diff --git a/content/en/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy.md b/content/en/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy.md
index 1a6040618a193..a6e38aeb7015c 100644
--- a/content/en/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy.md
+++ b/content/en/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/validating-admission-policy.md
@@ -366,3 +366,104 @@ HTTP response code, are used in the HTTP response to the client.
The currently supported reasons are: `Unauthorized`, `Forbidden`, `Invalid`, `RequestEntityTooLarge`.
If not set, `StatusReasonInvalid` is used in the response to the client.
+### Message expression
+To return a more friendly message when the policy rejects a request, we can use a CEL expression
+to composite a message with `spec.validations[i].messageExpression`. Similar to the validation expression,
+a message expression has access to `object`, `oldObject`, `request`, and `params`. Unlike validations,
+message expression must evaluate to a string.
+For example, to better inform the user of the reason of denial when the policy refers to a param, we can have the following validation:
+{{< codenew file="access/deployment-replicas-policy.yaml" >}}
+After creating a params object that limits the replicas to 3 and setting up the binding, when we try to create a deployment with 5 replicas,
+we will receive the following message.
+$ kubectl create deploy --image=nginx nginx --replicas=5
+error: failed to create deployment: deployments.apps "nginx" is forbidden: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy 'deploy-replica-policy.example.com' with binding 'demo-binding-test.example.com' denied request: object.spec.replicas must be no greater than 3
+This is more informative than a static message of "too many replicas".
+The message expression takes precedence over the static message defined in `spec.validations[i].message` if both are defined.
+However, if the message expression fails to evaluate, the static message will be used instead.
+Additionally, if the message expression evaluates to a multi-line string,
+the evaluation result will be discarded and the static message will be used if present. Note that static message is validated not to contain multi-line string.
+### Type checking
+When a policy definition is created or updated, the validation process parses the expressions it contains and reports any syntax errors, rejecting the definition if any errors are found.
+Afterward, the referred variables are checked for type errors, including missing fields and type confusion, against the matched types of `spec.matchConstraints`.
+The result of type checking can be retrieved from `status.typeChecking`. The presence of `status.typeChecking` indicates the completion of type checking, and an empty `status.typeChecking` means that no errors were detected.
+For example, given the following policy definition:
+apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1
+kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
+ name: "deploy-replica-policy.example.com"
+ matchConstraints:
+ resourceRules:
+ - apiGroups: ["apps"]
+ apiVersions: ["v1"]
+ operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
+ resources: ["deployments"]
+ validations:
+ - expression: "object.replicas > 1" # should be "object.spec.replicas > 1"
+ message: "must be replicated"
+ reason: Invalid
+The status will yield the following information:
+ typeChecking:
+ expressionWarnings:
+ - fieldRef: spec.validations[0].expression
+ warning: |-
+ apps/v1, Kind=Deployment: ERROR: :1:7: undefined field 'replicas'
+ | object.replicas > 1
+ | ......^
+If multiple resources are matched in `spec.matchConstraints`, all of matched resources will be checked against.
+For example, the following policy definition
+apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1
+kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
+ name: "replica-policy.example.com"
+ matchConstraints:
+ resourceRules:
+ - apiGroups: ["apps"]
+ apiVersions: ["v1"]
+ operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
+ resources: ["deployments","replicasets"]
+ validations:
+ - expression: "object.replicas > 1" # should be "object.spec.replicas > 1"
+ message: "must be replicated"
+ reason: Invalid
+will have multiple types and type checking result of each type in the warning message.
+ typeChecking:
+ expressionWarnings:
+ - fieldRef: spec.validations[0].expression
+ warning: |-
+ apps/v1, Kind=Deployment: ERROR: :1:7: undefined field 'replicas'
+ | object.replicas > 1
+ | ......^
+ apps/v1, Kind=ReplicaSet: ERROR: :1:7: undefined field 'replicas'
+ | object.replicas > 1
+ | ......^
+Type Checking has the following limitation:
+- No wildcard matching. If `spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules` contains `"*"` in any of `apiGroups`, `apiVersions` or `resources`,
+ the types that `"*"` matches will not be checked.
+- The number of matched types is limited to 10. This is to prevent a policy that manually specifying too many types
+ to consume excessive computing resources. In the order of ascending group, version, and then resource, 11th combination and beyond are ignored.
+- Type Checking does not affect the policy behavior in any way. Even if the type checking detects errors, the policy will continue
+ to evaluate. If errors do occur during evaluate, the failure policy will decide its outcome.
+- Type Checking does not apply to CRDs, including matched CRD types and reference of paramKind. The support for CRDs will come in future release.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/en/examples/access/deployment-replicas-policy.yaml b/content/en/examples/access/deployment-replicas-policy.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..23c04fff6210c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/examples/access/deployment-replicas-policy.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1
+kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
+ name: "deploy-replica-policy.example.com"
+ paramKind:
+ group: rules.example.com
+ kind: ReplicaLimit
+ version: v1
+ matchConstraints:
+ resourceRules:
+ - apiGroups: ["apps"]
+ apiVersions: ["v1"]
+ operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
+ resources: ["deployments"]
+ validations:
+ - expression: "object.spec.replicas <= params.maxReplicas"
+ messageExpression: "'object.spec.replicas must be no greater than ' + string(params.maxReplicas)"
+ reason: Invalid