Social media is a big part of how we connect, stay connected to the people around us and create new connections!
SpaceBook is the revolutionary new social media platform that combines all your favorite aspects of interacting with your friends into one.
Users can sign up for a SpaceBook account for free, meet new people, post pictures, videos and daily moments all in an ad-free space.
AS a user,
I WANT to sign up for a social media account.
SO THAT I can add friends.
AS A user,
I WANT to post moments.
SO THAT I can update friends with my daily moments.
AS A user,
I WANT browse through the application without ads.
SO THAT companies are not tracking my information.
If your README is very long, add a table of contents to make it easy for users to find what they need.
- Chris Burns
- Carmen Hui
- Kevin S
- Joyson P
To Install this application, you can clone the repository. Ensure you create .env file with the appropriate MySQL credentials and begin coding away.
Load the application via the provided Heroku Link and create your user ID
Once user ID is created and you are logged in, you will be taken to main page with many cool features
Take advantage of our many API's for example the GIPHY or News feature keeping you smiling and up to date wth current events
Explore our friendly digital neighbourhood and go ahead and start making friends
Chris Burns Carmen Hui Kevin S Joyson P
- Live app -
- Repository -