ConfigMaps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable.
The ConfigMap API resource stores configuration data as key-value pairs. The data provides the configurations for system components for the nginx-controller.
In order to overwrite nginx-controller configuration values as seen in config.go, you can add key-value pairs to the data section of the config-map. For Example:
map-hash-bucket-size: "128"
ssl-protocols: SSLv2
!!! important The key and values in a ConfigMap can only be strings. This means that we want a value with boolean values we need to quote the values, like "true" or "false". Same for numbers, like "100".
"Slice" types (defined below as `[]string` or `[]int`) can be provided as a comma-delimited string.
The following table shows a configuration option's name, type, and the default value:
name | type | default | notes |
add-headers | string | "" | |
allow-backend-server-header | bool | "false" | |
allow-cross-namespace-resources | bool | "false" | |
allow-snippet-annotations | bool | "false" | |
annotations-risk-level | string | High | |
annotation-value-word-blocklist | string array | "" | |
hide-headers | string array | empty | |
access-log-params | string | "" | |
access-log-path | string | "/var/log/nginx/access.log" | |
http-access-log-path | string | "" | |
stream-access-log-path | string | "" | |
enable-access-log-for-default-backend | bool | "false" | |
error-log-path | string | "/var/log/nginx/error.log" | |
enable-modsecurity | bool | "false" | |
modsecurity-snippet | string | "" | |
enable-owasp-modsecurity-crs | bool | "false" | |
client-header-buffer-size | string | "1k" | |
client-header-timeout | int | 60 | |
client-body-buffer-size | string | "8k" | |
client-body-timeout | int | 60 | |
disable-access-log | bool | "false" | |
disable-ipv6 | bool | "false" | |
disable-ipv6-dns | bool | "false" | |
enable-underscores-in-headers | bool | "false" | |
enable-ocsp | bool | "false" | |
ignore-invalid-headers | bool | "true" | |
retry-non-idempotent | bool | "false" | |
error-log-level | string | "notice" | |
http2-max-field-size | string | "" | DEPRECATED in favour of large_client_header_buffers |
http2-max-header-size | string | "" | DEPRECATED in favour of large_client_header_buffers |
http2-max-requests | int | 0 | DEPRECATED in favour of keepalive_requests |
http2-max-concurrent-streams | int | 128 | |
hsts | bool | "true" | |
hsts-include-subdomains | bool | "true" | |
hsts-max-age | string | "31536000" | |
hsts-preload | bool | "false" | |
keep-alive | int | 75 | |
keep-alive-requests | int | 1000 | |
large-client-header-buffers | string | "4 8k" | |
log-format-escape-none | bool | "false" | |
log-format-escape-json | bool | "false" | |
log-format-upstream | string | $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_length $request_time [$proxy_upstream_name] [$proxy_alternative_upstream_name] $upstream_addr $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status $req_id |
log-format-stream | string | [$remote_addr] [$time_local] $protocol $status $bytes_sent $bytes_received $session_time |
enable-multi-accept | bool | "true" | |
max-worker-connections | int | 16384 | |
max-worker-open-files | int | 0 | |
map-hash-bucket-size | int | 64 | |
nginx-status-ipv4-whitelist | []string | "" | |
nginx-status-ipv6-whitelist | []string | "::1" | |
proxy-real-ip-cidr | []string | "" | |
proxy-set-headers | string | "" | |
server-name-hash-max-size | int | 1024 | |
server-name-hash-bucket-size | int | <size of the processor’s cache line> |
proxy-headers-hash-max-size | int | 512 | |
proxy-headers-hash-bucket-size | int | 64 | |
reuse-port | bool | "true" | |
server-tokens | bool | "false" | |
ssl-ecdh-curve | string | "auto" | |
ssl-dh-param | string | "" | |
ssl-protocols | string | "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3" | |
ssl-session-cache | bool | "true" | |
ssl-session-cache-size | string | "10m" | |
ssl-session-tickets | bool | "false" | |
ssl-session-ticket-key | string | <Randomly Generated> |
ssl-session-timeout | string | "10m" | |
ssl-buffer-size | string | "4k" | |
use-proxy-protocol | bool | "false" | |
proxy-protocol-header-timeout | string | "5s" | |
enable-aio-write | bool | "true" | |
