This folder contains a PoC of the Ephemeral Mining Relay described in the paper. The gas measurements can be performed by running the unit tests.
The code uses the SafeMath
from openzeppelin
and parts of a utils
library for manipulating bytes
with solidity.
To setup the environment use the shell script to create two docker containers.
$ bash
All tests are carried out on a ganache test chain. We use the official latest ganache docker image which is pulled by the setup script automatically.
The development environment used web3py which is installed in the smartcode docker image during the build process.
The docker file for setting up the image is smartcode.python.p2w.Dockerfile.
All python requirements automatically installed in the container are defined int smartcode.python.p2w.requirements.txt
First start the two containers in two different shells and keep them running.
$ bash
You see the output of ganache spawning a deterministic testnet setup with a series of accounts initialized with ether.
$ bash
You see the smartcode environment which also launches jupyter for convenient interactive testing.
Now you can login to the smartcode
container and run all test cases using pytest
using the make file.
You can also provide the current gas price (in Gwei), as well as the current exchange rate (1 ETH in USD).
See the example below:
$ bash
$ GWEI=27000000000 EXR=389.20 make all
... Deployed at: 0x5b1869D9A4C187F2EAa108f3062412ecf0526b24
Gas stats:
deploy = 6,156,688 gas 64.70 USD
init = 1,364,277 gas 14.34 USD
attack = 8,203,136 gas 86.20 USD
payout = 64,511 gas 0.68 USD
total = 15,788,612 gas 165.91 USD
cblocks = 1,129,235 gas 11.87 USD
n_c = 6
cblock = 188,206 gas 1.98 USD
tblocks = 2,115,593 gas 22.23 USD
n_t = 7
tblock = 302,228 gas 3.18 USD
rblocks = 6,087,543 gas 63.97 USD
n_r = 13
rblock = 468,273 gas 4.92 USD
... Deployed at: 0x6AB47d47cF45C4aaA5c7F33c6632390674EfA294
Gas stats:
deploy = 6,156,688 gas 64.70 USD
init = 1,364,277 gas 14.34 USD
attack = 7,701,821 gas 80.93 USD
payout = 66,949 gas 0.70 USD
total = 15,289,735 gas 160.67 USD
cblocks = 1,129,235 gas 11.87 USD
n_c = 6
cblock = 188,206 gas 1.98 USD
tblocks = 2,115,677 gas 22.23 USD
n_t = 7
tblock = 302,240 gas 3.18 USD
rblocks = 5,586,144 gas 58.70 USD
n_r = 16
rblock = 349,134 gas 3.67 USD