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Comparing ES Harmony Concurrency Strawman

kriskowal edited this page Mar 16, 2012 · 8 revisions

Mark Miller and Kris Kowal (yours truly) are frequently experimenting and converging around Mark’s Concurrency Strawman for a future version of the ECMAScript specification. This is an analysis of the present (March 2012) differences between Q and the standard proposal.

  • Resolve: Q does not support the proposed Q() function. The proposed behavior is equivalent to the present Q.resolve() as proposed by @denicola and the legacy Q.ref() as implemented in the original Waterken ref_send on which Q is based. This Q implementation provides call and apply methods for sending messages to promised functions. These would conflict with call and apply on the Function.prototype.

  • Reject: The Q.reject(error) function is implemented as proposed. I may eventually restrict the domain of the error to exception objects, or at least restrict strings, so that I can make some stronger guarantees to error handlers.

  • isPromise: The Q.isPromise function is implemented as specified, as well as Q.isFulfilled (which tolerates non-promise values), Q.isRejected, Q.isResolved as well as these functions as promise methods except **promise.isPromise().

  • When/Then: Q does support promise.when() in the interest of compatibility with this specification, but the promise.then() interface has won over the JavaScript community. Q promises’ then method supports the CommonJS/A specification as proposed by Kris Zyp. Q.resolve(promise) is also able to “assimilate” other objects that have then methods as long as they are designed to call the given fulfilled or rejected functions. Q.resolve(promise) ignores the return-value of the then, ensuring that the assimilated promise is in-fact a Q promise with all of the provided methods and behaviors. I recall that a colleague of Mark Miller found a reason why the method should be named when instead of then, but I do not recall the argument and it has not surfaced a problem in my practice.

  • Get/Put/Post: The get, put, and post are all implemented as proposed. The proposed delete is called del in Q, but experimentally aliased as delete.

The proposed ``promise.send`` is equivalent to the implemented ``promise.invoke``.  I have reserved ``promise.send`` for sending messages to promises, but I have not documented it and the signature may be some combination of ``operator``, ``resolve``, and variadic arguments, where operators are like ``"get"`` and ``"del"``. I may change the ``"when"`` operator to ``"then"`` and ``"del"`` to ``"delete"``.  I think there is some flexibility here still since it is only substantial to the protocol spoken between the Q and Q-Comm libraries.  My operator names differ from Tyler Close’s original Waterken ref_send in that they are all lower-case.
  • Nearer Value: The proposed Q.nearer(promise) is almost equivalent to the implemented promise.valueOf(). If the promise is fulfilled, promise.valueOf() returns the fulfilled value. If the promise is or has forwarded to a deferred promise, it returns most recently deferred promise (the specification says that it should return the original promise, but I presume this is not intentional). For rejected promises, promise.valueOf() returns a sentinel object with {rejectedPromise: true, reason: {}}; I intend to alter the implementation to meet the specification in this regard.

  • All: The proposed Q.all(...args) is implemented as non-variadic Q.all(args). In the absence of rest arguments, we recover the cost of adding brackets in some places in not having to wrap promises like Q.all.apply(null, promises) in other cases. I’ve recently added Q.allResolved(promises) and promiseForPromises.allResolved().

  • Delay: I implemented Q.delay slightly differently. The proposal is Q.delay(millis, answer). To be consistent with other methods implemented both on the Q object and on the promise object, this implementation puts the “answer” first, so the argument forms are: Q.delay(answer, millis), promise.delay(millis). For convenience, I recognize that when only one argument is provided (as indicated by arguments.length), the answer is undefined, Q.delay(millies).then(function () {}).

  • Async: I have implemented Q.async as proposed, including support for ReturnValue errors as proposed for Harmony but not yet implemented in FireFox’s SpiderMonkey.

  • Remotes and Vats: I have not implemented makeFar, makeRemote, race, or join in this library. I have left these to the purview of Q-Comm. I would like to implement vats and where (or there to be consistent with then) in WebWorkers and Node subprocesses uses ES5-Lab’s SES initializer.

  • Others:* I also have not implemented memoize in this library since I do not want to entrain a WeakMap shim.