Checkout the live code demo!
This repository contains code that creates an animated and interactive Javascript application for exploring various orientation decomposition sequences for the humerus - with an emphasis on axial rotation. It is built on top of three.js, a Javascript 3D library. Currently it is a work in progress. I wanted to put together a demonstration for my Ph.D. committee to determine if this concept could serve as one of my Ph.D. aims. Fortunately, it can!
This is a list of items that need to be completed before this code is available for public release:
- Determine how to create an "installation" procedure, mainly how to easily obtain external dependencies (such as three.js).
- Comments!
- Refactor user interface to conform to associated manuscript.
- Application should allow a user to pick an arbitrary humerus trajectory.
- Application should allow user to navigate the library of humerus trajectories associated with manuscript.
- Add license.