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File metadata and controls

138 lines (113 loc) · 5.81 KB


This is essentially a distributed data management system.

Below is a high-level depiction

High-level block digram


  • Data and changes are almost immutable (pretty much like git - or based on it - ). This immutability should come at minimal storage overhead (only historic delta's are saved, along with the full most up-to-date version)
  • Entry-oriented (document oriented): All the related data to an entry (Meta-data, actual content and any file hierarchy) is self contained in the entry object. That is compressed (e.g. entry_abc.tar.bz2). Each entry has a pointer to the respective module (including its specific version requirements) that has the format specifications and can interact with the entry.
  • Graph-enabled. Entries can have pointers (relations + attributes) to each other.
  • Modular data handlers: Modules that can ingest various types of data: Text, PDF, eBook, Media (Images, Audio, Video), JSON, CSV, Xml, Doc, Excel, Presentation, Avro, ORCFile, Parquet, Sqlite3 db ... etc. A Data handler module also includes the necessary code to parse, enrich and expose data/meta data.
  • Data entries are indexed so they can be searched. (using indexing technologies such as lucene)
  • Security: Proper access management and an entry is signed by its author
  • API Interface that encompasses all the features. High-performance Non-blocking. (netty?)
  • UI that interacts with the API; Views (list/Gride/cards/tree/graph), search interface, CRUD.
  • Distributed and decentralized. Just like/on top of your regular file/email/cms systems.
  • Does not rely on a Database engine; but rather has the data in textual representation (e.g. JSON)
  • Miners are additional components responsible for two things: finding new content and improving the quality/meta information of it. They mine local and external sedras looking for new content and new perspective on already existing content.

Content Modules

Each module would have:

  • Indexer / Analyzer
  • Schema definitions
  • Reader/Writer/Converter
  • Presentation Layer
  • Binaries / Logic / code


Miners search for content and people according to the user's rules/criteria. e.g. Get me my friends updates that are of certain topics (tags), deliver messages. They maintain the meta data from all connected instances and from other miners.

Public Miner

  • Push: events (distribute to registered inboxes and meta index). a registered inbox receives direct messages and also registeres rules for interesting events. every event/entity is signed by its author. encryption is optional. circls: of people (actually a social graph) along with classification (friends, acquaintance, family ...etc)
  • Poll/crawl: to meta index. A meta index keeps reference to entities.
  • app-store for modules (with all historic versions, so content referring to a specific version can get that respective version)

Other considerations

  • Realtime-ness. TBD
  • Events chaining (consequetive events where order need to be maintained). comments/concurrent document editing ... etc.
  • key/trust-management? should we use existing pgp?
  • identity managment is handled by oauth and friends.

Folder structure

  • data: The Data repository, it holds all data entities and belongings/files. The way folders are arranged under this is left to the user.
  • meta: The story of the data and how it became to be
  • modules: aka code/binaries: individual modules that can manage (read/write/present) certain types of entities.
  • events: aka messages / changes: The individual change events that would contribute to the data repository.
  • revisions: aka attic. The old delta copies of the data. It should be possible to delete or compact this.
  • indexes: Indexes for data and metadata to make finding, querying data faster. This can be regenerated at any time. it could be (RDBMS like sqlite, NoSQL, Lucene indexes ..etc).
├── data
│   ├── family
│   ├── files
│   │   ├── books
│   │   ├── documents
│   │   └── media
│   ├── friends
│   ├── interests
│   ├── links
│   ├── messages
│   ├── personal
│   └── structures
│       ├── financial
│       │   └── invoices
│       ├── inventory
│       ├── pages
│       └── tickets
├── events
├── indexes
├── meta
│   ├── history
│   ├── lineage
│   └── schema
├── modules
├── people
└── revisions


  • Changes and EntityProperty are part-of Entity
  • LinkProperty is part-of Link

In a NoSQL document oriented setup; there would be two or three main schema.


Entity Types -> Sub-types

  • Actor
    • Person
    • Group
  • Content
    • Plain
    • Rich
    • Structured
    • Message
    • Wiki
    • Binary
  • Container
    • Folder
    • Tarball/zip

Datum Types

  • Embedded
  • External

Datum formats vary, here are few examples: JSON, XML, Avro, Markdown, Xhtml, Images, Audio, Video, PDF, Documents, Binary, Sqlitedb

Change Types

  • Create
  • Update

Implementation Technologies

Nothing is determined yet. Going now though a research phase.

Edraj can be implemented in a number of technology combinations:

  • C++/QT fro Native cross-platfrom desktop/mobile app
  • Java/Scala
  • Php/yii2
  • NodeJS/IO.JS

At this point wer are considering Php/Yii2.