Personal notes and solutions for each example algorithms in Algorithms Unlocked book by Thomas Cormen. I wrote the chapter proecdures in Swift & C++ (may compile in C as well). I will update this repository after each chapter is completed as an accountability tactic. Feel free to suggest solutions and optimize as you see fit. Enjoy.
**Swift files require Swift Compiler Swift 4.X and Xcode 9.X+
- Download Xcode
- Once the installion is finished, simply click on the files and run the program in the Xcode playground.
You can simply run the executable files the with the following commands in Linux or Mac OS X:
First: Access the correct directory
$ cd YourSourcePath/"Algorithms Unlocked"/src/C++/ch2
Then run executable in that folder:
$ ./LinearSearch
Or you can use your own IDE or download CLION.
- Download Xcode
- Once the installion is finished, simply doule-click on the .sln file in the desired path and run the program in your IDE.
- You can also run the program via Terminal in Linux or Mac OSX (See Below)
First: Access the correct directory
$ cd YourSourcePath/"Algorithms Unlocked"/src/C++/ch3/MergeSort
Then run the two commands in your current directory:
$ dotnet build
$ dotnet run