+ }, syncDelay);
+ } else {
+ processSubmoduleCallbacks(submodulesWithCallbacks);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // pass available user id data to bid adapters
+ addIdDataToAdUnitBids(reqBidsConfigObj.adUnits || $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.adUnits, initializedSubmodules);
+ // calling fn allows prebid to continue processing
+ return fn.call(this, reqBidsConfigObj);
+ * @param {Object[]} submodules
+ * @param {Object} consentData
+ * @returns {string[]} initialized submodules
+ */
+export function initSubmodules(submodules, consentData) {
+ // gdpr consent with purpose one is required, otherwise exit immediately
+ if (!hasGDPRConsent(consentData)) {
+ utils.logWarn(`${MODULE_NAME} - gdpr permission not valid for local storage or cookies, exit module`);
+ return [];
+ }
+ return submodules.reduce((carry, item) => {
+ // There are two submodule configuration types to handle: storage or value
+ // 1. storage: retrieve user id data from cookie/html storage or with the submodule's getId method
+ // 2. value: pass directly to bids
+ if (item.config && item.config.storage) {
+ const storedId = getStoredValue(item.config.storage);
+ if (storedId) {
+ // cache decoded value (this is copied to every adUnit bid)
+ item.idObj = item.submodule.decode(storedId);
+ } else {
+ // getId will return user id data or a function that will load the data
+ const getIdResult = item.submodule.getId(item.config.params, consentData);
+ // If the getId result has a type of function, it is asynchronous and cannot be called until later
+ if (typeof getIdResult === 'function') {
+ item.callback = getIdResult;
+ } else {
+ // A getId result that is not a function is assumed to be valid user id data, which should be saved to users local storage or cookies
+ setStoredValue(item.config.storage, getIdResult, item.config.storage.expires);
+ // cache decoded value (this is copied to every adUnit bid)
+ item.idObj = item.submodule.decode(getIdResult);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (item.config.value) {
+ // cache decoded value (this is copied to every adUnit bid)
+ item.idObj = item.config.value;
+ }
+ carry.push(item);
+ return carry;
+ }, []);
+ * list of submodule configurations with valid 'storage' or 'value' obj definitions
+ * * storage config: contains values for storing/retrieving User ID data in browser storage
+ * * value config: object properties that are copied to bids (without saving to storage)
+ * @param {SubmoduleConfig[]} submoduleConfigs
+ * @param {Submodule[]} enabledSubmodules
+ * @returns {SubmoduleConfig[]}
+ */
+export function getValidSubmoduleConfigs(submoduleConfigs, enabledSubmodules) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(submoduleConfigs)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ // list of browser enabled storage types
+ const validStorageTypes = [];
+ if (utils.localStorageIsEnabled()) {
+ // check if optout exists in local storage (null if returned if key does not exist)
+ if (!localStorage.getItem('_pbjs_id_optout') && !localStorage.getItem('_pubcid_optout')) {
+ validStorageTypes.push(LOCAL_STORAGE);
+ } else {
+ utils.logInfo(`${MODULE_NAME} - opt-out localStorage found, exit module`);
+ }
+ }
+ if (utils.cookiesAreEnabled()) {
+ validStorageTypes.push(COOKIE);
+ }
+ return submoduleConfigs.reduce((carry, submoduleConfig) => {
+ // every submodule config obj must contain a valid 'name'
+ if (!submoduleConfig || typeof submoduleConfig.name !== 'string' || !submoduleConfig.name) {
+ return carry;
+ }
+ // Validate storage config
+ // contains 'type' and 'name' properties with non-empty string values
+ // 'type' must be a value currently enabled in the browser
+ if (submoduleConfig.storage &&
+ typeof submoduleConfig.storage.type === 'string' && submoduleConfig.storage.type &&
+ typeof submoduleConfig.storage.name === 'string' && submoduleConfig.storage.name &&
+ validStorageTypes.indexOf(submoduleConfig.storage.type) !== -1) {
+ carry.push(submoduleConfig);
+ } else if (submoduleConfig.value !== null && typeof submoduleConfig.value === 'object') {
+ // Validate value config
