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Deis Control Utility

deisctl is a command-line utility used to provision and operate a Deis cluster.


Latest deisctl

To install the latest deisctl on Linux or Mac OS X, run this command:

$ curl -sSL | sh

The installer puts deisctl in your current directory and downloads current Deis unit files to $HOME/.deis/units one time. You should move deisctl somewhere in your $PATH.

To change installation options, save the installer directly from one of these links:

Download for Linux Download for Mac OS X

Then run the downloaded file as a shell script. Append --help to see what options are available.

Builds for a specific Deis release

Note that this script will always give you the most freshly-built deisctl off master. If you are using a specific Deis release (not latest), you'll want to use the deisctl built for your release.

Builds are hosted on an S3 bucket at this URL format:<VERSION>-<darwin|linux>

The deisctl release for Deis version 0.14.1 can be downloaded here: Mac OS X | Linux

Building from source

If you want to install from source, ensure you have installed, clone the repository and run

$ godep get .

Then, export the DEISCTL_UNITS environment variable so deisctl can find the units:


This is also useful for specifying custom behavior on Deis units, such as using fleet metadata to lock the builder to a more powerful node, or keep application nodes free of control plane elements.

Remote Configuration

While deisctl can be used locally on a CoreOS host, it is extremely useful as a tool for remote administration. This requires an SSH tunnel to one of your CoreOS hosts.

Test password-less SSH connectivity to a CoreOS host:

$ ssh [email protected] hostname

Export the DEISCTL_TUNNEL environment variable:


Provision a Deis Platform

The deisctl install platform command will schedule all of the Deis platform units. deisctl start platform activates these units.

$ deisctl install platform
● ▴ ■
■ ● ▴ Installing Deis...
▴ ■ ●

Data containers...
deis-logger-data.service: loaded
Logging subsystem...
deis-logger.service: loaded
Storage subsystem...
deis-store-gateway.service: loaded
Control plane...
deis-cache.service: loaded
deis-database.service: loaded
deis-registry.service: loaded
deis-controller.service: loaded
deis-builder.service: loaded
Data plane...
Routing mesh...
[email protected]: loaded
[email protected]: loaded
[email protected]: loaded
Deis installed.
Please run `deisctl start platform` to boot up Deis.

$ deisctl start platform
● ▴ ■
■ ● ▴ Starting Deis...
▴ ■ ●

Data containers...
deis-logger-data.service: exited
Logging subsystem...
deis-logger.service: running
deis-logspout.service: running
Storage subsystem...
deis-store-daemon.service: running
deis-store-monitor.service: running
deis-store-gateway.service: running
Control plane...
deis-cache.service: running
deis-database.service: running
deis-registry.service: running
deis-controller.service: running
deis-builder.service: running
Data plane...
deis-publisher.service: running
Routing mesh...
[email protected]: running
[email protected]: running
[email protected]: running

Note that the default start command activates 1 of each component. You can scale components with deisctl scale router=3, for example. The router is the only component that currently scales beyond 1 unit.

You can also use the deisctl uninstall command to destroy platform units:

● ▴ ■
■ ● ▴ Uninstalling Deis...
▴ ■ ●

Routing mesh...
[email protected]: inactive
[email protected]: inactive
[email protected]: inactive
Data plane...
Control plane...
deis-controller.service: inactive
deis-builder.service: inactive
deis-cache.service: inactive
deis-database.service: inactive
deis-registry.service: inactive
Storage subsystem...
deis-store-gateway.service: inactive
Logging subsystem...
deis-logger.service: inactive

To uninstall a specific component, use deisctl uninstall router.

Note that uninstalling platform units will not remove the data units or underlying data containers. Data must be destroyed manually.


The deisctl tool provides a number of other commands, including:

  • deisctl list - list Deis platform components
  • deisctl status <component> - retrieve Systemd status of a component
  • deisctl journal <component> - retrieve Systemd journal output
  • deisctl start <component> - start a platform component
  • deisctl stop <component> - stop a platform component
  • deisctl install <component> - install a single platform component
  • deisctl uninstall <component> - uninstall a single platform component
  • deisctl scale <component>=<num> - scale a component to the target number of units
  • deisctl refresh-units - download latest unit files

Usage Examples

$ deisctl list
deis-builder.service		f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
deis-cache.service  		f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
deis-controller.service	    f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
deis-database.service		f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
deis-logger-data.service	f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	exited
deis-logger.service	    	f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
deis-registry.service		f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
[email protected]		f936b7a5.../	loaded	active	running
$ deisctl status controller
● deis-controller.service - deis-controller
   Loaded: loaded (/run/fleet/units/deis-controller.service; linked-runtime)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2014-08-25 22:56:50 UTC; 15min ago
  Process: 22969 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c docker inspect deis-controller >/dev/null && docker rm -f deis-controller || true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 22945 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c IMAGE=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/controller`; docker history $IMAGE >/dev/null || docker pull $IMAGE (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 22979 (sh)
   CGroup: /system.slice/system-deis\x2dcontroller.slice/deis-controller.service
           ├─22979 /bin/sh -c IMAGE=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/controller` && docker run --name deis-controller --rm -p 8000:8000 -e PUBLISH=8000 -e HOST=$COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 --volumes-from=deis-logger $IMAGE
           └─22999 docker run --name deis-controller --rm -p 8000:8000 -e PUBLISH=8000 -e HOST= --volumes-from=deis-logger deis/controller:latest

Aug 25 22:57:07 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:07,959: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://
Aug 25 22:57:07 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:07 [121] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 121
Aug 25 22:57:07 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:07,968: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [122] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 122
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [123] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 123
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [124] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 124
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [125] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 125
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [126] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 126
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:08,979: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:08,997: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@4378062f17a5 ready.
$ deisctl journal controller
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [125] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 125
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: 2014-08-25 16:57:08 [126] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 126
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:08,979: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
Aug 25 22:57:08 deis-1 sh[22979]: [2014-08-25 16:57:08,997: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@4378062f17a5 ready.
$ deisctl stop controller
deis-controller.service: loaded
$ deisctl start controller
deis-controller.service: launched
$ deisctl scale router=3
[email protected]: loaded
[email protected]: loaded
[email protected]: loaded

$ deisctl start router
[email protected]: launched
[email protected]: launched
[email protected]: launched

Unit Search Paths

deisctl looks for unit files in these directories, in this order:

  • the $DEISCTL_UNITS environment variable, if set
  • $HOME/.deis/units
  • /var/lib/deis/units


Copyright 2014, OpDemand LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.