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KubeEdge Web Demo

Firstly the users open a browser, and enter the web app page by the web app link, choose the music and click the button Play in the web page, at last the expected track is pushed to the edge node and the track is played on the speaker connected to the edge node.


Hardware Prerequisites

  • RaspBerry PI (RaspBerry PI 3 has been used for this demo). The RaspBerry PI is also the edge node to which the speaker will be connected.

  • A speaker for playing the music.

Software Prerequisites

  • A running Kubernetes cluster.

  • KubeEdge v1.5+


    when you setup edgecore on the RaspBerry PI, Please set the mqtt mode as 2, and replace with your Kubernetes master ip address.

  • In order to control the speaker and play the expected track, we need to manage the speaker connected to the RaspBerry PI. KubeEdge allows us to manage devices using Kubernetes custom resource definitions. The design proposal is here. Apply the CRD schema yamls available here using kubectl.

Steps to run the demo

Clone demo code

 git clone

Create the device model and device instance for the speaker

With the Device CRD APIs now installed in the cluster, we create the device model and instance for the speaker using the yaml files.

 cd $GOPATH/src/
 kubectl create -f kubeedge-speaker-model.yaml
 kubectl create -f kubeedge-speaker-instance.yaml

Run KubeEdge Web App

The KubeEdge Web App runs in a VM on cloud. It can be deployed using a Kubernetes deployment yaml.

 cd $GOPATH/src/
 kubectl create -f kubeedge-web-app.yaml

Build PI Player App

Cross-complie the PI Player App which will run on the RaspBerry PI and play the expected track.

 cd $GOPATH/src/
 export GOARCH=arm
 export GOOS="linux"
 export GOARM=6
 export CGO_ENABLED=1
 export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
 go build -o pi-player-app main.go

Run PI Player App

Make sure the MQTT broker is running on the RaspBerry PI. Copy the PI Player App binary to the RaspBerry PI and run it. The App will subscribe to the $hw/events/device/speaker-01/twin/update/document topic and when it receives the expected track on the topic, it will play it on the speaker. At last, you need to copy the music files into the folder /home/pi/music/ on the RaspBerry PI. The music file name is like .mp3, for example: 1.mp3

The PI Player App will issue the omxplayer to play music, please make sure the omxplayer is installed on the RaspBerry PI. If not, please see the following link to setup omxplayer.


Play music by visiting Web App Page

  • Visit web app page by the web app link.

  • Choose the music you want to play, and then click the button Play. The track info is pushed to the RaspBerry PI and the music is played on the speaker.

  • Click the button stop to stop the music, the music is stopped on the speaker.