- fix PHP 8.1 deprecation warnings
- prevent module action when Gridblock addon is used @skerbis
- make mform manipulable
- Stretch height of ImageList
- PRESAVE-Action: Die REX_VALUES werden nach einer PRESAVE Aktion aus dem $_POST geladen.
- Dadurch sind Validierungen ohne Neueingabe des Contents jetzt möglich. @skerbis
- use mblock:change event to reinit mform elements
- remove form-group wrapper for hidden input fields
- fix collapse accordion aria-expanded click issue
- added the selectpicker class by default, to remove it you have use the class
on your select element - added mblock compatibility for mform usage of with the selectpicker
- fix some small issues to get ability for combined and nested wrapper element usage
- added column element for some form input column elements
- removed element fragments and added stuff to wrapper fragment
- removed author email address
- wrapper fragment changed, remove id handling in output and js for accordion, collapse and tab
- properties direction changed in
- open properties added to
- added inline wrapper element
- minor css changes @skerbis
- add php 7.x compatibility
- add fragment files
- remove data themes and use fragments as theme templates
- add radio-, checkbox and select toggle options for collapse
- add radio-, checkbox and select toggle options for tabs
- create generic collapse, accordion and tab handling for mblock usage
- remove deprecated stuff
- remove default theme config form in addon page
- ytemplates moved from data to addon root path
- remove docs plugin and unused lang strings
- make example modules installable
- revised all example modules remove all .ini's and use instead of them .inc files
- add new wrapper example files
- validations removed
- changed screenshot @skerbis
- correcting readme @skerbis
- add english readme @sckerbis
- add readme to backend pages @skerbis
- add changelog to backend navigation @skerbis
- fix double quote issue @dtpop
Removed class methods:
- addEditorField
- addCke5Field
- addFieldset
- closeFieldset
- addTab
- closeTab
- addCollapse
- closeCollapse
- addAccordion
- closeAccordion
- isSerial
- setToggle
- setValidation
- setValidations
Renamed class methods:
- addOption => setOption
- addAttribute => setAttribute
- disableOptions => setDisableOptions
- disableOption => setDisableOption
- addFieldsetField => addFieldsetArea
- addCollapseField => addCollapseElement
- addTabField => addTabElement
- addAccordionField => addAccordionElement
- addTooltipInfo => setTooltipInfo
- addCollapseInfo => setCollapseInfo
- addParameters => setParameters
- addParameter => setParameter
Call to undefined method MForm::addFieldset()
- Use
likeMForm::factory()->addFieldsetArea('Label', MForm::factory()->addTextField(1, ['label' => 'Text']));
- Use
Call to undefined method MForm::addCollapse()
- Use
likeMForm::factory()->addCollapseElement('Collapse', MForm::factory()->addTextField(1, ['label' => 'Text']));
- Use
Call to undefined method MForm::addTab()
- Use
likeMForm::factory()->addTabElement('Tab', MForm::factory()->addTextField(1, ['label' => 'Text']));
- Use
Call to undefined method MForm::addAccordion()
- Use
likeMForm::factory()->addAccordionElement('Accordion' MForm::factory()->addTextField(1, ['label' => 'Text']));
- Use
Call to undefined method MForm::addEditorField()
- Use
with editor attributes like$mform->addTextAreaField('1', ['class' => 'cke5-editor', 'data-lang' => \Cke5\Utils\Cke5Lang::getUserLang(), 'data-profile' => 'default']);
- Use
Call to undefined method MForm::addOption()
- Check the list
Renamed class methods
and use the new method name instead of the old one
- Check the list
Call to undefined method MForm::setToggle()
- Use
instead ofaddCheckboxField
- Use
- Fix: UTF-8 encoding for arabic and other charsets in link and link-lists
- Adding return types for yform methods
- New: Dark-mode support for REDAXO >= 5.13 @schuer @skerbis
- Select fix. @dtpop, @IngoWinter, @skerbis, multiple issues fixed regarding single select- and multiselect-fields
- Allow callable @DanielWeitenauer
- new check for JSON Values 1.x.x
- fixed: delete all entries in imagelist @ynamite
- fixed: wrong var prevents cusrtom classes on tabs @bitshiftersgmbh
- Fixed missing external link in widget
- Some minor fixes thx @lexplatt @Hirbod
prepareCustomLink fixed
- readme style fixes @crydotsnake
- remove .formcontrol on input fields type color @olien
- some validation methods changed and calls deleted @skerbis
- added some docs
- minor bugfixes
- use rex_factory_trait in MForm class
- added YForm Links in custom_link
- removed
validation @skerbis, you should use html validations: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation - deprecated:
- change
functionality, useaddForm
to add content in this methods - added
method - added Media inUseCheck for media inside
in YForm - added some styling
- added some Svensk översättning @interweave-media
- added some English translation @ynamite
- added some docs @skerbis
The REX_CUSTOM_LINK Var now saves the data in a regular REX_VAR. So the usage of REX_CUSTOM_LINK is not backward compatible. You should move the values from Linklist to a value field.