use-gzip | bool | "false" | |
use-geoip | bool | "true" | |
use-geoip2 | bool | "false" | |
geoip2-autoreload-in-minutes | int | "0" | |
enable-brotli | bool | "false" | |
brotli-level | int | 4 | |
brotli-min-length | int | 20 | |
brotli-types | string | "application/xml+rss application/atom+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/css text/javascript text/plain text/x-component" | |
use-http2 | bool | "true" | |
gzip-disable | string | "" | |
gzip-level | int | 1 | |
gzip-min-length | int | 256 | |
gzip-types | string | "application/atom+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/css text/javascript text/plain text/x-component" | |
worker-processes | string | <Number of CPUs> |
worker-cpu-affinity | string | "" | |
worker-shutdown-timeout | string | "240s" | |
enable-serial-reloads | bool | "false" | |
load-balance | string | "round_robin" | |
variables-hash-bucket-size | int | 128 | |
variables-hash-max-size | int | 2048 | |
upstream-keepalive-connections | int | 320 | |
upstream-keepalive-time | string | "1h" | |
upstream-keepalive-timeout | int | 60 | |
upstream-keepalive-requests | int | 10000 | |
limit-conn-zone-variable | string | "$binary_remote_addr" | |
proxy-stream-timeout | string | "600s" | |
proxy-stream-next-upstream | bool | "true" | |
proxy-stream-next-upstream-timeout | string | "600s" | |
proxy-stream-next-upstream-tries | int | 3 | |
proxy-stream-responses | int | 1 | |
bind-address | []string | "" | |
use-forwarded-headers | bool | "false" | |
enable-real-ip | bool | "false" | |
forwarded-for-header | string | "X-Forwarded-For" | |
compute-full-forwarded-for | bool | "false" | |
proxy-add-original-uri-header | bool | "false" | |
generate-request-id | bool | "true" | |
jaeger-collector-host | string | "" | |
jaeger-collector-port | int | 6831 | |
jaeger-endpoint | string | "" | |
jaeger-service-name | string | "nginx" | |
jaeger-propagation-format | string | "jaeger" | |
jaeger-sampler-type | string | "const" | |
jaeger-sampler-param | string | "1" | |
jaeger-sampler-host | string | "" | |
jaeger-sampler-port | int | 5778 | |
jaeger-trace-context-header-name | string | uber-trace-id | |
jaeger-debug-header | string | uber-debug-id | |
jaeger-baggage-header | string | jaeger-baggage | |
jaeger-trace-baggage-header-prefix | string | uberctx- | |
datadog-collector-host | string | "" | |
datadog-collector-port | int | 8126 | |
datadog-service-name | string | "nginx" | |
datadog-environment | string | "prod" | |
datadog-operation-name-override | string | "nginx.handle" | |
datadog-priority-sampling | bool | "true" | |
datadog-sample-rate | float | 1.0 | |
enable-opentelemetry | bool | "false" | |
opentelemetry-trust-incoming-span | bool | "true" | |
opentelemetry-operation-name | string | "" | |
opentelemetry-config | string | "/etc/nginx/opentelemetry.toml" | |
otlp-collector-host | string | "" | |
otlp-collector-port | int | 4317 | |
otel-max-queuesize | int | ||
otel-schedule-delay-millis | int | ||
otel-max-export-batch-size | int | ||
otel-service-name | string | "nginx" | |
otel-sampler | string | "AlwaysOff" | |
otel-sampler-parent-based | bool | "false" | |
otel-sampler-ratio | float | 0.01 | |
main-snippet | string | "" | |
http-snippet | string | "" | |
server-snippet | string | "" | |
stream-snippet | string | "" | |
location-snippet | string | "" | |
custom-http-errors | []int | []int{} | |
proxy-body-size | string | "1m" | |
proxy-connect-timeout | int | 5 | |
proxy-read-timeout | int | 60 | |
proxy-send-timeout | int | 60 | |
proxy-buffers-number | int | 4 | |
proxy-buffer-size | string | "4k" | |
proxy-busy-buffers-size | string | "8k" | |
proxy-cookie-path | string | "off" | |
proxy-cookie-domain | string | "off" | |
proxy-next-upstream | string | "error timeout" | |
proxy-next-upstream-timeout | int | 0 | |
proxy-next-upstream-tries | int | 3 | |
proxy-redirect-from | string | "off" | |
proxy-request-buffering | string | "on" | |
ssl-redirect | bool | "true" | |
force-ssl-redirect | bool | "false" | |
denylist-source-range | []string | []string{} | |
whitelist-source-range | []string | []string{} | |
skip-access-log-urls | []string | []string{} | |
limit-rate | int | 0 | |
