Transforms an object into a beautiful tree.
Check out the demo, if you like.
npm install -g tree-stringify
Convert a JSON file to pretty readable tree format:
$ tree-stringify --path=path/to/file.json
For example, converting this library's package.json
to the tree-stringified format looks like this:
├─ name: tree-stringify
├─ version: 1.1.0
├─ description: Transforms an object into a beautiful tree
├─ main: ./lib/tree-stringify.js
├─ bin
│ └─ tree-stringify: ./lib/cli.js
├─ scripts
│ └─ test: gulp
├─ repository
│ ├─ type: git
│ └─ url:
├─ keywords
│ ├─ tree
│ ├─ stringify
│ ├─ box drawing
│ └─ cli
├─ author: Keith McKnight
├─ license: MIT
├─ dependencies
│ ├─ lodash: ^4.x
│ └─ minimist: ^1.2.0
├─ devDependencies
│ ├─ chai: ^3.5.0
│ ├─ glob: ^7.0.6
│ ├─ gulp: ^3.9.1
│ ├─ gulp-eslint: ^3.0.1
│ ├─ gulp-istanbul: ^1.1.1
│ ├─ gulp-mocha: ^3.0.1
│ └─ semver: ^5.3.0
└─ files
└─ /lib