Parsley has been removed. AddValidation is functionless.
removed closeCollapse
, closeTab
, closeAccordion
Look at the new wrapper field examples
- added custom link as widget
- exchange custom link for yform and rex_form
- added image list widget for mfrom, rex_form and yform
- add possibility to disable select options
- fix fieldset and grouping issues
- re-add special input types support
- removed tab history
- Parameter must be an array warning fix
- fixed: Media-Button Parameter type space
- Link-Title for Custom-Link Buttons added
- Attributes for media- and link-elements added, which allows validation via Parsley
- fixed: c14n html body wrapping removed
- now uses includeCurrentPageSubPath to show pages @christophboecker
- Cache buster will be added by rex core @staabm
- init.js simplified @staabm
- Add Info Tooltip
- Bootstrap Toggle Checkbox als neues Element
$mform->addToggleCheckboxField('1.show_icons', [1 => ''], ['label' => 'Icon verwenden', 'label-col-class' => 'col-md-3', 'form-item-col-class' => 'col-md-9'], null, 1);
hinzugefügt, ermöglicht das überschrieben der Standard "col-md-x" Classen
$mform->addTextField('2.0.title', ['label' => 'Titel'], ['empty']);
- 4 Alert Message Elemente hinzugefügt
$mform->addAlertInfo('Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not super important.');
$mform->addAlertSuccess('Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.');
$mform->addAlertDanger('Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.');
$mform->addAlertWarning("<strong>Warning!</strong> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.");
- Collapse Panel für Formular elemente hinzugefügt, das steuern der Collapse über Checkboxen ist möglich
- Output helper class
bereit gestellt
- Javascript für Multipe Selects entfernt, dafür nötiges Hidden-Input ebenfalls entfernt.
- Zu beachten bei Updates:
- Ein Hidden-Input Feld welches Komma-separiert die selected-options aufnimmt gibt es nicht mehr.
- Multiple Selects werden künftig als JSON-String direkt im REX_VALUE gespeichert.
- Dies Wirkt sich auf die Auswertung der REX_VALUES im Modul-Output aus.
- Künftig muss für diese REX_VALUES
genutzt werden um die JSON-Strings in Arrays zu decodieren. - Beim editieren alter REX_VALUES gehen keine zuordnungen verloren, beim erneuten Speichern wird im neuen Format gespeichert.
- Im DB Column des REX_VALUES wird aus dem String
der JSON-String["1","2"]
- Zu beachten bei Updates:
- Docu Plugin hinzugefügt
- Das alte MForm Github Wiki wurde in das Docu-Plugin übernommen
- Alle Inhalte wurden überarbeitet
- Thanks Alexander Walther, Paul Götz, Tim Filler
- Bootstrap Tabs integriert
- Selected und Checked haben einen Leerzeichen-Prefix erhalten.
- EN-Sprachdatei wurde übersetzt
- Thanks Thomas Skerbis, ynamite