+ // must be valid object with at least one property
+ carry.push(submoduleConfig);
+ }
+ return carry;
+ }, []);
+ * @param config
+ * @param {Submodule[]} enabledSubmodules
+ */
+export function init (config, enabledSubmodules) {
+ submodules = [];
+ initializedSubmodules = undefined;
+ // exit immediately if opt out cookie exists. _pubcid_optout is checked for compatiblility with pubCommonId module opt out
+ if (utils.getCookie('_pbjs_id_optout')) {
+ utils.logInfo(`${MODULE_NAME} - opt-out cookie found, exit module`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // listen for config userSyncs to be set
+ config.getConfig('usersync', ({usersync}) => {
+ if (usersync) {
+ syncDelay = (typeof usersync.syncDelay !== 'undefined') ? usersync.syncDelay : DEFAULT_SYNC_DELAY;
+ // filter any invalid configs out
+ const submoduleConfigs = getValidSubmoduleConfigs(usersync.userIds, enabledSubmodules);
+ if (submoduleConfigs.length === 0) {
+ // exit module, if no valid configurations exist
+ return;
+ }
+ // get list of submodules with valid configurations
+ submodules = enabledSubmodules.reduce((carry, enabledSubmodule) => {
+ // try to find submodule configuration for submodule, if config exists it should be enabled
+ const submoduleConfig = find(submoduleConfigs, item => item.name === enabledSubmodule.name);
+ if (submoduleConfig) {
+ // append {SubmoduleContainer} containing the submodule and config
+ carry.push({
+ submodule: enabledSubmodule,
+ config: submoduleConfig,
+ idObj: undefined
+ });
+ }
+ return carry;
+ }, []);
+ // complete initialization if any submodules exist
+ if (submodules.length) {
+ // priority has been set so it loads after consentManagement (which has a priority of 50)
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids.before(requestBidsHook, 40);
+ utils.logInfo(`${MODULE_NAME} - usersync config updated for ${submodules.length} submodules`);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
diff --git a/modules/userId.md b/modules/userId.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a873a76674f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/userId.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+## User ID Example Configuration
+Example showing `cookie` storage for user id data for both submodules
+ usersync: {
+ userIds: [{
+ name: "unifiedId",
+ params: {
+ partner: "prebid",
+ url: "http://match.adsrvr.org/track/rid?ttd_pid=prebid&fmt=json"
+ },
+ storage: {
+ type: "cookie",
+ name: "unifiedid",
+ expires: 60
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: "pubCommonId",
+ storage: {
+ type: "cookie",
+ name: "_pubcid",
+ expires: 60
+ }
+ }],
+ syncDelay: 5000
+ }
+Example showing `localStorage` for user id data for both submodules
+ usersync: {
+ userIds: [{
+ name: "unifiedId",
+ params: {
+ partner: "prebid",
+ url: "http://match.adsrvr.org/track/rid?ttd_pid=prebid&fmt=json"
+ },
+ storage: {
+ type: "html5",
+ name: "unifiedid",
+ expires: 60
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: "pubCommonId",
+ storage: {
+ type: "html5",
+ name: "pubcid",
+ expires: 60
+ }
+ }],
+ syncDelay: 5000
+ }
+Example showing how to configure a `value` object to pass directly to bid adapters
+ usersync: {
+ userIds: [{
+ name: "pubCommonId",
+ value: {
+ "providedPubCommonId": "1234567890"
+ }
+ }],
+ syncDelay: 5000
+ }
diff --git a/src/utils.js b/src/utils.js
index f8ac56bb6a1..ea80e970786 100644
--- a/src/utils.js
+++ b/src/utils.js
@@ -911,6 +911,22 @@ export function getCookie(name) {
return m ? decodeURIComponent(m[2]) : null;
+export function setCookie(key, value, expires) {
+ document.cookie = `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}${(expires !== '') ? `; expires=${expires}` : ''}; path=/`;
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+export function localStorageIsEnabled () {
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem('prebid.cookieTest', '1');
+ return localStorage.getItem('prebid.cookieTest') === '1';
+ } catch (error) {
+ return false;
+ }
* Given a function, return a function which only executes the original after
* it's been called numRequiredCalls times.
