Timeline is simple javascript library for making timeline easy using frames logic
You can use just script tag. It work also with AMD
timeline.add("slide1",document.querySelector('.hello'), {
f_100 : function() {
this.$el.innerHTML ="Hi i'm frame 100 one";
f_1 : function() {
this.$el.innerHTML ="Hi i'm frame 1 one";
// add the new timeline by timeline.add(id_of_timeline , DOM element can be null, {framse} , options )
// new frame should begin with f_ and the duration to exicut the frame exemple f_100
f_100 : function() {
// this frame will exicuted time = 100
this.$el.innerHTML ="Hi i'm frame 100 one";
// other methods
// this.stop();
// to Stop animation
// this.cast('f_1')
// to call to the frame 'f_1'
// to continue playing timeline
f_1 : function() {
// this frame will exicuted at time = 1
this.$el.innerHTML ="Hi i'm frame 1 one";
complete : function() {
// On animation is completed
tick : function() {
// callback on each tick
step : function() {
// each step before moving to next frames
onrepeat : function() {
// On each repeat of timeline
// if the loop is loop
loop : 0,
fps : 20