Public repo hosting Microsoft Tech Talks "Building with Bicep" demo files. Session link:
- Kevin Evans - GitHub: @kevinevans1 - Twitter:
- Jack Tracey - GitHub: @jtracey93 - Twitter:
- Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- Azure CLI
- Azure Subscription
- Create a free subscription here
Follow the below instructions to get hands on with these pre-made demos.
- Clone this git repo to your local machine
git clone
- Change into the correct directory inside the repo you've cloned
cd <PATH TO CLONE REPO>/mtt-building-with-bicep/samples/l200/azure-storage-container
- Login into your Azure subscription
az login
- Select Azure Subscription
az account set --subscription "Subscription Name"
- Create Resource Group
az group create --location "westeurope" \
--name "Storage-Account-POC"
- Deploy Bicep file and modules
az deployment group create --resource-group "Storage-Account-POC" --template-file main.bicep
- Change into the correct directory inside the repo you've cloned
cd <PATH TO CLONE REPO>/mtt-building-with-bicep/samples/l300/azure-hub-spoke-vnet
- Login into your Azure subscription
az login
- Select Azure Subscription
az account set --subscription "Subscription Name"
- Create Resource Group
az group create --location "westeurope" \
--name "Hub-Spoke-POC"
- Deploy Bicep file and modules
az deployment group create --resource-group "Hub-Spoke-POC" --template-file main.bicep