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FONtANA: FOrensic Next-generation ANAlysis

Forensics Microhaplotype Pipeline

For Daniele Podini's Forensic Lab

Beginning - Prior to running FONtANA

Please see Colonial One's help page. For working through the terminal, please complete the Codecademy's Command Line Tutorial. For help related to GW's HPC (Colonial One), please see our help page.

Beginning on Colonial One

See Colonial One's wiki page. You will run all FONtANA related stuff on lustre (NOT your home directory). You can access lustre by such: cd /lustre/podinigrp.

You will then want to create a directory for each person individually. Do so by doing mkdir -p $name, so for example I would do mkdir -p kgibson and now I would have a directory named kgibson in this directory.


See this help page. Where it shows $name insert your colonialone id. Mine is kmgibson.

# here we are logging into Colonial one
ssh [email protected]

# here we are moving into the correct directory
cd /lustre/groups/podinigrp 

# here we are creating a directory for you and creating a samples directory
mkdir -p $name/fontana

cd $name

example logging in

Downloading FONtANA repository from github.

We need to download all the snakemake files and other files from github. See here for help on cloning an existing repository.

# make sure you are in the correct folder. Your folder

# should be in /$name directory. If not, move there.
git clone [email protected]:kmgibson/FONTANA.git fontana

cd fontana

example of what it looks like

Downloading/Uploading data to Colonial One

  1. Download the BAM files for the IonTorrent data from the server.
  2. Upload them to Colonial One like so: This is done on your own computer. Not within Colonial One.
# Example:
rsync -P -av "MP" [email protected]:/lustre/groups/podinigrp/kgibson/fontana/samples

This is saying upload directory "MP" to Colonial One at this location. You will need to change the directory name to whatever yours is and change kgibson to whatever your Colonial One ID is. So fill in $name and $directory in the one below:

rsync -P -av "$directory" [email protected]:/lustre/groups/podinigrp/$name/fontana/samples

If you have done this successfully, your files on your computer in $directory will be uploaded to Colonial One under the directory samples/$directory .

loading files onto colonial one

  1. Getting a list of all samples, renaming the files and creating a directory for each sample.

samples in your directory

pwd # you should be in fontana directory
cd samples/$directory
module load samtools

for f in *.bam; do 
    name=$(echo $f |awk -F[_.] '{print $2}')
    samp=$(samtools view -H $f | grep "SM:" | cut -f10 | sort | uniq | awk -F[:.] '{print $2}')
    echo -e "${name}\t${samp}" >> dirsamp.txt # this gets a list of all samples
    echo $f

renaming samps

# view this list
cat dirsamp.txt

# this loop creates directories and renames the file
for f in *.bam; do
    name=$(echo $f |awk -F[_.] '{print $2}')
    samp=$(samtools view -H $f | grep "SM:" | cut -f10 | sort | uniq | awk -F[:.] '{print $2}' | cut -d " " -f1)
    echo -e "$f\t$name\t$samp"
    mkdir -p Ion_${name}_${samp}
    mv $f Ion_${name}_${samp}
    mv Ion_${name}_${samp}/$f Ion_${name}_${samp}/original.bam

how your samples should now look

# creates a list of just the directory names. This file is used in FONtANA.
ls -d Ion_* > ../list.txt

# this moves the samples to the correct directory
mv Ion_* ../
rm dirsamp.txt

Your directory structure should now look like such:

    ├── samples
    │   ├── Ion_$samp1
    |   |   ├── original.bam
    │   └── Ion_$samp2
    |       └── original.bam
    ├── refs
    │   ├── NexteraPE-PE.fa
    │   └── adapters_SE.fa
    ├── envs
    │   ├── haplotype.yaml
    │   ├── processIllumina.yaml
    │   ├── processIonTorrent.yaml
    │   └── references.yaml
    ├── scripts
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── Snakefile
    ├── Snakefile.haplotype
    ├── Snakefile.processIllumina
    ├── Snakefile.processIonTorrent
    ├── Snakefile.references
    ├── environment.yaml
    ├── config.yaml

directory structure

Installing FONtANA

We need to create a new conda environment for FONtANA. See here for information regarding bioconda. See here for information about conda channels.

# load modules you will use.
module use /groups/podinigrp/shared/modulefiles
module unload python
module load miniconda3/

# set conda channels.
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

# create conda enironment.
conda env create --name fontana --file environment.yaml

Starting FONtANA

  1. Get an interactive node. You need to allocate a node for yourself, because I have not made this automatic (into a job) yet. See this help page for getting an interactive node.

Basic commands are below. You can replace the defq option with either short or debug.

# look for idle nodes.

# request a node
salloc -p defq -N 1 -t 500

 # find the node you got

# insert number where $num is, the number is on the allocated node you obtained.
ssh node$num

# You need to move back to the correct directory
cd /lustre/podinigrp/$name/
  1. Loading an environment for FONtANA.
module use /groups/podinigrp/shared/modulefiles
module unload python
module load miniconda3/

conda activate fontana

# if that ^^ didn't work. Try:
# source activate fontana

  1. Editing the config.yaml file for your preferences and files.
# view the config.yaml file
cat config.yaml

You should see something like this: config.yaml file

You will need to replace the bedfile listed here with whatever bedfile you would like to use. I have put two that I have been using in the refs directory if you would like to use them.

A bedfile should look like this. For more information regarding bedfiles, see here, here, here or here:

chr#	start_pos		end_pos	MH_name	score	strand_direction	.	track_lines


chr1	1486826	1487087	mh01KK-172	0	+	.	GENE_ID=SP_1.27585
chr1	216634369	216634540	mh01kk-002	0	+	.	GENE_ID=SP_5.6236
chr2	228092294	228092491	mh02KK-136	0	+	.	GENE_ID=SP_29.8907
chr9	135862470	135862637	mh09KK-157	0	+	.	GENE_ID=SP_45.18475

  1. Testing to see what FONtANA will run

A dry run of FONtANA, to see what the program is going to do, and if your samples are set up correctly. Make sure this dryrun finishes correctly (all green text and no errors thrown).

snakemake --use-conda --dryrun

Should look something like this to begin with: dryrun snakemake

Running FONtANA:

snakemake --use-conda 

Output should look like this:

Other -


For Future:

Create documentation with