All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add loading spinner to pages (455e3c9)
- components: 3D icosahedron loading spinner (71e50de)
- add new components (11b0ef1)
- dispute: add netPNK and correct vote counts (4c66983)
- dispute: implement dispute-detail-page (a323b8b)
- dispute: use new evidence shape with submitter info (58143f2)
- dispute: vote on disputes with hasRuled = false (e537ed8)
- disputes: add appealsRepartitioned to shape (007ea36)
- disputes: add new prop to shape (f8b5a8f)
- disputes: implement new dispute shape UI (7fb7139)
- disputes: show-disputes (549297e), closes #14
- favicon: change to darker logo (32c3ec1)
- home-page: implement page (7b5fb2e)
- navbar: update logo image (17adfbf)
- notifications: add pending actions notifications (560dc95)
- use component version of renderIf (3681f27)
- notifications: add pending actions to the UI (a340d7d)
- notifications: click x to dismiss (a842a0c)
- notifications: implement connection to new API (02f1e11)