This project was bootstrapped with Create React App by running the following command from the parent folder:
npx create-react-app freecodecamp-frontend-quote --template typescript
A random quote generator for practicing React development,
based on the description and tests from's frontend project: Build a Random Quote Machine
Please visit
for a working example
Assuming that all commands are run from project root.
Install the project by running this command from the project root:
npm install
Run the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
npm start
Run tests by running:
npm test
The only real configuration you might need to do is changing baseUrl
src/constants.ts. It refers to a REST endpoint that should return a payload in the format:
text: 'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.',
author: 'Thomas Edison',
text: 'You can observe a lot just by watching.',
author: 'Yogi Berra',
Note that the payload should be in this format, if you need to change the endpoint URL then I would recommend transforming the payload in the handler.
Not much to say here, see .github/workflows/ci.yml for continuous integration and .github/workflows/cd.yml for continuous deployment.
The CD process deploys to Github Pages
- Node.js
- React
- Create React App
- Axios
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Mock Service Worker (MSW)
- ESlint
- TypeScript ESLint
- Kent C. Dodds for his blog post Stop mocking fetch which introduced me to
. - SergeyWebPro for providing a free endpoint for inspirational quotes.