- Several bug fixes
- Update Windows,Mac,GNU/Linux installers
- Improving some things in caching
- Enable
files as bundle executable - Adding types in typescript files to provide better experience on code editors
- Update Windows,Mac,GNU/Linux installers
- Better support for typescript
- Starting migrating
from coffee to typescript
- Minor bugs fixed
- Fixed installers for Windows and GNU/Linux
- Fixed some minor bugs on transpiling/caching
- Change the way to cache transpiled files, using MD5 instead of fullpath
- Fixed some minor bugs on transpiling
- Preparing releases for Linux, Mac via
- Added beta
options for cli, available for Linux and Mac to open a GUI Terminal app
- Added app installers for windows
- Updated standalone version
- Fix minor bug when importing some files
- Added and standalone version of @kawix/core, suitable for embed for example with nexe
- Environment variable
. You can override the cache directory for save compilated files and modules
- Fixed bugs, on importing. Improved async imports
- Now working again on browser
- Fix bug invalid filenames when importing from npm on windows
- Fix bug again on windows, loading some imports
- Fix bug
asynchelper not defined
- Fix bug
module $1 not found
when importing from npm - You can now require modules that dependes on native using
protocol. Example:
import dmg from 'npmi://appdmg@^0.5.2'
- Fix bug with caching on modules imported.
- Now imports are synchronized too between same process avoiding concurrency issues
- Stable version near, I will be glad if anyone contribute to report bugs or add functionality
Compilation are now synchronized between processes, using a file lock. This is important, because avoid errors when you launch concurrent scripts that uses the same files.
Starting in version 0.1.8 was added browser support. You need add the file crossplatform/dist/main.js
to your webpage for start using this module on browser.
You can add also support for typescript and all transpilation features of this packages, adding crossplatform/async/dist/main.js
IMPORTANT: In version 0.1.6 solve the bug on Windows when loading a local file. If you are a windows user, you can now test this version using --force parameter.
> npm install -g @kawix/core@latest
> kwcore --force "https://kwx.kodhe.com/x/core/example/http.js"