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File metadata and controls

138 lines (91 loc) · 8.74 KB



gen.toml is the configuration file for the generator. It has two sections: config and packages. The config section contains the optional rpc field which specifies the RPC URL to use for fetching on-chain packages. If not specified, it defaults to

The packages section contains a list of packages to generate code for. For source packages, the syntax is the same as in Move.toml, while for on-chain packages, the id is specified (see examples above).

The dependency resolution for source packages works the same as in Move.toml -- if there are packages that transitively depend on the same package of a different version, this needs to be resolved by specifying the version explicitly in gen.toml (see

In case of on-chain packages, if the same package is specified multiple times with different versions, the version resolution will be done automatically by using the latest version in the dependency graph (not the latest version on-chain).

Better support for package versions will be added in the future.

Overview of the generated code

The generated code has the following structure:

├── _dependencies
│    ├── source
│    │   ├── 0x1
│    │   ├── 0x2
│    │   └── ...
│    └── onchain
│        └── ...
├── _framework
│    └── ...
├── <package>
│    ├── <module-1>
│    │   ├── functions.ts
│    │   └── structs.ts
│    ├── <module-2>
│    │   └── ...
│    ├── index.ts
│    └── init.ts
├── <other packages from gen.toml>
└── .eslintrc.json

_framework directory contains functions and utilities required for the operation of the generated SDK.

_dependencies contains generated code of the direct and transitive dependencies of packages listed in gen.toml. While their contents are similar to those of listed packages, these are not intended to be imported or used directly as its APIs are not guaranteed to be stable and may change. Any package code that's inteded to be used directly in the app should be listed in gen.toml.

Due to a technical detail, the generator currently generates two separate dependency graphs for on-chain and source packages under _dependencies. This causes the code for some of the dependencies to be unnecessarily duplicated but will be fixed in a future version (see #1 (comment)).

Each <package> directory contains a separate directory for each of its modules and index.ts and init.ts files.

index.ts contains the PACKAGE_ID and PUBLISHED_AT constants referring to the original package ID and the address of the current version (as per gen.toml).

init.ts contains some internal initialization functionalities that are not intended to be used directly.

Each module directory further contains functions.ts and structs.ts corresponding to the functions and structs defined in the module.

.eslintrc.json is generated in order to turn off the @typescript-eslint/ban-types rule which breaks the generated code.


Function binding are generated for each function in packages listed in gen.toml, including non-public functions as these can be used with devInspect calls.

For each function, an Args interface is generated whose field names match function parameter names (for on-chain modules where they're generated based on parameter types since the names aren't available in the bytecode).

Primitive parameters

In case of primitive types (bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, address), the values can be passed in directly. Here's how primitive Move types map to TS types in function bindings:

Move TS
u8, u16, u32 number
u64, u128, u256 bigint
bool boolean
address string

It's also possible to pass them in form of TransactionArgument which makes it possible to use the return values of previous calls as inputs to this call with a TransactionBlock.

Object parameters

Passing in object references can be done with an ID string (e.g., "0x12345"), ObjectCallArg, or TransactionArgument (as defined in @mysten/sui.js). This makes it composable with return values from other calls in the TransactionBlock and allows manual construction using txb.object(...).


Vector arguments can also be passed in directly as TS arrays. When non-primitive types are used, the framework will internally convert the array using txb.makeMoveVec.

When the argument is passed in as TransactionArgument instead of an array, the value will be used as is and not converted using makeMoveVec. This makes it possible to pass in return values from previous calls in the TransactionBlock or construct arguments using makeMoveVec manually (this applies to vectors of primitive types also).

Strings and ID

String types (0x1::string::String and 0x1::ascii::String) and ID (0x2::object::ID) have special handling in that they can be passed in directly as a string (and not need to be constructed manually using related function calls). Similar to other types, they can also be passed in as TransactionArgument allowing for composability within a TransactionBlock.


Option type (0x1::option::Option) also has special handling in that the underlying value can be passed in directly and it will be automatically wrapped into Option<T> where passing in null corresponds to none. In the case of non-primitive types, this means that the framework will call 0x1::option::some or 0x1::option:none internally to do the wrapping (with primitive types this is not necessary as it will be done by the Sui runtime).

If the value is passed in as TransactionArgument no wrapping will be done and the argument will be used as is. This allows for the argument to be constructed manually and for composability with other function calls in the TransactionBlock.

In the case of option vectors vector<Option<T>>, if the value is passed in as array, the conversion described above will be applied to each element, while if it's passed in as TransactionArgument no conversion will be done and the argument will be used as is.


There are multiple things generated for each struct.

First, each struct's bcs definition is registered with a global bcs object, which can be found under _framework/bcs.ts. It's OK to use it directly for deserialization but recommended to fork it with new BCS(bcs).

Each struct also has an is<struct name> function generated that is used for checking whether the given type is the struct.

The Fields interface holds the field names and types of the struct. The Fields interface is also used as a constructor argument for the struct class.

Move field types are mapped to TS types as follows:

Move TS
u8, u16, u32 number
u64, u128, u256 bigint
bool boolean
address string
0x1::string::String string
0x1::ascii::String string
0x2::object::ID string
0x2::object::UID string
0x2::url::Url string
0x1::option::Option<T> T | null
vector<T> T[]

The struct class holds the above fields as well as the $typeName and $numTypeParams static fields and the $typeArgs field in case the struct has type parameters. The $typeName field holds the full name of the type with the address but without type parameters (e.g., 0x2::balance::Balance and not 0x2::balance::Balance<T>).

The struct class can be instantiated in multiple ways:

  • using the constructor by passing in the fields manually
  • using the fromFields static method by passing in the fields as when decoded from bcs
  • using the fromFieldsWithTypes static method by passing in the fields as returned by the RPC response with showContent option set to true
  • using the fromSuiParsedData which is a wrapper around fromFieldsWithTypes that takes in the content field of the RPC response
  • using the fromBcs static method by passing in the bcs bytes

For structs with the key ability, the fetch static method is also generated, which fetches the object from the chain by its ID.

Design Doc

For more technical details and reasoning behind the design decisions, see the design doc #1.