A Laravel SDK for OpenWeather API
Install the package via composer:
composer require solgenpower/laravel-openweather
If you're interested in modifying the config file, then publish it using the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Solgenpower\LaravelOpenweather\OpenWeatherServiceProvider"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
* API Key for Open Weather
'api-key' => env('OPENWEATHER_API_KEY', ''),
* Endpoint for the Current Weather
'current-endpoint' => env('OPENWEATHER_CURRENT_ENDPOINT', 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/'),
* Endpoint for the Weather Condition icons
'icon-endpoint' => env('OPENWEATHER_ICON_ENDPOINT', 'https://openweathermap.org/img/wn/'),
* Map icon code to actual icon filenames
'icon-map' => [
* Day Icons
'01d' => '01d.png',
'02d' => '02d.png',
'03d' => '03d.png',
'04d' => '04d.png',
'09d' => '09d.png',
'10d' => '10d.png',
'11d' => '11d.png',
'13d' => '13d.png',
'50d' => '50d.png',
* Night Icons
'01n' => '01n.png',
'02n' => '02n.png',
'03n' => '03n.png',
'04n' => '04n.png',
'09n' => '09n.png',
'10n' => '10n.png',
'11n' => '11n.png',
'13n' => '13n.png',
'50n' => '50n.png',
* Cache duration default in seconds, 60 * 10 is 10 minutes
'cache-duration' => 60 * 10,
* standard => Kelvin
* imperial => Fahrenheit
* metric => Celsius
'temperature-unit' => env('OPENWEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT', 'imperial'),
You can get weather information by providing coordinates
$whiteHouseWeather = OpenWeather::coordinates("38.897957", "-77.036560");
echo $whiteHouseWeather->humidity; //64
or by zip code
$californiaWeather = OpenWeather::zip('90210', 'US');
echo $californiaWeather->windDirection; //N
or by city name
$pheonixWeather = OpenWeather::city('Tucson', 'AZ', 'US');
echo $pheonixWeather->feelsLike; //281.55
All these methods will return a Weather DTO that looks like this:
class Weather
public function __construct(
public readonly float $latitude,
public readonly float $longitude,
public readonly ?string $countryCode,
public readonly string $condition,
public readonly string $description,
public readonly string $icon,
public readonly float $temperature,
public readonly ?float $feelsLike,
public readonly ?int $pressure,
public readonly ?int $humidity,
public readonly ?float $windSpeed,
public readonly ?string $windDirection,
public readonly ?int $cloudiness,
public readonly ?int $visibility,
* Seconds difference from UTC
* To use with Carbon's timezone method, divide by 3600
public readonly int $timezone,
public readonly Carbon $sunrise,
public readonly Carbon $sunset,
public readonly Carbon $calculatedAt
) {
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