- async design with a generic backend -> reocncilers needed
- async design with etcd -> reconcilers needed
- sync design with a generic backend
- sync design with choreo
async versus sync:
- Async need a reconciler
- Sync can have a special way to allocate before -> create/update/delete are special; watch/list are the same
- Sync cannot be done with etcd as the storage interface changed
- Sync -> We do a special init for both options -> main reason is to use a direct storage interface for saveALL and restore functions -> we init all 3 resources together due to the storage
- name: ENABLE_BE_AS (group) value: "sync,badgerdb" | "true"
- name: ENABLE_BE_VLAN (group) value: "sync" | "true"
- name: ENABLE_BE_IPAM (group) value: "sync" | "true"
-> using ENV flags
- FieldSelector would be nice when listing the items to be able to check if they belong to the index
- Update? How to handle
- Conversion function for CRD(s) - how does this work ???? -> this will determine if we can keep choreo aligned or not
Choreo -> we need a conversion function conversion function
- align the rest interface from choreo with the rest interface of