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/userId_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/userId_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6acab4d2b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/spec/modules/userId_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+import {
+ init,
+ syncDelay,
+ submodules,
+ pubCommonIdSubmodule,
+ unifiedIdSubmodule,
+ requestBidsHook
+} from 'modules/userId';
+import {config} from 'src/config';
+import * as utils from 'src/utils';
+import * as auctionModule from 'src/auction';
+import {getAdUnits} from 'test/fixtures/fixtures';
+import {registerBidder} from 'src/adapters/bidderFactory';
+let assert = require('chai').assert;
+let expect = require('chai').expect;
+describe('User ID', function() {
+ const EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE = 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT';
+ function createStorageConfig(name = 'pubCommonId', key = 'pubcid', type = 'cookie', expires = 30) {
+ return { name: name, storage: { name: key, type: type, expires: expires } }
+ }
+ before(function() {
+ utils.setCookie('_pubcid_optout', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ });
+ describe('Decorate Ad Units', function() {
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid_alt', 'altpubcid200000', (new Date(Date.now() + 5000).toUTCString()));
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids.removeAll();
+ config.resetConfig();
+ });
+ after(function() {
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid_alt', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ });
+ it('Check same cookie behavior', function () {
+ let adUnits1 = getAdUnits();
+ let adUnits2 = getAdUnits();
+ let innerAdUnits1;
+ let innerAdUnits2;
+ let pubcid = utils.getCookie('pubcid');
+ expect(pubcid).to.be.null; // there should be no cookie initially
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: { syncDelay: 0, userIds: [ createStorageConfig() ] } });
+ requestBidsHook((config) => { innerAdUnits1 = config.adUnits }, {adUnits: adUnits1});
+ pubcid = utils.getCookie('pubcid'); // cookies is created after requestbidHook
+ innerAdUnits1.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal(pubcid);
+ });
+ });
+ requestBidsHook((config) => { innerAdUnits2 = config.adUnits }, {adUnits: adUnits2});
+ assert.deepEqual(innerAdUnits1, innerAdUnits2);
+ });
+ it('Check different cookies', function () {
+ let adUnits1 = getAdUnits();
+ let adUnits2 = getAdUnits();
+ let innerAdUnits1;
+ let innerAdUnits2;
+ let pubcid1;
+ let pubcid2;
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: { syncDelay: 0, userIds: [ createStorageConfig() ] } });
+ requestBidsHook((config) => { innerAdUnits1 = config.adUnits }, {adUnits: adUnits1});
+ pubcid1 = utils.getCookie('pubcid'); // get first cookie
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE); // erase cookie
+ innerAdUnits1.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal(pubcid1);
+ });
+ });
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: { syncDelay: 0, userIds: [ createStorageConfig() ] } });
+ requestBidsHook((config) => { innerAdUnits2 = config.adUnits }, {adUnits: adUnits2});
+ pubcid2 = utils.getCookie('pubcid'); // get second cookie
+ innerAdUnits2.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal(pubcid2);
+ });
+ });
+ expect(pubcid1).to.not.equal(pubcid2);
+ });
+ it('Check new cookie', function () {
+ let adUnits = getAdUnits();
+ let innerAdUnits;
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [createStorageConfig('pubCommonId', 'pubcid_alt', 'cookie')]}
+ });
+ requestBidsHook((config) => { innerAdUnits = config.adUnits }, {adUnits});
+ innerAdUnits.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal('altpubcid200000');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Opt out', function () {
+ before(function () {
+ utils.setCookie('_pbjs_id_optout', '1', (new Date(Date.now() + 5000).toUTCString()));
+ });
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ sinon.stub(utils, 'logInfo');
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ // removed cookie
+ utils.setCookie('_pbjs_id_optout', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids.removeAll();
+ utils.logInfo.restore();
+ config.resetConfig();
+ });
+ after(function () {
+ utils.setCookie('_pbjs_id_optout', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ });
+ it('fails initialization if opt out cookie exists', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: { syncDelay: 0, userIds: [ createStorageConfig() ] } });
+ expect(utils.logInfo.args[0][0]).to.exist.and.to.equal('User ID - opt-out cookie found, exit module');
+ });
+ it('initializes if no opt out cookie exists', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: { syncDelay: 0, userIds: [ createStorageConfig() ] } });
+ expect(utils.logInfo.args[0][0]).to.exist.and.to.equal('User ID - usersync config updated for 1 submodules');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Handle variations of config values', function () {
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ sinon.stub(utils, 'logInfo');
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids.removeAll();
+ utils.logInfo.restore();
+ config.resetConfig();
+ });
+ it('handles config with no usersync object', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({});
+ // usersync is undefined, and no logInfo message for 'User ID - usersync config updated'
+ expect(typeof utils.logInfo.args[0]).to.equal('undefined');
+ });
+ it('handles config with empty usersync object', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({ usersync: {} });
+ expect(typeof utils.logInfo.args[0]).to.equal('undefined');
+ });