limit-rate-after | int | 0 | |
lua-shared-dicts | string | "" | |
http-redirect-code | int | 308 | |
proxy-buffering | string | "off" | |
limit-req-status-code | int | 503 | |
limit-conn-status-code | int | 503 | |
enable-syslog | bool | "false" | |
syslog-host | string | "" | |
syslog-port | int | 514 | |
no-tls-redirect-locations | string | "/.well-known/acme-challenge" | |
global-allowed-response-headers | string | "" | |
global-auth-url | string | "" | |
global-auth-method | string | "" | |
global-auth-signin | string | "" | |
global-auth-signin-redirect-param | string | "rd" | |
global-auth-response-headers | string | "" | |
global-auth-request-redirect | string | "" | |
global-auth-snippet | string | "" | |
global-auth-cache-key | string | "" | |
global-auth-cache-duration | string | "200 202 401 5m" | |
no-auth-locations | string | "/.well-known/acme-challenge" | |
block-cidrs | []string | "" | |
block-user-agents | []string | "" | |
block-referers | []string | "" | |
proxy-ssl-location-only | bool | "false" | |
default-type | string | "text/html" | |
service-upstream | bool | "false" | |
ssl-reject-handshake | bool | "false" | |
debug-connections | []string | "," | |
strict-validate-path-type | bool | "true" | |
grpc-buffer-size-kb | int | 0 | |
relative-redirects | bool | false |
Sets custom headers from named configmap before sending traffic to the client. See proxy-set-headers. example
Enables the return of the header Server from the backend instead of the generic nginx string. default: is disabled
Enables users to consume cross namespace resource on annotations, when was previously enabled . default: false
Annotations that may be impacted with this change:
Enables Ingress to parse and add *-snippet annotations/directives created by the user. default: false
Warning: We recommend enabling this option only if you TRUST users with permission to create Ingress objects, as this may allow a user to add restricted configurations to the final nginx.conf file
Represents the risk accepted on an annotation. If the risk is, for instance Medium
, annotations with risk High and Critical will not be accepted.
Accepted values are Critical
, High
, Medium
and Low
default: High
Contains a comma-separated value of chars/words that are well known of being used to abuse Ingress configuration and must be blocked. Related to CVE-2021-25742
When an annotation is detected with a value that matches one of the blocked bad words, the whole Ingress won't be configured.
default: ""
When doing this, the default blocklist is override, which means that the Ingress admin should add all the words that should be blocked, here is a suggested block list.
suggested: "load_module,lua_package,_by_lua,location,root,proxy_pass,serviceaccount,{,},',\""
Sets additional header that will not be passed from the upstream server to the client response. default: empty
Additional params for access_log. For example, buffer=16k, gzip, flush=1m
Access log path for both http and stream context. Goes to /var/log/nginx/access.log
by default.
Note: the file /var/log/nginx/access.log
is a symlink to /dev/stdout
Access log path for http context globally. default: ""
Note: If not specified, the access-log-path
will be used.
Access log path for stream context globally. default: ""
Note: If not specified, the access-log-path
will be used.
Enables logging access to default backend. default: is disabled.
Error log path. Goes to /var/log/nginx/error.log
by default.
Note: the file /var/log/nginx/error.log
is a symlink to /dev/stderr
Enables the modsecurity module for NGINX. default: is disabled
Enables the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS). default: is disabled
Adds custom rules to modsecurity section of nginx configuration
Allows to configure a custom buffer size for reading client request header.
Defines a timeout for reading client request header, in seconds.
Sets buffer size for reading client request body.
Defines a timeout for reading client request body, in seconds.
Disables the Access Log from the entire Ingress Controller. default: false
Disable listening on IPV6. default: false
; IPv6 listening is enabled
Disable IPV6 for nginx DNS resolver. default: false
; IPv6 resolving enabled.
