Alexa skill developers can take advantage of several tools to automate and streamline their development processes.
Here are some Amazon utilities:
- AWS CLI - A command line utility to create and manage AWS resources
- Automate publishing your skill code to Lambda blog post
- AWS SDK for Javacript in the Browser
Here are a list of NON-AMAZON tools and utilities that may enhance your developer experience. Install and use at your own risk.
Atom IDE - A free code editor tool (IDE)
Node.JS, the default runtime platform for Lambda fuctions.
lambda-local, a node module for testing Lambda code on your laptop.
You can test your skill in a number of ways. You do not need to publish your skill before you can begin testing and using it on any of your devices.
- Type in your utterance to the Service Simulator, within the Test page of your skill on the Developer Portal.
- Launch EchoSim.IO, the browser based testing tool.
- Your skill can be launched on any Alexa device you own or have registered, such as Echo, Tap, Dot.
- You can test your Lambda code from the Lambda Console. Click Actions, Configure Test Event, and select or paste in a test req
- You can write another javascript script that calls your skill code directly. See testHelloWorld.js.
See for more information.
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