NOTE: currently in a process of merging from several other repos and branches that used for experiments.
Factom-2-Ethereum bidirectional bridge. Main idea is to re-use smart-contracts functionality from Ethereum and Factom platforms and allow calling contracts and data from one system to another. For the current setup, we forsee following cases:
- transferring ERC20, ERC-721, ERC-1155 from Ethereum to Factom via FAT
- storing data of Factom, calling it from Ethereum side
- calling Ethereum contract from Factom via FAT
Factom-2-Ethereum decentralized bridge
The Ethereum to Factom bridge should be implemented as mutual smart-contract based solution, thus would provide full security of respective networks for the bridge. Currentlty, building Factom smart contract and relayer for Etheruem blockchain light verification.
- additional documentation for the projectfactom
- everything related to the Factom side of the systemethereum
- everything related to the Ethereum side of the systemtest
- example scripts for ERC20 token transfer
- FactomBridge: Solidity smart contract for Ethereum blockchain, Factom light client storing hashes of blocks
- FactomRelay: an application, streaming Factom block headers to FactomBridge smart contract in Ethereum blockchain.
- FactomProver: Solidity smart contract for Ethereum blockchain, helps verify
outcome was included in in block
- EthBridge: WASM smart contract for Factom blockchain, Ethereum light client storing hashes of blocks
- EthRelay: application, streaming Ethereum block headers to EthBridge smart contract in Factom blockchain.
- EthProver: WASM smart contract for Factom blockchain, helps verify log entry was included in tx receipt, which was included in block
You can run full operational setup with docker
and docker-compose
# service docker start
# docker-compose up -d
compose will start all required service on both sides and connect to hosted blokchain nodes. If you want to connect to local or special remote nodes, you'll need to change configuation. By default, system links to infrastructure blockchain nodes, Ethereum at
, Factom at
, FAT courtesy node provided by Kompendium.