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File metadata and controls

152 lines (80 loc) · 5.34 KB


Simple RESTful interface to single PostgreSQL tables.

It's a simplistic URL-based data viewing and graphing tool that is easy to setup and use, reflecting table data in a REST-ful way. Only a single table's data is shown at one time. Idea also tries to minimize typing by providing some convenience features like matching of db/table names from partially inputted names + default sorting and limiting.

Techology stack

  • Python2
    • CherryPy web framework
    • Jinja2 templating
    • psycopg2 Postgresql driver
    • Pygal for png graphing (optional)
    • pyyaml for parsing the webapp's config file
  • jQuery
  • DataTables - jQuery plugin for sortable/searchable/pageable tables
  • Flot Charts
  • Bootstrap

Input syntax [ URL based ]

Basic usage

/ somedb / sometable


/ somedb / sometable / somecolumn / comparison_operator / value

  • all URL segments of 3 [when 1st seg. not conflicting with a few reserved keywords ] are handled as filter

  • multiple filters possible

  • for date columns some special shortcuts can be used

    • current_month (beginning date), current_week (beginning date), current_day/current_date, current_timestamp/now
    • -/+X(days|hours|minutes|seconds) e.g. - / created / >= /-5days => WHERE order_created >= current_date - '5 days'::interval


/ somedb / sometable / l[imit] / value


/ somedb / sometable / o[rderby] - 1st column will be used + default sort order from the config

/ somedb / sometable / o[rderby] / [ a[sc] | d[esc] ] - 1st column with explicit ordering

/ somedb / sometable / o[rderby] / somecol / [ a[sc] | d[esc] ] - single column ordering with explicit ordering

/ somedb / sometable / o[rderby] / somecol1[,somecol2,..] - multicolumn ordering

Simple aggregations

/ somedb / sometable / agg / agg_func / somecol - where agg_func in ['count', 'sum', 'min', 'max']

Simple graphing

Line graph of single column's counts over time, with month to minute grouping ($graphbucket param). The $graphkey column needs to be of type date/timestamp!

/ somedb / sometable / f[ormat] / g[raph] / l[ine] / [ gk | graphkey] / temporal_col / [ gb | graphbucket ] / [month|day|hour|min|minute]

Pie graph showing distribution of provided column's values. The column can be of any type.

/ somedb / sometable / f[ormat] / g[raph] / p[pie] / [ gk | graphkey] / somecol

/ somedb / sometable / f[ormat] / g[raph] / p[pie] / [ gk | graphkey] / somecol / l[imit] / value

NB! For aggregates and graphs also filters can (and should) be used. For pie graphs "limit" also works.

Output formats

  • HTML table [ default ]
  • JSON - / f[ormat] / j[son]
  • CSV - / f[ormat] / c[sv]
  • Graph - HTML + JS based - / f[ormat] / g[raph]
  • Graph - pure PNG / f[ormat] / png

Sample inputs and outputs (output of query by default shown in the datagrid)


The simplest usecase. database/table names don't have to be precise, only excerpts will do, given they're precise enough to uniquely identify a table 1st matching column is used. as a wildcard '*' can be used

SELECT col1,colX,.. FROM schema.table_full_name LIMIT 20


SELECT col1,colX,.. FROM schema.order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date LIMIT 10

Usage of filtering. All groups of 3 parameters [starting with non-reserved keywords] are handled as filters. Multiple filters possible.

NB! Currently filters are passed to the DB "as is" but SQL injection shouldn't still be possible due to countermeasures.


SELECT col1,colX,.. FROM schema.order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date ORDER BY o_created DESC LIMIT 10

NB! "/o/c" i.e. "o[rderby] / [c[reated]|m[odified]]" is a Pgzebra concept of ordering by first column matching predefined [see pgzebra.yaml] created/modified patterns

Default "LIMIT" (here 10) comes also from the pgzebra.yaml


SELECT col1,colX,.. FROM schema.order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date ORDER BY o_created DESC LIMIT 10

The same as previous in longer format + explicit "LIMIT". NB! Default "ORDER BY" direction is "DESC" - can be changed from config file


SELECT o_id,colX,.. FROM schema.order_history ORDER BY o_id ASC LIMIT 10

Simple select with ascending primary key ordering [given that PK is the 1st columns]


SELECT count(o_id) FROM schema.order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date

Simple aggregates support is provided. Multiple aggregates can be used in one query.

  • count
  • sum
  • min
  • max


SELECT date_trunc('month', oh_created), count(*) FROM order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1

Displays a "line graph" of counts of "graphkey" over timeslots specified by "graphbucket" column. Filtering is possible as usual.

NB! Missing buckets will be filled with 0-s.


SELECT oh_country, count(*) FROM order_history WHERE oh_created > current_date GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10

NB! Displays a "pie graph" of $graphkey's distribution. Values not fitting into "limit" will be summarized into "Other".