!python TrainGAP.py \
--is_distributed \
--local_rank 0 \
--global_rank 0 \
--world_size 2 \
--master_node '' \
--master_port 29500 \
--backend nccl \
--per_gpu_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation 4
# !python TrainGAP.py \
# --is_distributed \
# --local_rank 0 \
# --global_rank 1 \
# --world_size 2 \
# --master_node '' \
# --master_port 29500 \
# --backend nccl \
# --per_gpu_batch_size 16 \
# --gradient_accumulation 4
Common errors
Training does not progress or timeout error is seen
Follow this blog to test if distributed training is possible between the machines or not
Address already in use
Same port was used for multi node communication which has not been released.
Restart kernel or kill any other distributed process which uses same port .
!python TrainGAP.py \
--is_distributed \
--world_size 4 \
--nprocs 2 \
--start_rank 0\
--backend nccl \
--master_node '' \
--master_port 29500 \
--per_gpu_batch_size 8 \
--gradient_accumulation 2
# !python TrainGAP.py \
# --is_distributed \
# --world_size 4 \
# --nprocs 2 \
# --start_rank 2\
# --backend nccl \
# --master_node '' \
# --master_port 29500 \
# --per_gpu_batch_size 8 \
# --gradient_accumulation 2
More details here:
!python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 \
--nnodes=2 \
--node_rank=0 \
--master_addr='' \
--master_port=29500 \
TrainGAP.py \
--is_distributed \
--per_gpu_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation 4 \
--backend nccl
# !python -m torch.distributed.launch \
# --nproc_per_node=2 \
# --nnodes=2 \
# --node_rank=1 \
# --master_addr='' \
# --master_port=29500 \
# TrainGAP.py \
# --is_distributed \
# --per_gpu_batch_size 16 \
# --gradient_accumulation 4 \
# --backend nccl