I taught myself Dirichlet processes and Hierarchal DPs in the spring of 2015 in order to understand nonparametric Bayesian models and related inference algorithms. In the process, I wrote a bunch of code and took a bunch of notes. I preserved those notes here for the benefit of others trying to learn this material.
- Dirichlet Distribution and Dirichlet Processes: A quick review of the Dirichlet Distribution and an introduction to the Dirichlet Process by analogy with the Dirichlet Distribution.
- Sampling from a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process: Code demonstrating how you can sample from a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process without generating an infinite number of parameters first.
- Nonparametric Latent Dirichlet Allocation: An alternative view of latent Dirichlet allocation using a Dirichlet process, and a demonstration of how it can be easily extended to a nonparametric model (where the number of topics becomes a random variable fit by the inference algorithm) using a hierarchical Dirichlet process.
- Fitting a Mixture Model with Gibbs Sampling: Derivation of a full Gibbs sampler for a finite mixture model with a uniform Dirichlet prior. This is a step on the way to deriving a Gibbs sampler for the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.
- Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Mixture Models (with a Nonparametric Extension): Derivation of a collapsed Gibbs sampler for a finite mixture model with a uniform Dirichlet prior. Extension (without derivation) of this Gibbs sampler to the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model.
- Notes on Gibbs Sampling in Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Models: Notes on apply the equations given in the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process paper to nonparametric Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
- Sample from Antoniak Distribution with Python: Code for drawing samples from the distribution of tables created by a Chinese restaurant process after
patrons are seated. - Analysis of the topics of Econtalk with HDP-LDA: Demonstration of the nonparametric latent Dirichlet allocation component of data microscopes that I developed. Analyzes the topics of the Econtalk podcast by using show notes/transcripts.
I implemented the HDP-LDA component of the data microscopes project. You can install it with
$ conda install -c datamicroscopes -c distributions microscopes-lda
You can access these notebooks interactively with Binder:
Part of the impetus for compiling these notes was how carelessly the term "Dirichlet process" seemed to be used in literature on nonparametric Bayesian models.
Although I thought I had come to the correct understanding (which is presented here), Dan Roy helpfully pointed out that I probably got it wrong given how Dirichlet Process is defined by Ferguson 1973. Ferguson's use of Dirichlet process does not make it a "distribution over distributions" as Neal, Teh, Jordan, and Blei call it. At best, I believe there is equivocation on the term "Dirichlet Process" in the NPB literature. At worst, there is wide scale confusion on what a Dirichlet process is!
At some point, I intend to write a post trying to explain the subtleties of this discussion. In the mean time, I would suggest that my posts will still be valuable in understanding the literature on nonparametric Bayes, even if it won't get you a Ph.D. in measure theory.
- Gregor Heinrich's ILDA: A Java-based implementation of the "Posterior Assignment by Direct Sampling" MCMC algorithm from Teh et al (2005). Includes hyperparameter sampling.
- Shuyo's Implementation: Pure Python implementation of "Posterior sampling in the Chinese restaurant franchise" MCMC algorithm. Doesn't include hyperparameter sampling.
- Teh's Original Implementations: Matlab and C code for MCMC accompanying original paper. I found it impenetrable.
- HCA: C implementation
- HDP-Faster: C++ implementation by Chong Wang using split-merge algorithm.
- Gensim: Python-based variational inference (following Chong Wang et al (2011)).
- bnpy: Python implementation of variational inference.