Sourced from org.kiwiproject:kiwi's releases.
- 2024-10-13T16:18:39Z - 8 commit(s) by Scott Leberknight
Improvements 🚀
- Add overloaded readAllMainAttributesFromJarManifest methods to KiwiJars [(#1204)](kiwiproject/kiwi#1204)
Bugs 🐛
- Fix regex problem in KiwiJars#getPathComponents [(#1201)](kiwiproject/kiwi#1201)
Documentation 📝
- Clarify behavior of KiwiJars methods that read Manifest main attributes [(#1198)](kiwiproject/kiwi#1198)
Assorted 👜
- Refactor KiwiJars#readValuesFromJarManifest to read the manifest once [(#1199)](kiwiproject/kiwi#1199)
- Replace usages of deprecated RandomStringUtils APIs in KiwiPreconditi… [(#1197)](kiwiproject/kiwi#1197)
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release v4.5.0379d95d
Add overloaded readAllMainAttributesFromJarManifest methods to KiwiJars
Update Javadocs and rename arguments in KiwiJars (#1203)b56acc9
Quote "File.separator" when calling split in
KiwiJars#getPathComponents (#1202)f2021aa
Refactor KiwiJars#readValuesFromJarManifest (#1200)1eafa67
Replace usages of deprecated RandomStringUtils APIs in
KiwiPreconditionsTest ...65629d4
Remove redundant warning suppression annotation in
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration