- Bug fix: correlated errors among exogenous variables in
- Bug fix: correctly scale data from
models usingget.scaled.data
- Bug fix: corrected basis set for models created with
- Feature addition: helper function
to get model from scaled coefficients - Feature addition: (partial) correlations in sem.coefs
- Bug fix: passing of correlated errors to lavaan
- Bug fix: standardized coefficients for variables transformed in model formula
- Bug fix: get.model.control updated for latest versions of lme4 and nlme
- Bug fix: hand compute interactions in
using argumentcompute.int = TRUE
- Feature addition: function
to handle transformed variables insem.coefs
when standardize = "scale"
- Feature addition: added additional plotting arguments for partial.residuals
- Feature addition: AICc and delta AIC to sem.model.fits
- Bug fix: Offsets in model formula treated as predictors in d-sep tests
- Feature addition: AICc and delta AIC to sem.model.fits
- Bug fix: issue with interactions in basis set and d-sep tests in sem.missing.paths
- Bug fix: issue with fixed intercept models and calculating the basis set
- Bug fix: issue with offset() variables in sem.missing.paths
- Bug fix: transformed responses for partial residuals
- Bug fix: duplicated values in basis set (function DAG in ggm package)
- First release to CRAN
- Added vignette
- Fixed issue with design matrix including omitted observations and dropped levels in sem.model.fits
- Incorporated interactions into partial.resid
- Fixed bug with lme residuals in partial.resid and predict.sem
- Modified sem.coefs to return NA for standardized interactions
- Added functions get.dag and get.basis.set
- Fixed issue with interactions in sem.missing.paths
- Fixed issue in sem.missing.paths where only 1 missing path returned NA instead of p-value
- Removed argument filter.exog = TRUE
- Fixed error for add.vars in get.dag
- Fixed issue with transformed variables and sem.coefs
- Fixed issue with lme4 models and sem.model.fits
- Fixed issue with incorrect independence claims in get.basis.set
- Fixed (nlme) merging error in partial.resid
- Fixed issue with glmmPQL and get.random.structure
- Added new citation (arXiv)
- Implemented workaround in sem.basis.set where output changed based on order of variables in formula with interactions
- Saturated models now return AIC (and AICc) values (with warning)
- Added standard errors on predictions for mixed models in predict.sem()
- Fixed typo in output for sem.fisher.c with incorrect df
- Fixed error with lme4 and gls models in partial.resid()
- Fixed error with lmerTest returning "merMod" objects
- New function predict.sem returns model predictions
- Fixed "unsupported model class" error for merModTest
- Major revisions and annotations to all functions to improve transparency and efficiency
- Included new helper functions get.random.formula() and get.model.control()
- Now reports df for all model types except glmer
- Included support for "gls" and phylogenetically independent contrast ("pgls") models
- Fixed deparse error in get.random.struture()
- Improved handling of gls() models
- Fixed issue with transformed corr.errors in get.basis.set
- get.sem.coefs now does range standardization
- get.sem.coefs now returns single table with significance values
- Improved handling of uneven observations in get.partial.resid
- get.partial.resid now accepts a single model in addition to a list of models
- get.lavaan.sem now supports additional arguments from lavaan
- Added new function to return R^2 and AIC values for component models in SEM
- get.partial.resid now returns residuals plot with fitted line
- get.missing.paths now returns more information for d-sep tests
- get.basis.set drops independence claims in the basis set where interactions predict their corresponding main effects
- get.fisher.c now reports k df and get.aic now reports K and n df
- Fixed rounding error that misreported Fisher's C
- Allow user-specified rounding using
argument in get.sem.fit, get.fisher.c, and get.aic
- Fixed minor bug in get.partial.resid where random effects threw an error for lme models
- Fixed interaction bug in filter.exogenous which was returning incompatible models from the basis set
- Fixed bug in get.sem.coefs where missing values returned NA for corr.errors
- Fixed issue with transformed/untransformed variables predicting one another in the basis set
- Fixed interaction bug in get.missing.paths, filter.exogenous, get.partial.resiod
- Now can supply single model control or list
- Fixed bug for transformed variables in get.partial.resid
- Can now specify an equation as input into get.partial.resid
- Fixed bug for transformed interaction terms in structured equations for get.basis.set
- Fixed bug for transformed variables when also specifying raw variables in corr.error
- Added model control arguments to get.sem.fit and get.partial.resid
- Added optional switch to display conditional variables in get.missing.paths
- Removed logLik df from get.aic output
- Incorporated multilevel data into get.sem.fit
- Fixed error when length(basis.set) = 1 and .progressBar = T
- Expanded interaction term in get.basis.set to include 20 letters instead of 10, and run them backwards
- Renamed variable names in filter.exogenous to better reflect what they are
- Incorporated transformed variables and multiple interactions into get.sem.coefs
- Fixed but with add.vars; many functions now require the user to supply a data.frame
- Standardized argument order across functions
- Improved handling of correlated errors in get.sem.coefs
- Incorporated correlated errors into get.sem.lavaan
- Fixed return of standardized coefficients in get.sem.coefs
- Added argument to define and quantify correlated errors
- Added new function get.partial.resid
- Added new function get.basis.set (replaced dag.updated)
- Improved handling of interactions in the basis set
- Improved handling of p-value rownames in get.missing.paths
- get.aic now returns df
- Added new functions get.aic, get.fisher.c, get.sem.coefs, get.lavaan.sem
- Added README.md
- Completed all existing .Rd files
- Updated .progressBar as to not conflict with existing function progressBar
- Altered handling of model formulae to collapse to a single character string
- Initial build of package