Once Pretrained, you can fine-tune the ViT model for Image classification using the tools/train.py
file and by specifying the appropriate config file located in the benchmarks/image_classification/configs/
folder. You also need to specify the pretrained ViT model (pre-trained with ColorMAE) using the following parameter --cfg-options model.backbone.init_cfg.checkpoint
For example:
torchrun \
--nnodes=1 \
--nproc_per_node=4 \
--rdzv_backend=c10d \
--rdzv_endpoint=localhost:0 \
tools/train.py benchmarks/image_classification/configs/vit-base-p16_8xb128-coslr-100e_in1k.py \
--launcher pytorch \
--cfg-options model.backbone.init_cfg.checkpoint=<path_to_pretrained_checkpoint> \
--resume \
--work-dir <save_dir>
In this example, <path_to_pretrained_checkpoint> should be replaced with the path to your pretrained checkpoint, and <save_dir> is the directory where logs and checkpoints will be saved.
Please refer to the Image Classification on ImageNet-1k section in the README.md
for model checkpoints, logs, and the results reported in the paper.