Enables underscores in header names. default: is disabled
Enables Online Certificate Status Protocol stapling (OCSP) support. default: is disabled
Set if header fields with invalid names should be ignored. default: is enabled
Since 1.9.13 NGINX will not retry non-idempotent requests (POST, LOCK, PATCH) in case of an error in the upstream server. The previous behavior can be restored using the value "true".
Configures the logging level of errors. Log levels above are listed in the order of increasing severity.
!!! warning This feature was deprecated in 1.1.3 and will be removed in 1.3.0. Use large-client-header-buffers instead.
Limits the maximum size of an HPACK-compressed request header field.
!!! warning This feature was deprecated in 1.1.3 and will be removed in 1.3.0. Use large-client-header-buffers instead.
Limits the maximum size of the entire request header list after HPACK decompression.
!!! warning This feature was deprecated in 1.1.3 and will be removed in 1.3.0. Use upstream-keepalive-requests instead.
Sets the maximum number of requests (including push requests) that can be served through one HTTP/2 connection, after which the next client request will lead to connection closing and the need of establishing a new connection.
Sets the maximum number of concurrent HTTP/2 streams in a connection.
Enables or disables the header HSTS in servers running SSL. HTTP Strict Transport Security (often abbreviated as HSTS) is a security feature (HTTP header) that tell browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP. It provides protection against protocol downgrade attacks and cookie theft.
Enables or disables the use of HSTS in all the subdomains of the server-name.
Sets the time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that this site is only to be accessed using HTTPS.
Enables or disables the preload attribute in the HSTS feature (when it is enabled).
Sets the time, in seconds, during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side. The zero value disables keep-alive client connections.
!!! important
Setting keep-alive: '0'
will most likely break concurrent http/2 requests due to changes introduced with nginx 1.19.7
Changes with nginx 1.19.7 16 Feb 2021
*) Change: connections handling in HTTP/2 has been changed to better
match HTTP/1.x; the "http2_recv_timeout", "http2_idle_timeout", and
"http2_max_requests" directives have been removed, the
"keepalive_timeout" and "keepalive_requests" directives should be
used instead.
References: nginx change log nginx issue tracker nginx mailing list
Sets the maximum number of requests that can be served through one keep-alive connection.
Sets the maximum number and size of buffers used for reading large client request header. default: 4 8k
Sets if the escape parameter is disabled entirely for character escaping in variables ("true") or controlled by log-format-escape-json ("false") Sets the nginx log format.
Sets if the escape parameter allows JSON ("true") or default characters escaping in variables ("false") Sets the nginx log format.
Sets the nginx log format. Example for json output:
log-format-upstream: '{"time": "$time_iso8601", "remote_addr": "$proxy_protocol_addr", "x_forwarded_for": "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for", "request_id": "$req_id",
"remote_user": "$remote_user", "bytes_sent": $bytes_sent, "request_time": $request_time, "status": $status, "vhost": "$host", "request_proto": "$server_protocol",
"path": "$uri", "request_query": "$args", "request_length": $request_length, "duration": $request_time,"method": "$request_method", "http_referrer": "$http_referer",
"http_user_agent": "$http_user_agent" }'
Please check the log-format for definition of each field.
Sets the nginx stream format.
If disabled, a worker process will accept one new connection at a time. Otherwise, a worker process will accept all new connections at a time. default: true
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by each worker process. 0 will use the value of max-worker-open-files. default: 16384
!!! tip Using 0 in scenarios of high load improves performance at the cost of increasing RAM utilization (even on idle).
Sets the maximum number of files that can be opened by each worker process. The default of 0 means "max open files (system's limit) - 1024". default: 0
Sets the bucket size for the map variables hash tables. The details of setting up hash tables are provided in a separate document.
If use-forwarded-headers
or use-proxy-protocol
is enabled, proxy-real-ip-cidr
defines the default IP/network address of your external load balancer. Can be a comma-separated list of CIDR blocks.
default: ""
Sets custom headers from named configmap before sending traffic to backends. The value format is namespace/name. See example
Sets the maximum size of the server names hash tables used in server names,map directive’s values, MIME types, names of request header strings, etc.
Sets the size of the bucket for the server names hash tables.
Sets the maximum size of the proxy headers hash tables.
