diff --git a/cluster-autoscaler/README.md b/cluster-autoscaler/README.md
index 3744fb09b9ec..5096775c7eb6 100644
--- a/cluster-autoscaler/README.md
+++ b/cluster-autoscaler/README.md
@@ -47,34 +47,34 @@ We recommend using Cluster Autoscaler with the Kubernetes control plane (previou
Starting from Kubernetes 1.12, versioning scheme was changed to match Kubernetes minor releases exactly.
-| Kubernetes Version | CA Version |
-| 1.29.X | 1.29.X |
-| 1.28.X | 1.28.X |
-| 1.27.X | 1.27.X |
-| 1.26.X | 1.26.X |
-| 1.25.X | 1.25.X |
-| 1.24.X | 1.24.X |
-| 1.23.X | 1.23.X |
-| 1.22.X | 1.22.X |
-| 1.21.X | 1.21.X |
-| 1.20.X | 1.20.X |
-| 1.19.X | 1.19.X |
-| 1.18.X | 1.18.X |
-| 1.17.X | 1.17.X |
-| 1.16.X | 1.16.X |
-| 1.15.X | 1.15.X |
-| 1.14.X | 1.14.X |
-| 1.13.X | 1.13.X |
-| 1.12.X | 1.12.X |
-| 1.11.X | 1.3.X |
-| 1.10.X | 1.2.X |
-| 1.9.X | 1.1.X |
-| 1.8.X | 1.0.X |
-| 1.7.X | 0.6.X |
-| 1.6.X | 0.5.X, 0.6.X* |
-| 1.5.X | 0.4.X |
-| 1.4.X | 0.3.X |
+| Kubernetes Version | CA Version | Chart Version |
+| 1.29.X | 1.29.X |9.35.0+|
+| 1.28.X | 1.28.X |9.34.0+|
+| 1.27.X | 1.27.X |9.29.0+|
+| 1.26.X | 1.26.X |9.28.0+|
+| 1.25.X | 1.25.X | |
+| 1.24.X | 1.24.X |9.25.0+|
+| 1.23.X | 1.23.X |9.14.0+|
+| 1.22.X | 1.22.X | |
+| 1.21.X | 1.21.X |9.10.0+|
+| 1.20.X | 1.20.X |9.5.0+|
+| 1.19.X | 1.19.X | |
+| 1.18.X | 1.18.X |9.0.0+|
+| 1.17.X | 1.17.X | |
+| 1.16.X | 1.16.X | |
+| 1.15.X | 1.15.X | |
+| 1.14.X | 1.14.X | |
+| 1.13.X | 1.13.X | |
+| 1.12.X | 1.12.X | |
+| 1.11.X | 1.3.X | |
+| 1.10.X | 1.2.X | |
+| 1.9.X | 1.1.X | |
+| 1.8.X | 1.0.X | |
+| 1.7.X | 0.6.X | |
+| 1.6.X | 0.5.X, 0.6.X* | |
+| 1.5.X | 0.4.X | |
+| 1.4.X | 0.3.X | |
*Cluster Autoscaler 0.5.X is the official version shipped with k8s 1.6. We've done some basic tests using k8s 1.6 / CA 0.6 and we're not aware of any problems with this setup. However, Cluster Autoscaler internally simulates Kubernetes' scheduler and using different versions of scheduler code can lead to subtle issues.
diff --git a/cluster-autoscaler/hack/update-chart-version-readme.sh b/cluster-autoscaler/hack/update-chart-version-readme.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..51534b1d7ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster-autoscaler/hack/update-chart-version-readme.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright 2024 The Kubernetes Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script is to be used to update chart compatibility matrix in
+# README when there's a new version of the helm chart available
+set -eo pipefail
+if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then
+ echo "Clean git working tree required"
+ exit 1
+CA_VERSION=${1:?"usage: update-chart-version-readme.sh (must be a row present in README.md) []"}
+echo "Checking last $NUM_REVISIONS for changes" >&2
+BASE=$(dirname $0)
+REF=$(git branch --show-current | grep . || git rev-parse HEAD)
+function cleanup {
+ echo 'Going back to $REF'
+ git checkout "$REF" &>/dev/null
+ trap - EXIT
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Build version map
+ git tag | grep cluster-autoscaler-chart | sort -V | $VERSIONS_FILTER | while read ver; do
+ echo "Checking chart release: $ver" >&2
+ git checkout $ver &>/dev/null
+ (
+ set -eo pipefail
+ cat $BASE/../../charts/cluster-autoscaler/Chart.yaml \
+ | grep -e version -e appVersion
+ ) \
+ | sed -E -e 's/^([^:]+): (.*)/"\1": "\2"/g' \
+ | tr '\n' ',' \
+ | sed -E -e 's/(.*),/{\1}/g'
+ done | jq -s '{"cluster-autoscaler": group_by(.appVersion) | map({version: .[0].appVersion, charts: . | map(.version)})}'
+ )
+# Get min version where cluster-autoscaler v$CA_VERSION is used
+MIN_COMPATIBLE_VERSION=$(echo "$VERSIONS" | jq -r --arg ver $CA_VERSION '.["cluster-autoscaler"] | map(select(.version | startswith("\($ver).")) | .charts) | flatten | .[]' | sort -V | head -n1)
+if [[ -z "$MIN_COMPATIBLE_VERSION" ]]; then
+ echo "No chart versions using cluster-autoscaler v$CA_VERSION detected" >&2
+ exit 0
+echo "Detected min compatible version for cluster-autoscaler v$CA_VERSION"
+# Replace README info with parsed data
+awk "!/^\|/ { versions=0 }
+/$CA_VERSION/ { if (versions) print(\"\", \$2, \$3, \"$MIN_COMPATIBLE_VERSION+\" \"\", \"\"); else print(\$0) }
+!/$CA_VERSION/ { print }
+/Kubernetes Version/ { versions=1; FS=\"|\"; OFS=\"|\"; }" $BASE/../README.md > README.md.tmp
+mv README.md.tmp $BASE/../README.md