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This branch is 1 commit behind garutilorenzo/oracle-cloud-terraform-examples:master.


NAT instance

This module will deploy a NAT instance. If you use a private subnet with an always free account you will need a nat instance to give internet access to the private subnet. With the always free account you can't use/deploy a NAT gateway.

Also this module will setup a new route table and will attach this new route to the private subnet.


  • One vcn with a public or private subnet (simple-vcn or private-vcn module)

Module variables

Var Required Desc
region yes set the correct OCI region based on your needs
availability_domain yes Set the correct availability domain. See how to find the availability domain
compartment_ocid yes Set the correct compartment ocid. See how to find the compartment ocid
vcn_id yes The VCN OCID
private_subnet_id yes Private subnet OCID
public_subnet_id yes Public subnet OCID
default_fault_domain no Fault domain where the instance will be deployed. Default: FAULT-DOMAIN-1
PATH_TO_PUBLIC_KEY no Path to your public ssh key (Default: "~/.ssh/
os_image_id no OS image OCID. Default: - Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-aarch64-2022.01.18-0
setup_bastion no Bool variable. Setup the nat instance as bastion host. Default: true
bastion_user no Bastion username. Default: bastion
bastion_group no Bastion group. Default: bastion
ssh_keys_path no List of ssh keys allowed to connect to the nat instance as bastion user. Default: ["~/.ssh/"]


The module will output:

  • nat_instance_id, NAT instance OCID
  • nat_instance_public_ip, NAT instance public ip