Instructs NGINX to create an individual listening socket for each worker process (using the SO_REUSEPORT socket option), allowing a kernel to distribute incoming connections between worker processes default: true
Sets the size of the bucket for the proxy headers hash tables.
Send NGINX Server header in responses and display NGINX version in error pages. default: is disabled
Sets the ciphers list to enable. The ciphers are specified in the format understood by the OpenSSL library.
The default cipher list is:
The ordering of a ciphersuite is very important because it decides which algorithms are going to be selected in priority. The recommendation above prioritizes algorithms that provide perfect forward secrecy.
DHE-based cyphers will not be available until DH parameter is configured Custom DH parameters for perfect forward secrecy
Please check the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator.
Note: ssl_prefer_server_ciphers directive will be enabled by default for http context.
Specifies a curve for ECDHE ciphers.
Sets the name of the secret that contains Diffie-Hellman key to help with "Perfect Forward Secrecy".
Sets the SSL protocols to use. The default is: TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
Please check the result of the configuration using
Enables or disables TLS 1.3 early data, also known as Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT).
This requires ssl-protocols
to have TLSv1.3
enabled. Enable this with caution, because requests sent within early
data are subject to replay attacks.
ssl_early_data. The default is: false
Enables or disables the use of shared SSL cache among worker processes.
Sets the size of the SSL shared session cache between all worker processes.
Enables or disables session resumption through TLS session tickets.
Sets the secret key used to encrypt and decrypt TLS session tickets. The value must be a valid base64 string.
To create a ticket: openssl rand 80 | openssl enc -A -base64
TLS session ticket-key, by default, a randomly generated key is used.
Sets the time during which a client may reuse the session parameters stored in a cache.
Sets the size of the SSL buffer used for sending data. The default of 4k helps NGINX to improve TLS Time To First Byte (TTTFB).
Enables or disables the PROXY protocol to receive client connection (real IP address) information passed through proxy servers and load balancers such as HAProxy and Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB).
Sets the timeout value for receiving the proxy-protocol headers. The default of 5 seconds prevents the TLS passthrough handler from waiting indefinitely on a dropped connection. default: 5s
Enables or disables the directive aio_write that writes files asynchronously. default: true
Enables or disables compression of HTTP responses using the "gzip" module. MIME types to compress are controlled by gzip-types. default: false
Enables or disables "geoip" module that creates variables with values depending on the client IP address, using the precompiled MaxMind databases. default: true
Note: MaxMind legacy databases are discontinued and will not receive updates after 2019-01-02, cf. discontinuation notice. Consider use-geoip2 below.
Enables the geoip2 module for NGINX.
Since 0.27.0
and due to a change in the MaxMind databases a license is required to have access to the databases.
For this reason, it is required to define a new flag --maxmind-license-key
in the ingress controller deployment to download the databases needed during the initialization of the ingress controller.
Alternatively, it is possible to use a volume to mount the files /etc/ingress-controller/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
and /etc/ingress-controller/geoip/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
, avoiding the overhead of the download.
!!! important If the feature is enabled but the files are missing, GeoIP2 will not be enabled.
default: false
Enables the geoip2 module autoreload in MaxMind databases setting the interval in minutes.
default: 0
Enables or disables compression of HTTP responses using the "brotli" module.
The default mime type list to compress is: application/xml+rss application/atom+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/css text/plain text/x-component
default: false
Note: Brotli does not works in Safari < 11. For more information see
Sets the Brotli Compression Level that will be used. default: 4
Minimum length of responses, in bytes, that will be eligible for brotli compression. default: 20
Sets the MIME Types that will be compressed on-the-fly by brotli.
default: application/xml+rss application/atom+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/css text/plain text/x-component
Enables or disables HTTP/2 support in secure connections.
Disables gzipping of responses for requests with "User-Agent" header fields matching any of the specified regular expressions.
Sets the gzip Compression Level that will be used. default: 1
Minimum length of responses to be returned to the client before it is eligible for gzip compression, in bytes. default: 256
Sets the MIME types in addition to "text/html" to compress. The special value "*" matches any MIME type. Responses with the "text/html" type are always compressed if use-gzip
is enabled.
default: application/atom+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/css text/plain text/x-component
Sets the number of worker processes. The default of "auto" means number of available CPU cores.