+ it('handles config with usersync and userIds that are empty objs', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ userIds: [{}]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(typeof utils.logInfo.args[0]).to.equal('undefined');
+ });
+ it('handles config with usersync and userIds with empty names or that dont match a submodule.name', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ userIds: [{
+ name: '',
+ value: { test: '1' }
+ }, {
+ name: 'foo',
+ value: { test: '1' }
+ }]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(typeof utils.logInfo.args[0]).to.equal('undefined');
+ });
+ it('config with 1 configurations should create 1 submodules', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [{
+ name: 'unifiedId',
+ storage: { name: 'unifiedid', type: 'cookie' }
+ }]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(utils.logInfo.args[0][0]).to.exist.and.to.equal('User ID - usersync config updated for 1 submodules');
+ });
+ it('config with 2 configurations should result in 2 submodules add', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [{
+ name: 'pubCommonId', value: {'pubcid': '11111'}
+ }, {
+ name: 'unifiedId',
+ storage: { name: 'unifiedid', type: 'cookie' }
+ }]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(utils.logInfo.args[0][0]).to.exist.and.to.equal('User ID - usersync config updated for 2 submodules');
+ });
+ it('config syncDelay updates module correctly', function () {
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 99,
+ userIds: [{
+ name: 'unifiedId',
+ storage: { name: 'unifiedid', type: 'cookie' }
+ }]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(syncDelay).to.equal(99);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Invoking requestBid', function () {
+ let storageResetCount = 0;
+ let createAuctionStub;
+ let adUnits;
+ let adUnitCodes;
+ let sampleSpec = {
+ code: 'sampleBidder',
+ isBidRequestValid: () => {},
+ buildRequest: (reqs) => {},
+ interpretResponse: () => {},
+ getUserSyncs: () => {}
+ };
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ // simulate existing browser cookie values
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid', `testpubcid${storageResetCount}`, (new Date(Date.now() + 5000).toUTCString()));
+ utils.setCookie('unifiedid', JSON.stringify({
+ 'TDID': `testunifiedid${storageResetCount}`
+ }), (new Date(Date.now() + 5000).toUTCString()));
+ // simulate existing browser local storage values
+ localStorage.setItem('unifiedid_alt', JSON.stringify({
+ 'TDID': `testunifiedid_alt${storageResetCount}`
+ }));
+ localStorage.setItem('unifiedid_alt_exp', '');
+ adUnits = [{
+ code: 'adUnit-code',
+ mediaTypes: {
+ banner: {},
+ native: {},
+ },
+ sizes: [[300, 200], [300, 600]],
+ bids: [
+ {bidder: 'sampleBidder', params: {placementId: 'banner-only-bidder'}}
+ ]
+ }];
+ adUnitCodes = ['adUnit-code'];
+ let auction = auctionModule.newAuction({adUnits, adUnitCodes, callback: function() {}, cbTimeout: 1999});
+ createAuctionStub = sinon.stub(auctionModule, 'newAuction');
+ createAuctionStub.returns(auction);
+ init(config, [pubCommonIdSubmodule, unifiedIdSubmodule]);
+ registerBidder(sampleSpec);
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ storageResetCount++;
+ utils.setCookie('pubcid', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ utils.setCookie('unifiedid', '', EXPIRED_COOKIE_DATE);
+ localStorage.removeItem('unifiedid_alt');
+ localStorage.removeItem('unifiedid_alt_exp');
+ auctionModule.newAuction.restore();
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids.removeAll();
+ config.resetConfig();
+ });
+ it('test hook from pubcommonid cookie', function() {
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [createStorageConfig('pubCommonId', 'pubcid', 'cookie')]
+ }
+ });
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids({adUnits});
+ adUnits.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal(`testpubcid${storageResetCount}`);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('test hook from pubcommonid config value object', function() {
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [{
+ name: 'pubCommonId',
+ value: {'pubcidvalue': 'testpubcidvalue'}
+ }]}
+ });
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids({adUnits});
+ adUnits.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcidvalue');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcidvalue).to.equal('testpubcidvalue');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('test hook from pubcommonid html5', function() {
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [createStorageConfig('unifiedId', 'unifiedid_alt', 'html5')]}
+ });
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids({adUnits});
+ adUnits.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.tdid');
+ expect(bid.userId.tdid).to.equal(`testunifiedid_alt${storageResetCount}`);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('test hook when both pubCommonId and unifiedId have data to pass', function() {
+ config.setConfig({
+ usersync: {
+ syncDelay: 0,
+ userIds: [
+ createStorageConfig('pubCommonId', 'pubcid', 'cookie'),
+ createStorageConfig('unifiedId', 'unifiedid', 'cookie')
+ ]}
+ });
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.requestBids({adUnits});
+ adUnits.forEach((unit) => {
+ unit.bids.forEach((bid) => {
+ // verify that the PubCommonId id data was copied to bid
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.pubcid');
+ expect(bid.userId.pubcid).to.equal(`testpubcid${storageResetCount}`);
+ // also check that UnifiedId id data was copied to bid
+ expect(bid).to.have.deep.nested.property('userId.tdid');
+ expect(bid.userId.tdid).to.equal(`testunifiedid${storageResetCount}`);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });