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Kinto Helm Chart


Prerequisites Details

Chart Details

The chart will do the following:

Installing the chart


  • Argo Workflow Notes: KintoHub has been tested with argo workflow chart 0.16.6.
  • KintoHub does not support its private docker registry yet. You must use an external one (docker hub, gcr, ecr, acr, etc.).

Install Argo Workflow

kubectl create namespace argo
helm repo add argo
# Notes: for `containerd` runtime, you need to add `--set controller.containerRuntimeExecutor=kubelet` (k8s +1.20)
helm upgrade --install argo \
              --version 0.16.6 \
              --set installCRD=true \
              --set singleNamespace=false \
              --set useDefaultArtifactRepo=true \
              --set artifactRepository.archiveLogs=true \
              --set \
              --set artifactRepository.s3.accessKeySecret.key=accesskey \
              --set \
              --set artifactRepository.s3.secretKeySecret.key=secretkey \
              --set artifactRepository.s3.insecure=true \
              --set artifactRepository.s3.bucket=argo-artifacts \
              --set artifactRepository.s3.endpoint=kinto-minio:9000 \
              --set artifactRepository.minio.install=false \
              --namespace argo argo/argo

Check if argo is running fine.

kubectl get pods -n argo

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argo-server-7869fd4b96-xn8gw               1/1     Running   0          62s
argo-workflow-controller-b68ffccb5-jx7vq   1/1     Running   0          62s

If SSL is enabled

  • Cert Manager Notes: KintoHub has been tested with cert-manager chart v0.15.0.
  • You must have a domain name ready to be used. KintoHub only supports Cloudflare at the moment, you can create a free account and transfer your domain ownership easily. Please create an issue if you want to add more providers.
Install Cert-Manager
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
helm repo add jetstack
helm upgrade --install cert-manager \
              --version v0.15.0 \
              --set installCRDs=true \
              --namespace cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager

Check if cert-manager is running fine.

kubectl get pods -n cert-manager

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-766d5c494b-wl4bq              1/1     Running   0          33s
cert-manager-cainjector-6649bbb695-l5rb2   1/1     Running   0          33s
cert-manager-webhook-68d464c8b-hvpf6       1/1     Running   0          33s

Install KintoHub

Run the following steps depending on the setup you want.
Each one of the following steps are "incremental", you must run all the steps prior to the setup you chose. For example, if you want to enable SSL, you need to run "Minimum Configuration" and "Enable public access to deployed services" first, in the order.

  • Minimum Configuration

    KintoHub is installed on a local cluster with no inbound internet connection.

    export KINTO_ARGS="--set minio.resources.requests.memory=null \
    --set minio.makeBucketJob.resources.requests.memory=null \
    --set builder.env.IMAGE_REGISTRY_HOST={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set builder.workflow.docker.registry={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set{YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set builder.workflow.docker.username={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set builder.workflow.docker.password={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set common.domainName={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG}"
  • Enable public access to deployed services

    All web services deployed with KintoHub are accessible from internet.

    export KINTO_ARGS="${KINTO_ARGS} \
    --set nginx-ingress-controller.service.type=LoadBalancer"
  • Enable HTTPS

    export KINTO_ARGS="${KINTO_ARGS} \
    --set common.ssl.enabled=true \
    --set{YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set{YOUR_OWN_CONFIG} \
    --set common.ssl.issuer.solver.cloudflare.cloudflareApiToken={YOUR_OWN_CONFIG}"
  • Expose KintoHub dashboard to Internet

    Also protects kinto dashboard and kinto core with an admin secret.

    export KINTO_ARGS="${KINTO_ARGS} \
    --set core.ingress.enabled=true \
    --set core.secretKey='k1nT0!c0R3!53cr3T' \
    --set dashboard.ingress.enabled=true"
  • Deploy KintoHub

    kubectl create ns kintohub
    helm repo add kintohub
    helm upgrade --install kinto \
                  $(echo ${KINTO_ARGS}) \
                  --namespace kintohub kintohub/kinto

    Check if KintoHub is running fine

    kubectl get pods -n kintohub
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kinto-builder-64cb848858-vjwp8                                    1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-core-7f9b8777c9-pwfv7                                       1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-dashboard-645776fc5b-mj2xz                                  1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-minio-5fdd9859bd-x5g7n                                      1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-nginx-ingress-controller-5774d868cb-mcktf                   1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-nginx-ingress-controller-default-backend-66549b79f8-7cmtx   1/1     Running   0          56s
    kinto-proxless-65487b797c-jf7cd                                   1/1     Running   0          56s

Configure and Access KintoHub

Follow the instructions displayed after the chart installation is successful.
Notes: by default, kintohub is only accessible locally and ssl is disabled. Check value.yaml to change this.

Uninstall the chart

helm uninstall kinto --namespace kintohub
kubectl delete ns kintohub

Notes: you can use the same command to uninstall argo and cert-manager too.