Binds worker processes to the sets of CPUs. worker_cpu_affinity. By default worker processes are not bound to any specific CPUs. The value can be:
- "": empty string indicate no affinity is applied.
- cpumask: e.g.
0001 0010 0100 1000
to bind processes to specific cpus. - auto: binding worker processes automatically to available CPUs.
Sets a timeout for Nginx to wait for worker to gracefully shutdown. default: "240s"
Sets the algorithm to use for load balancing. The value can either be:
- round_robin: to use the default round robin loadbalancer
- ewma: to use the Peak EWMA method for routing (implementation)
The default is round_robin
- To load balance using consistent hashing of IP or other variables, consider the
annotation. - To load balance using session cookies, consider the
Sets the bucket size for the variables hash table.
Sets the maximum size of the variables hash table.
Activates the cache for connections to upstream servers. The connections parameter sets the maximum number of idle keepalive connections to upstream servers that are preserved in the cache of each worker process. When this number is exceeded, the least recently used connections are closed. default: 320
Sets the maximum time during which requests can be processed through one keepalive connection. default: "1h"
Sets a timeout during which an idle keepalive connection to an upstream server will stay open. default: 60
Sets the maximum number of requests that can be served through one keepalive connection. After the maximum number of requests is made, the connection is closed. default: 10000
Sets parameters for a shared memory zone that will keep states for various keys of limit_conn_zone. The default of "$binary_remote_addr" variable’s size is always 4 bytes for IPv4 addresses or 16 bytes for IPv6 addresses.
Sets the timeout between two successive read or write operations on client or proxied server connections. If no data is transmitted within this time, the connection is closed.
When a connection to the proxied server cannot be established, determines whether a client connection will be passed to the next server.
Limits the time allowed to pass a connection to the next server. The 0 value turns off this limitation.
Limits the number of possible tries a request should be passed to the next server. The 0 value turns off this limitation.
Sets the number of datagrams expected from the proxied server in response to the client request if the UDP protocol is used.
Sets the addresses on which the server will accept requests instead of *. It should be noted that these addresses must exist in the runtime environment or the controller will crash loop.
If true, NGINX passes the incoming X-Forwarded-*
headers to upstreams. Use this option when NGINX is behind another L7 proxy / load balancer that is setting these headers.
If false, NGINX ignores incoming X-Forwarded-*
headers, filling them with the request information it sees. Use this option if NGINX is exposed directly to the internet, or it's behind a L3/packet-based load balancer that doesn't alter the source IP in the packets.
enables the configuration of Specific attributes of the module can be configured further by using forwarded-for-header
and proxy-real-ip-cidr
Sets the header field for identifying the originating IP address of a client. default: X-Forwarded-For
Append the remote address to the X-Forwarded-For header instead of replacing it. When this option is enabled, the upstream application is responsible for extracting the client IP based on its own list of trusted proxies.
Adds an X-Original-Uri header with the original request URI to the backend request
Ensures that X-Request-ID is defaulted to a random value, if no X-Request-ID is present in the request
Specifies the host to use when uploading traces. It must be a valid URL.
Specifies the port to use when uploading traces. default: 6831
Specifies the endpoint to use when uploading traces to a collector. This takes priority over jaeger-collector-host
if both are specified.
Specifies the service name to use for any traces created. default: nginx
Specifies the traceparent/tracestate propagation format. default: jaeger
Specifies the sampler to be used when sampling traces. The available samplers are: const, probabilistic, ratelimiting, remote. default: const
Specifies the argument to be passed to the sampler constructor. Must be a number. For const this should be 0 to never sample and 1 to always sample. default: 1
Specifies the custom remote sampler host to be passed to the sampler constructor. Must be a valid URL. Leave blank to use default value (localhost). default:
Specifies the custom remote sampler port to be passed to the sampler constructor. Must be a number. default: 5778
Specifies the header name used for passing trace context. default: uber-trace-id
Specifies the header name used for force sampling. default: jaeger-debug-id
Specifies the header name used to submit baggage if there is no root span. default: jaeger-baggage
Specifies the header prefix used to propagate baggage. default: uberctx-
Specifies the datadog agent host to use when uploading traces. It must be a valid URL.
