Records activity of a website and display notifications on some pages.
Mostly used for rapid prototyping.
Create an activity
"my title",
"my message content",
"my url", //optionnal
"my reference", //optionnal
array("key1" => "val1", ), //optionnal
Display a list of activities in a twig template
{{ render(controller('KitpagesActivityBundle:Activity:list', {
'request': app.request, // mandatory
'filterList': { "category": "my_category" }, // optionnal
} ) ) }}
get activities in PHP
$activityManager = $this->get("kitpages_activity.activity_manager");
$activityList = $activityManager->getActivityList( array(
"category" => "my category"
) );
- record activities
- attach activities to an object using reference
- attach activities to categories
- easy to display activities with a paginator and a full text filter
- filter activities by category, title, message, reference
- you can sort activities
Using Composer, just $ composer require kitpages/activity-bundle
package or:
"require": {
"kitpages/activity-bundle": "~1.0"
Then add the bundle in AppKernel :
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle(),
new Kitpages\ActivityBundle\KitpagesActivityBundle(),
new Kitpages\DataGridBundle\KitpagesDataGridBundle(),
{{ render(controller('KitpagesActivityBundle:Activity:list', {
'request': app.request, // mandatory
'filterList': { "category": "my_category" }, // optionnal
'orderBy': 'id ASC' // optionnal, default to "createdAt DESC"
} ) ) }}
$activityManager = $this->get("kitpages_activity.activity_manager");
$activityList = $activityManager->getActivityList();
$activityManager = $this->get("kitpages_activity.activity_manager");
$activityList = $activityManager->getActivityList( array(
"category" => "my category"
) );
$activityManager = $this->get("kitpages_activity.activity_manager");
$activityList = $activityManager->getActivityList( array(
"category" => "payment*"
) );
- You can filter the fields category, title, message, url or reference.
- You can use "*" at the beginning or the end of your filter as a wildcard (everything with category beginning by "xxx" or ending by "xxx").
- You can escape the wildcard by using '*'
By default activity list is ordered by createdAt DESC. You can specify the order :
$activityManager = $this->get("kitpages_activity.activity_manager");
$activityList = $activityManager->getActivityList(
array("category" => "payment.*"),
"id DESC", // sort field : id, reference, category, createdAt
- the category field is used for filtering activities by category
- the reference field is used to represent the object linked to this activity (if there is an object). I imagine references like "company.15.user.23". We can then retrieve activities for the company or this user using wildcard in filters.
- The data field is used to add every information you would need linked to this activity
note : category is not mandatory in filter list.
2013-12-18 : v1.0.0
- first version
2014-11-07 : v2.0.0
- upgrade to KitpagesDataGrid 2.x
- filters on activities
- added reference, and custom data
- ordering of activity list
- better unit tests