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kramttocs edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Tasker wiki!

For the BI (Blue Iris Security Software) scripts:

A couple examples of my usage - I have a profile for when I connect (and leave [exit task]) to my home wifi. It then checks to see if it's a work day during work hours and sets BI to Home Temp (and opens my garage door :) ) assuming I am on lunch. Then the exit task for that profile sets it to Home Run I have several shortcuts for the 'Set XXXXX' tasks on my desktop that allow me to quickly set the status of BI

  1. BI-CleanStatus This one takes status returned by BI and makes it more human readable. Will need to be modified to match your profile ids and labels.
  2. BI-GetCMD Runs a 'get' request on BI. Currently used by BI-GetStatus
  3. BI-GetLockLabel Identifies the human readable lock label from the BI response.
  4. BI-GetStatus Gets the status of BI
  5. BI-Login Logs into BI and gets the necessary sessionid to be reused. Will need to be modified with username, password, and url:port. Personally I would recommend creating a separate user in BI for this.
  6. BI-Set Away Hold Sets the Away profile and then holds/locks it. Will need to be modified for your 'Away' profile id. Mine is 2.
  7. BI-Set Away Temp Sets the Away profile as a temp change so BI's schedule will still change it based your settings. Will need to be modified for your 'Away' profile id. Mine is 2.
  8. BI-Set Hold On Current Schedule Holds/locks the current schedule so BI's schedule won't change
  9. BI-Set Home Hold Sets the Home profile and then holds/locks it. Will need to be modified for your 'Home' profile id. Mine is 1.
  10. BI-Set Home Temp Sets the Home profile as a temp change so BI's schedule will still change it based your settings. Will need to be modified for your 'Home' profile id. Mine is 1.
  11. BI-Set Run On Current Schedule Sets the current schedule to run so BI's schedule is back in control
  12. BI-SetProfile Actually performs the work of setting the profile. Called by several of the tasks above.
  13. IsWorkDay Determines if it's a workday (not Sat or Sun)
  14. IsWorkDayAndTime Combines IsWorkDay and IsWorkTime. Not really used for BI only but my 'At Home' task uses this to decide whether to run certain tasks
  15. IsWorkTime Determines if it's during work hours (for instance when I come home for lunch). Set to 8-5

For the MyQ (Chamberlain/Liftmaster garage doors) scripts:

I hope to have a guide for finding the device id but for now, search on smartthings forum. You'll need to modify 3 values in the Login task. Replace the # signs and text with the appropriate values. YOURUSERNAMEHERE YOURDEVIDHERE YOURPASSWORDHERE