Specifies the port to use when uploading traces. default: 8126
Specifies the service name to use for any traces created. default: nginx
Specifies the environment this trace belongs to. default: prod
Overrides the operation name to use for any traces crated. default: nginx.handle
Specifies to use client-side sampling.
If true disables client-side sampling (thus ignoring sample_rate
) and enables distributed priority sampling, where traces are sampled based on a combination of user-assigned priorities and configuration from the agent. default: true
Specifies sample rate for any traces created.
This is effective only when datadog-priority-sampling
is false
default: 1.0
Enables the nginx OpenTelemetry extension. default: is disabled
Specifies a custom name for the server span. default: is empty
For example, set to "HTTP $request_method $uri".
Specifies the host to use when uploading traces. It must be a valid URL.
Specifies the port to use when uploading traces. default: 4317
Specifies the service name to use for any traces created. default: nginx
Enables or disables using spans from incoming requests as parent for created ones. default: true
Uses sampler implementation which by default will take a sample if parent Activity is sampled. default: false
Specifies sample rate for any traces created. default: 0.01
Specifies the sampler to be used when sampling traces. The available samplers are: AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, TraceIdRatioBased, remote. default: AlwaysOff
Adds custom configuration to the main section of the nginx configuration.
Adds custom configuration to the http section of the nginx configuration.
Adds custom configuration to all the servers in the nginx configuration.
Adds custom configuration to the stream section of the nginx configuration.
Adds custom configuration to all the locations in the nginx configuration.
You can not use this to add new locations that proxy to the Kubernetes pods, as the snippet does not have access to the Go template functions. If you want to add custom locations you will have to provide your own nginx.tmpl.
Enables which HTTP codes should be passed for processing with the error_page directive
Setting at least one code also enables proxy_intercept_errors which are required to process error_page.
Example usage: custom-http-errors: 404,415
Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body. See NGINX client_max_body_size.
Sets the timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server. It should be noted that this timeout cannot usually exceed 75 seconds.
It will also set the grpc_connect_timeout for gRPC connections.
Sets the timeout in seconds for reading a response from the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive read operations, not for the transmission of the whole response.
It will also set the grpc_read_timeout for gRPC connections.
Sets the timeout in seconds for transmitting a request to the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole request.
It will also set the grpc_send_timeout for gRPC connections.
Sets the number of the buffer used for reading the first part of the response received from the proxied server. This part usually contains a small response header.
Sets the size of the buffer used for reading the first part of the response received from the proxied server. This part usually contains a small response header.
Limits the total size of buffers that can be busy sending a response to the client while the response is not yet fully read.
Sets a text that should be changed in the path attribute of the “Set-Cookie” header fields of a proxied server response.
Sets a text that should be changed in the domain attribute of the “Set-Cookie” header fields of a proxied server response.
Specifies in which cases a request should be passed to the next server.
Limits the time in seconds during which a request can be passed to the next server.
Limit the number of possible tries a request should be passed to the next server.
Sets the original text that should be changed in the "Location" and "Refresh" header fields of a proxied server response. default: off
Enables or disables buffering of a client request body.
Sets the global value of redirects (301) to HTTPS if the server has a TLS certificate (defined in an Ingress rule). default: "true"
Sets the global value of redirects (308) to HTTPS if the server has a default TLS certificate (defined in extra-args). default: "false"
Sets the default denylisted IPs for each server
block. This can be overwritten by an annotation on an Ingress rule.
See ngx_http_access_module.
Sets the default whitelisted IPs for each server
block. This can be overwritten by an annotation on an Ingress rule.
See ngx_http_access_module.
Sets a list of URLs that should not appear in the NGINX access log. This is useful with urls like /health
or health-check
that make "complex" reading the logs. default: is empty
Limits the rate of response transmission to a client. The rate is specified in bytes per second. The zero value disables rate limiting. The limit is set per a request, and so if a client simultaneously opens two connections, the overall rate will be twice as much as the specified limit.
Sets the initial amount after which the further transmission of a response to a client will be rate limited.
Customize default Lua shared dictionaries or define more. You can use the following syntax to do so:
lua-shared-dicts: "<my dict name>: <my dict size>, [<my dict name>: <my dict size>], ..."
