In today's digital era, planning efficiently using digital tools provides an invaluable advantage. This is particularly true for business and private electricity planning such as the utilization of photovoltaic systems (PV/PS). This project aims to address the challenges associated with calculating and determining the effectiveness and feasibility of photovoltaic systems. We have developed a prototype web-based calculation system for a photovoltaic system, specifically tailored to a particular manufacturer and product. The application considers the current weather data and local conditions at the specific location on the planet, assisting in accurately calculating and specifying the photovoltaic system's potential. The website comprises four essential components: Frontend, External Webservice API, Backend, and Database.
To get the application up and running on your local machine, there are some prerequisites which need to be installed:
- Download and install Node.js
- Download and install .NET core SDK 6.0
To setup the database for the application:
- Copy the file
and rename it to "psc.db"
Optional: To easily check the database, you can use DB Browser for SQLite
To start the backend:
- Navigate to the backend directory with
cd backend/PhotovoltaicSystemCalculation/PhotovoltaicSystemCalculation
- Run the backend with
dotnet run
Optional: For debugging, you can use Visual Studio 2022
To start the frontend:
- Navigate to the frontend directory with
cd frontend
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
- Start the application with
npm start
You can access the application through the following URLs:
- Application: http://localhost:8080/
- Swagger: http://localhost:7070/swagger/index.html
- Hangfire Dashboard: http://localhost:7070/hangfire/recurring
For testing, you can use the following account details:
- Username: admin
- Password: 1234
To run xUnit:
- Navigate to test directory with
cd backend/PhotovoltaicSystemCalculation/UnitTest
- Start test suits with
dotnet test
The application relies on the following libraries and APIs: