We work hard to implement the full API of node.js. This document describes the current status of our implementation.
- require(...) support
- Timer Support
- NodeJS support:
- Module loading:
- JS Files
- JSON Files
- Packages
- Core modules:
- assert (nodejs only)
- buffer (over buffer-browserify)
- console
- constants
- crypto (partial over crypto-browserify)
- events (nodejs only)
- freelist (nodejs only)
- fs
- module
- path (nodejs only)
- process
- punycode (nodejs only)
- querystring (nodejs only)
- stream (nodejs only)
- timers
- url (nodejs only)
- util (nodejs only)
- vm
- zlib (partial over browserify-zlib)
- Module loading:
We are on in an early development phase where we write tests, write concepts, and do a initial boostrap of the project.
- NodeJS support:
- Core modules:
- child_process
- cluster
- dgram
- dns
- domain
- http
- https
- net
- os
- readline
- repl
- string_decoder
- sys
- tls
- tty
- Module loading:
- Node Files (Binary)
- Core modules: