This lecture illustrates the use of PIDs, more specifically it shows how to employ handles using the epicclient and EPIC API.
Below you find three different PIDs and their corresponding global resolver
PID: 11304/cf8956a2-39d3-11e5-8a18-f31aa6f4d448
PID: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00289
PID: ark:/13030/tf5p30086k
You can either go to the resolver in your webbrowser and type in the PID to get to the data behind it. You can also concatenate the resolver and the PID.
Try to resolve the handle PID with the DOI resolver and vice versa.
In the handle resolver you will find a box "Don't redirect to URLs", if you tick this box, what information do you get?
Each PID consists of a prefix which is linked to an administratory domain (e.g. a journal) and a suffix. The prefix is handed out by an issuer such as CNRI for handle or DataCite for DOIs. Once you are admin of a prefix, you can register as many data objects as you want by extending the prefix with a suffix. Note, that the suffixes need to be unique for each data object. The epic client helps you with that.
The code is based on the Please check the dependencies before you start. You will also need test credentials for the epic server.
On the training machines you will find an enthought python compiler preinstalled with all neceassary dependencies:
The can be fount in /opt/PIDs/ on the training machine.
In case you are working on your own laptop with your own python, please install:
easy_install httplib2
easy_install simplejson
easy_install lxml
easy_install defusedxml
Final check
python --help
How do repositories create PIDs for data objects? How can you create a PID for your own data objects?
- Obtain a prefix from an resolver admin
- Set up internet connection to the PID server with a client
- Create a PID
- Link PID and location of the data object
In the tutorial below we will work with a test handle server located at SURFsara. That means the PIDs we create are not resolvable via the global handle resolver or via the DOI resolver.
from epicclient import EpicClient, LocationType, Credentials
import uuid
import hashlib
import os, shutil
To connect to the epic server you need to provide a prefix and a password. This information is stored in a json file credentials and should look like this:
"baseuri": "",
"username": "841",
"prefix": "841",
"password": "XXX",
"accept_format": "application/json",
"debug" : "False"
On the test machines you can find such a file in /opt/PIDs.
- Parse credentials (username, password)
cred = Credentials('os', '/<PATH>/credentials')
- Retrieve some information about the server, this server also hosts the resolver which we will use later
ec = EpicClient(cred)
print('PID server ' + ec.cred.baseuri)
- The PID prefix is your user name which is coupled to an administratory domain
print('PID prefix' + ec.cred.prefix)
First store the file location.
fileLocation = ''
- Create a universally unique identifier (uuid)
- Take function for this from
import uuid
uid = uuid.uuid1()
- Concatenate your PID prefix and the uuid to create the full PID
pid = cred.prefix + '/' + str(uid)
We now have an opaque string which is unique to our resolver since the prefix is unique (handed out by administrators of the resolver). The suffix has been created with the uuid function.
- Link the PID and the data object. We would like the PID to point to the location we stored in fileLocation
Handle = ec.createHandle(pid, fileLocation)
Let’s go to the resolver and see what is stored there
We can get some information on the data from the resolver.
We can retrieve the data object itself via the web-browser.
Download the file via the resolver. Try to use wget when working remotely on our training machine.
How is the data stored when downloading via the browser and how via wget?
Have a look at the metadata stored in the PID entry.
What happens if you try to reregister the file with the same PID?
newHandle = ec.createHandle(pid, fileLocation)
- We can store some more information in the PID entry with the function modifyHandle
ec.modifyHandle(Handle, 'TYPE', 'Data Carpentry pandas example file')
- We want to store information on identity of the file, e.g. the md5 checksum. We first have to generate the checksum. However, we can only create checksums for files which we have access to with our python compiler. In the step above we can download the file and then continue to calculate the checksum. NOTE the filename might depend on the download method.
import hashlib
md5sum = hashlib.md5('/<PATH>/surveys.csv').hexdigest()
ec.modifyHandle(Handle, 'MD5', md5sum)
With the resolver we can access this information. Note, this data is publicly available to anyone.
We can also access the information via the client:
- Assume location of file has changed. This means we need to modify the URL field.
ec.modifyHandle(Handle, 'URL', '/<PATH>/surveys.csv')
Try to fetch some metadata on the file from the resolver.
Try to resolve directly to the file. What happens?
We updated the "URL" with a local path on a personal machine. That means you can no longer download the data directly, but you have access to the data stored in the PID.
- Information stored with the PID is ALWAYS public
- Data itself can lie on a protected server/computer and not be accessible for everyone
We know that the file in the figshare repository and our local file are identical. We want to store this information in the PIDs.
- Reregister the figshare file
- First create a new PID
uid = uuid.uuid1()
pid = cred.prefix + '/' + str(uid)
searchHandle(self, prefix, key, value)
- Link the new PID/handle to the public figshare data which is still stored in fileLocation
newHandle = ec.createHandle(pid, fileLocation)
- Leave information that local file should be the same as the figshare file
ec.modifyHandle(Handle, 'Same_as', newHandle)
The epic API extends the handle API with recursive look-ups. Assume you just know some of the metadata stored with a PID but not the full PID. How can you get to the URL field to retrieve the data?
We can fetch the first data with a certain checksum:
Handle = ec.searchHandle(cred.prefix, 'MD5', md5sum)
url = ec.getValueFromHandle(Handle, 'URL')
For now we directly worked with the raw functions. The epicclient can also be used as CLI. You can list all options for the CLI on the commandline with:
/opt/epd73/bin/python os /opt/PIDs/credentials -h
The functions are adjusted to the functionality in the EUDAT B2SAFE service, but can serve as reference implementation for other use cases.