For example following will set default certificate_data
dictionary to 100M
and will introduce a new dictionary called
lua-shared-dicts: "certificate_data: 100, my_custom_plugin: 5"
You can optionally set a size unit to allow for kilobyte-granularity. Allowed units are 'm' or 'k' (case-insensitive), and it defaults to MB if no unit is provided. Here is a similar example, but the my_custom_plugin
dict is only 512KB.
lua-shared-dicts: "certificate_data: 100, my_custom_plugin: 512k"
Sets the HTTP status code to be used in redirects. Supported codes are 301,302,307 and 308 default: 308
Why the default code is 308?
RFC 7238 was created to define the 308 (Permanent Redirect) status code that is similar to 301 (Moved Permanently) but it keeps the payload in the redirect. This is important if we send a redirect in methods like POST.
Enables or disables buffering of responses from the proxied server.
Sets the status code to return in response to rejected requests. default: 503
Sets the status code to return in response to rejected connections. default: 503
Enable syslog feature for access log and error log. default: false
Sets the address of syslog server. The address can be specified as a domain name or IP address.
Sets the port of syslog server. default: 514
A comma-separated list of locations on which http requests will never get redirected to their https counterpart. default: "/.well-known/acme-challenge"
A comma-separated list of allowed response headers inside the custom headers annotations
A url to an existing service that provides authentication for all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
Locations that should not get authenticated can be listed using no-auth-locations
See no-auth-locations. In addition, each service can be excluded from authentication via annotation enable-global-auth
set to "false".
default: ""
A HTTP method to use for an existing service that provides authentication for all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: ""
Sets the location of the error page for an existing service that provides authentication for all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: ""
Sets the query parameter in the error page signin URL which contains the original URL of the request that failed authentication.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: "rd"
Sets the headers to pass to backend once authentication request completes. Applied to all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: ""
Sets the X-Auth-Request-Redirect header value. Applied to all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: ""
Sets a custom snippet to use with external authentication. Applied to all the locations.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: ""
Enables caching for global auth requests. Specify a lookup key for auth responses, e.g. $remote_user$http_authorization
Set a caching time for auth responses based on their response codes, e.g. 200 202 30m
. See proxy_cache_valid for details. You may specify multiple, comma-separated values: 200 202 10m, 401 5m
. defaults to 200 202 401 5m
Always set a cookie returned by auth request. By default, the cookie will be set only if an upstream reports with the code 200, 201, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, or 308. default: false
A comma-separated list of locations that should not get authenticated. default: "/.well-known/acme-challenge"
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (or subnets), request from which have to be blocked globally.
A comma-separated list of User-Agent, request from which have to be blocked globally.
It's possible to use here full strings and regular expressions. More details about valid patterns can be found at map
Nginx directive documentation.
A comma-separated list of Referers, request from which have to be blocked globally.
It's possible to use here full strings and regular expressions. More details about valid patterns can be found at map
Nginx directive documentation.
Set if proxy-ssl parameters should be applied only on locations and not on servers. default: is disabled
Sets the default MIME type of a response. default: text/html
Set if the service's Cluster IP and port should be used instead of a list of all endpoints. This can be overwritten by an annotation on an Ingress rule. default: "false"
Set to reject SSL handshake to an unknown virtualhost. This parameter helps to mitigate the fingerprinting using default certificate of ingress. default: "false"
Enables debugging log for selected client connections. default: ""
Ingress objects contains a field called pathType that defines the proxy behavior. It can be Exact
, Prefix
and ImplementationSpecific
When pathType is configured as Exact
or Prefix
, there should be a more strict validation, allowing only paths starting with "/" and
containing only alphanumeric characters and "-", "_" and additional "/".
When this option is enabled, the validation will happen on the Admission Webhook, making any Ingress not using pathType ImplementationSpecific
and containing invalid characters to be denied.
This means that Ingress objects that rely on paths containing regex characters should use ImplementationSpecific
The cluster admin should establish validation rules using mechanisms like Open Policy Agent to
validate that only authorized users can use ImplementationSpecific
pathType and that only the authorized characters can be used.
default: "true"
Sets the configuration for the GRPC Buffer Size parameter. If not set it will use the default from NGINX.
Use relative redirects instead of absolute redirects. Absolute redirects are the default in nginx. RFC7231 allows relative redirects since 2014.
Similar to the Ingress rule annotation
default: "false"